Dockerized server for Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Minimizes setup process and server handling to focus on gaming :)
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare game files
Copy game files (directories main/ & zone/) to repository root.
Edit server.cfg in /main/server_config to fit your needs. This step is not mandatory as the provided file already contains a valid configuration.
Open terminal, switch to repository directory and execute the following (pick only one of the run commands):
Build image:
docker build -t luisnaldo7/cod4-server:latest .
Run container:
docker run -d -p 28960:28960 --rm --network=host --name cod4-server luisnaldo7/cod4-server:latest
Run container (always on boot):
docker run -d -p 28960:28960 --restart always --network=host --name cod4-server luisnaldo7/cod4-server:latest
Thanks to Takiry for providing basic a installation guide. An explanation video (German) can be found here: