The heart of
is the content.
Pages on
are written in Markdown. See the editors guide (TODO) for more details.
As a contributor, you're probably most interested in the resources section. These includee:
- Resources - the root
- Rules - The Rules for Ludum Dare events
- Best Practices - Non-rule recommendations for participants
- Questions - Frequently asked questions
- Topics - Knowledge base topics
See sections for more details.
Some of the other sections include:
- About - A more detailed introduction to Ludum Dare
- History - If the "about" page wasn't enough, here's more
- News - News posts and press releases
- Schedule - Calendar and schedule of upcoming events
- Privacy - Privacy policy for this website (the event website has a different policy)
- Sponsors - Master list of sponsors
- Sponsor Us - How businesses can help us
- Support - How to get help
- Support Us - How anyone can help us
Contributions are welcome, but generally these pages are managed by Mike and the Interactive Snacks team.
Once we've finished above, the next step is to invite contributions to the community section.
The community section showcases some of the best works and sides to the greater Ludum Dare community. You are invited to nominate by creating a pull request. See each section for guidelines.
Sections include:
- Community - the root
- Games - Commercialized games that started out in Ludum Dare (replaces the Steam Curator)
- Social - Might go with a different name, but this section collects the many communities that exist around Ludum Dare. Local meetups, chat groups, social media platforms we don't officially support (Reddit), etc.
- Videos - User contributed videos like postmortems
We're building a separate website for educational and related content, the Jammer Academy.