Euclidean_distance_bodypart1_bodypart2 | Distance between body-part 1 and body-part 2 within the current frame expressed in millimeter |
Movement_bodypart1 | Movement of body-part 1 from location in preceeding frame expressed in millimeter |
All_bp_movements_Animal1_sum | The sum of all Animal1 body-part movements from preceeding frame expressed in millimeter |
All_bp_movements_Animal1_mean | The mean of all Animal1 body-part movements from preceeding frame expressed in millimeter |
All_bp_movements_Animal1_min | The minimum Animal1 body-part movement from preceeding frame expressed in millimeter |
All_bp_movements_Animal1_max | The maximum Animal1 body-part movement from preceeding frame expressed in millimeter |
Mean_N_Euclidean_distance_bodypart1_bodypart2 | The mean distance between body-part 1 and body-part 2 in the preeding N frames expressed in millimeter |
Sum_N_Euclidean_distance_bodypart1_bodypart2 | The sum of distances between body-part 1 and body-part 2 in the preeding N frames |
Mean_N_All_bp_movements_Animal1_sum | The mean of the total movement of Animal 1 in the preceeding N frames. |
Sum_N_All_bp_movements_Animal1_sum | The aggregated sum of the of the total movement of Animal 1 in the preceeding N frames. |
Sum_probabilities | The sum of all body-part pose-estimation confidence scores within the current frame |
Mean_probabilities | The mean body-part pose-estimation confidence scores within the current frame |
Low_prob_detections_N | The count of body-part confidence scores below N within the cirrent frame |