- Fixed changelog on PyPi
- Fixed changelog documentation
- #76: Improve configuration processing
- #79: Fix Migrations
- #83 Fixed error-reporting issue on Google App Engine
- Added DebuggerApplication when debugging in Google App Engine SDK.
- Added command to get valid Google App Engine version
- Merged GaeApplication and Application
- #78: Fixed the tests after fixing the sqlite urls
- #78: Fixed missing / in sqlite database urls
- #77: Fixed wrong command in docs
- #77: Fixed issue with click option descriptions
- #77: Fixed App Engine dependency issue
- #73: Add GitLab CI config to the Edmunds Instance next to Circle CI
- Use tar instead of zip for edmunds-instance to keep file permissions
- #16: Added Security and Authentication
- #68: Implemented Flask CLI instead of Flask Script
- #61: Reviewed code for Alpha release
- Added Edmunds to PyPi
- Updated CircleCI to 2.0
- Improved docs on how to get started
- BugFixes