Take a look at the git repo Openvino Tensorflow Toolkit for License Plate Recognition to set up the environment and to go through the basic tutorials.
Take a look at the Intel website to have more insights.
LPRNet is a real-time framework for high-quality license plate recognition supporting template and character independent variable-length license plates, performing LPR without character pre-segmentation, trainable end-to-end from scratch for different national license plates.
LPRNet is the first real-time approach that does not use Recurrent Neural Networks and is light in weight enough to run on variety of platforms, including embedded devices.
Application of LPRNet to real traffic surveillance video shows that our approach is robust enough to handle difficult cases, such as perspective and camera-dependent distortions, hard lighting conditions, change of viewpoint, and so on.
Here's a list of useful training datasets that could be useful in order to train the algorithm for license plate recognition Obs: To train the algorithm only the chatacter annotation (without position) is needed (segmentation-free).
- Synthetic Chinese License Plates (270k images) segmentation-free
- CCPD: real Chinese License Plates (200k images) segmentation-free
- Czech Low-Quality License Plates (185k images) segmentation-free
- UFPR-ALPR Brazillian License Plates (4.5k images) segmentation level annotations
Example images:
LPRNet doesn't use tfrecords. It only needs one (or multiple) folders with the images inside and a .txt
file that contains the location of the images and their annotation. For the testing/evaluation scripts we need both informations: location and GT chatacter annotations. For the Testing script we just need the location of the images (no accuracy score is generated). This file is structured as follows:
Training and Evaluation annotation.txt files:
- one row for each image
- each row is composed of the path to the image and the GT characters of the plate
path_to_the/image.jpg CW123AA
Testing annotation.txt file:
- one row for each image
- each row is composed just of the path to the image
├── config/ (where all the config files are)
├── frozen_graph/ (where frozen graphs are exported)
├── model/ (where training checkpoints are saved)
├── pre-trained/ (here i save final .ckpt file of the trained models)
├── utils/ (utilities to manipulate/create annotations of images)
├── environment_lprnet.yml
├── eval_lpr.py (evaluation = test on images and return accuracy)
├── export_frozen_graph.py
├── infer_frozen_graph_single_image.py (test if .pb frozen graph works)
├── infer_tflite_single_image.py (test if tflite model works)
├── test_lpr.py (script for testing = generation of image with characters on it)
└── train_lpr.py (script for training)
train_lpr.py : to train the model. saves .ckpt and tensorboard files in
directory. -
test_lpr.py: this testing script takes a pretrained model from
directory, perform inference on a testing dataset and finally generates images with predictions superimposed. No accuracy measures are generated with this script. -
eval_lpr.py: this evaluation script takes a pretrained model from
directory, perform inference on an evaluation dataset and finally generates an accuracy measure. No images are generated with this script. -
utils/ :
- create_files_list.py: used to create a .txt file of annotations for test_lpr.py script (only annotation of the path of the images, no GT character information).
- update_annotations.py: useful to open an annotation file of LPRNet and change the location of the images (usually when you change the path of the images folder)
- CCPD_cropping_plates/ : takes annotations of the CCPD dataset and use them to crop the images on the license plates and generates a new annotation file in the LPRNet format
- czech_convert_annotations/ : takes annotations of the Czech dataset and generates a new annotation file in the LPRNet format
frozen_graph/ : this folder will contain the frozen graph exported by "export_frozen_graph.py" script. I use this same folder to store tflite models.
How to setup the config/config_file.py file.
input_shape = (24, 94, 3)
: sets the input file shape in (height, width, channels) format -
: if True treats all the Chinese hieroglyphs (province names as 沪, 京) as a single big class -
: if true treats O/0 and I/1 as a single class -
: max number of characters in license plates (should be at least twice the number of chars in the license plate) -
: misleading variable name. Sets the depth of the fully connected layers of the networks. It has nothing to di with Recurrent Neural Networks. Spicy -
: if true transforms input image pixels in the [-1,1] range. if False keeps the range in [0,1] -
: preprocess the images and converts them to grayscale 3 hannels (works for all scripts: train, eval and test) -
: enables quantization aware training 8 bits -
: defines possible license plate patterns with regular expressions. It does not have any influence on training or testing, doesn't force the predictions! it only affects the accuracy: if a prediction doesnt respect one of these patterns, then it is wrong anche single characters are not checked -
: folder where checkpoint of training will be saved -
: training parameters for train_lpr.py script -
: training parameters for eval_lpr.py script -
: training parameters for test_lpr.py scriptoutput_dir
: where output images will be saved (test_lpr.py script)
: path to the annotations file -
: path to ckeckpoint to load for test_lpr.py and eval_lpr.py scripts
We use LP-RR (License Plate Recognition Rate) as metric, defined as:
$ LP-RR = \frac{Correct\ license\ plates}{Total\ n°\ of\ License\ Plates} $
A license plate is correct if all the characters are correctly recognized. Just one character mistaken means wrong recognition:
To visualize the training history (loss, learning rate) use TensorBoard. Look here to install it.
First, change you directory to the training folder (model/
) and lunch a session with this command:
tensorboard --logdir .'
Then open firefox and copy the http address that pops up. You will see:
- learning_rate: how the learning rate decays with steps
- loss: is the training loss
- optimization_loss: same as "loss", is the training loss
You need to quantize your model for deploying it on GAP8.
Make shure you trained a model with quantization active: quantization_aware=True
in the config file.
Then run these commands to quantize and generate a tflite file:
python export_frozen_graph.py config/xxx.py --output_dir frozen_graph_60000 --checkpoint ./training/model/model.ckpt-60000.ckpt
mv graph.pb.frozen graph.pb #rename
tflite_convert --graph_def_file=graph.pb --output_file=graph.tflite --input_arrays=input --output_arrays=Squeeze --inference_type=QUANTIZED_UINT8 --mean_values=128 --std_dev_values=127