3.2.0 (2024-12-16)
- v3.2 (#153) (7978841)
- Thickness calculators can now be used simultaneously with
project.set_thickness_calculator([StructuralPoint(), InterpolatedStructure()])
- Minimum fault length is a key in the config dictionary, and if not provided, it is calculated from the bbox area
are new parameters in the config_dictionary- legacy config files with legacy keys are not allowed
function may convert the hjson files into an updated config dictionary
- all bug fixes can be checked in (PR#153)
3.1.13 (2024-11-19)
- bump with vtag (5ebc07b)
- change docs build to combine all dependencies in one file (fb51025)
- lowercase m2l and add vtag to rp manifest (7311e40)
- remove vtag setting temporarily to see if this is what's stopping version bump PR (c73e6fd)
- revert and double check typo on release-please (d455350)
- rp manifest update (e0bb75b)
- test trigger release (2d87633)
- typo in rp config (9b1ba12)
3.1.12 (2024-09-11)
- removing additional indents (cdd3eab)
3.1.11 (2024-08-09)
- added check for collocated points (#125) (2bef09f)
- issue 122 (c643721)
- linting issues (94af4d9)
- remove pip pin for LPF because LPF has incorrect version tags (dd99e15)
- update str format (c3339a6)
3.1.10 (2024-08-02)
- corrected title (86148a5)
3.1.9 (2024-08-02)
- adapt floats to new np & unpin (7bdd346)
- adapt floats to new np & unpin (eac8ab2)
- adding poppler dependency for gdal.... why? (a716933)
- linting issues (b743de4)
- linting issues (1bf6600)
- pin numpy version (8a55469)
- pin numpy version (7dfd91c)
- update np version (4acb184)
- update np version (5614446)
- update numpy version (0fa6537)
- update numpy version (b312176)
- use numpy type checker to catch new numpy typing (48ac7cb)
- use numpy type checker to catch new numpy typing (678f25e)
3.1.8 (2024-06-20)
- pin LPF to 0.1.3 (f3766a8)
3.1.7 (2024-06-18)
- adapt floats to new np & unpin (1a08401)
- pin numpy version (16130c6)
- update np version (615985c)
- update numpy version (0479ea1)
3.1.6 (2024-06-13)
- add invalid hex input handling (40028a8)
- add the suggestions (dc85b2e)
- comment the code (6e064b1)
- fix for duplicate units (4052eca)
- make sure all colours are unique (f90159a)
- small fixes - double check for integer & add test information at the beginning of the test scripts (a916343)
- update the tests for new function names (hex_to_rgb) (e1778b7)
3.1.5 (2024-06-06)
- add 2 more links to try from GA WCS if timing out & prints out where the DEM was downloaded from (92f73a5)
- add catchall exception to mapdata_parse_structure & comment code (59c677c)
- add test for all structures less than 360 (f08c42a)
- allow 2 minutes for server connection & add add available ga server link (900a50d)
- avoid double imports (3347751)
- create the tmp file function missing (55688fe)
- ensure all dipdir vals < 360 (cf21a6b)
- fix for altitude not being saved properly in LPF (b2c6638)
- make the templates a bit easier to fill out (81f54fe)
- move location of the PR template (9209c25)
- return just column with new vals instead of inplace modification (722b98c)
- revert back to original (6ed00c9)
- revert back to original timeout (301242f)
- revert back to original url (26e4971)
- update question template (8182e50)
- update tests that depend on server to skip in case server is unavailable (646be9e)
- use gpd.points_from_xy (2f931c5)
- verbose dipdir 360 test name (6ffe6bf)
- update libtiff version (0a99ac8)
3.1.4 (2024-05-29)
- actions updated to prevent linting issues (9a3e86a)
- add pull request template (f8ccac7)
- added issue_templates (06413ad)
- few typos grammar (97bfe16)
- fix for issue #73 (39c65a7)
- keep things light (50751a9)
- merge PR templates into one single PR template (dcbad85)
- remove tini from docker (fc86b89)
- remove value from issue templates (11a005d)
- revert back to having strike allowance as discussed (48a19e0)
- StructuralPoint actually prints warnings (ab6f276)
- tests should be with pytest (a04fb2a)
- update wording in templates for clarity (ecb1092)
- remove lavavu; no need for 3D vis for the examples (6b42cdc)
3.1.3 (2024-05-14)
- remove tini from docker (89fd60f)
- remove lavavu; no need for 3D vis for the examples (e8b1ada)
3.1.2 (2024-05-09)
- update doc deploy (cf0de5b)
3.1.1 (2024-05-09)
- trigger build (f1879ce)
- Add new stratigraphic column sorters based on contact length and unit relationships fix: transpose dtm for height calculations, export geotiff using gdal (36ddcca)
- added utils function (3c01767)
- Allow for empty dataframes if no filename specified. Mainly for fault and fold files (f81d9b4)
- new ThicknessCalculatorBeta (f703832)
- thickness calculator gamma (6926a45)
- two interpolators for thickness calculations (e118f6a)
- two interpolators for thickness calculators (11f3a04)
- 3.12 (264b4c0)
- actually remove the rank & type lines (16801d2)
- add back the project import (01dc0bb)
- add comments to the gamma calculator (936b495)
- Add data files as package_data so that it installs with .py files (09b0cb8)
- add descriptive variable names (672bece)
- Add exception handling around hjson access (#24) (f627f83)
- Add exception handling around hjson access, throw with better message (d8804de)
- add feature to count segnum of polygons with holes (03bcbcc)
- Add layer id to structural data using a spatial join (#38) (09c53d6)
- add lazy function to load files from state name (0e0bfa7)
- add LPF 0.1.0 (a4165b3)
- Add multiple tries to online config file access (8a137ce)
- add option for user defined line length (23aeb06)
- add options/warnings to overwrite existing lpf files (165bc17)
- Add owslib as dependency for testing (0439da8)
- add Pathlib to aus state (e9d7add)
- add remaining thickness fields (130af98)
- add some comments throughout the script and remove unnecessary comments (390b864)
- Add special case for SA config file to lowercase the column names. Also check for empty map2model relationship files and deal appropriately with them (82054df)
- add str and Pathlib to beartypes (16a0247)
- add strike attribute to the class (80e4445)
- add test datafiles to gitignore (951e7fe)
- Add test for featureId (37f5a96)
- add thickness fields to proj and thickness_calculators (f6ec60f)
- added function to find the datasets folder after install. (9623d48)
- Added new stratigraphic sorters, a placeholder for throw calculators and updated thickness calculator (e08e010)
- added option for grid resolution (a0ef130)
- added segNum to geology samples (0ad6983)
- adding beartype to requreiments (4d66b8f)
- adding empty samples to project class (bf100b2)
- adding fault orientation calculation (e35f0b6)
- adding fault orientation calculator (08c9f5e)
- adding fault orientation data type (f0e82e2)
- adding orientation type to fault config. (6359937)
- adding random colour generator (e6315c4)
- adding to_dict for config (968504e)
- adding to_dict for config (968504e)
- adding to_dict for config (258254e)
- adding version and ignoring init file for f401 (db6ac5b)
- adding version attribute (1a2ed67)
- avoid future warnings from geopandas (e877d93)
- can access sampled data for thickness calculations (1ae2d2d)
- change config file name convention for clarity (15123ac)
- change docker to see if documentation builds (10f4fde)
- change make html statement in docs build (26aeba6)
- change segNum to featureId (aab8c8c)
- change segNum to featureId (2689a3a)
- changing boolean comparison (d90df18)
- changing isinstance to issubclass (0e9ecc8)
- Check for empty dataframe before concat (c475513)
- correct typo on actions & reverse test path (a5fbdbc)
- data works without init files on subfolders (cc833bb)
- default fault dip/dipdir to nan (917cee6)
- default fault values to nan not 0 to prevent unexpected behaviours (87863c7)
- Default temp path changed to work in linux (5bd773b)
- Default to not showing file access debug info (fbcf10d)
- delete runtime from repo (36d59bc)
- Dependencies issue with new version of geopandas breaking read_file on remote zip files. Also, fixed errant line that installed the old version of map2model (4eb720a)
- edit path of config filename (6864d7d)
- endpoints have correct length (c36995d)
- fix typo (f69b42f)
- fixed NaN values and NaN warnings (f7cbd78)
- Forgot that env varibles can't have hyphons (c31bb1c)
- formatted using ruff (06ce94d)
- init file recovered (f9f56cc)
- install pytest with gh actions (7b25639)
- Issue with conda build test env not working, skipping (2fffb69)
- letting docs build run on docker (8b4ade0)
- linting (c1bf893)
- linting (4cf51b7)
- make sure Pathlib builds the right path (f10270d)
- minor adds/delete (e479875)
- minor changes to the test for gamma thickness calc (9211826)
- more updates to agree with Pathlib (7a19f34)
- Move clut and config files to _datasets directory and use local files for doc-test case (23e6b8b)
- neat output details (085d4eb)
- new flake8 compliance (6776e25)
- Pass featureId of multi lines to project file, also unpin geopandas (1a4299e)
- Path typo (883b497)
- Remove deprecation ignore warnings and then deprecations (79cd333)
- Remove j in loop as it was not referenced (3314828)
- remove print statement (ecd1e44)
- remove segNum_test (cbd05f2)
- remove this test for now and see if everything else is ok. (16a3b88)
- remove unnecessary else stat (bea7e7a)
- remove unnecessary print statements (58535bf)
- remove unnecessary variable declarations (fb44fef)
- remove unsused variable (fa3e4bb)
- removed float type hint (87713d6)
- removed rank & type from LPF obs tables (750acbd)
- removing commented code (22db166)
- rename in thicknessCalc names in test (fda68e6)
- Rename segNum to featureId (274beca)
- renaming compute to calculate (f5a0ffb)
- replace beta and gamma nomenclature (a9040b0)
- revert hjson back to loop3d version as hjson-py does not work (84b846a)
- revert naming conversion to original (5e7e5ec)
- Reworked dataframe to avoid chained assignment (77b322f)
- ruff linter and docs fix (c7e42a6)
- run ci on all branches but only release from master (9e0f977)
- sampled_contacts are in map_data now (9d57d95)
- setup_grid docstring updated (67b453b)
- simplify output generation; assignment of -1 to uncalculated thickness (6acd2d5)
- simplify the procedure to get the relative path of the library (416d101)
- Still forcing versioning for release-please (08e647b)
- store xyz end points correctly (af29ab6)
- test changing dirs to see if docs build (98098fc)
- testing change tests directory to map2loop folder, because of json file location (371a2a2)
- testing test location again (c775ed9)
- This environment variable has to go somewhere (2495a89)
- Try again setting environment variable for documentation test case (4e6348b)
- try getting colour data, if file doesn't load print warning (dd4f365)
- typo (025de10)
- typo (ea6d0cd)
- Typo fix for config dictionary converter (15b543b)
- typo in calculate (c0ec36b)
- Typo in intrusion flag, ignoring intrusions for contact calculations, remove errant sorter from take_best option (527de6c)
- upd v3.1 (182079b)
- update (thanks RT & LG) (f6f59cf)
- update all to overwrite LPF (d0e38db)
- update aus clut files with documentation links (55bc845)
- update clut file names (c2c020f)
- update code as per Roy's review (450b372)
- update docs dockerfile build (deefe49)
- update for python 3.12 (23c3d76)
- update gh actions to revert to roiginal test location (9b341ad)
- update gitignore (d2df267)
- update LPF dependencies (cbb5489)
- update test to check segnum & geology ID and spatial match (7cbf143)
- update tests to run from upper folder (1a8210d)
- update the rest of the variable names to thicknessMedian except in LPF (2f8816b)
- update the StructuralPoint test (dc7c6da)
- update to new thickness variable name (5f79706)
- update to pathlib in documentation test environment (fd263c2)
- update to solve the Pathlib (5b0ace7)
- update variable names for thicknesscalculator StructPoint (f6a2207)
- updated docstring (93d47bf)
- updated type hint for basal_constacts (c125c63)
- use correct variable rbf (79791f1)
- Use geology sampler for contact sampling (615d19a)
- Use MANIFEST.in to include clut and config files in installation (d49a53f)
- use Nx3 array instead of vector components (ae6739e)
- use shapely.object to avoid clashes (73dd77f)
- add 3.11 back on so docs build (LPF needs 3.12 as well) (9f817be)
- add back the .sh to build docs locally (a5ccb0f)
- add docstrings for ThicknessCalculatorGamma (39187f7)
- Add import modules and example parameters to sorter and thickness calculator docs. (3ed1ea7)
- Add import modules and example parameters to sorter and thickness calculator docs. (#33) (b4e6247)
- add m2l verson (c5cf102)
- add space to avoid warning (d615498)
- added thickness to the base class. (e263389)
- adding aylas code template (48c1093)
- adding clut presets to docs (65b23fd)
- adding doc specific requirments (b26d4dd)
- adding docker file (0acf2e4)
- adding documentaion to map2loop (2a30da4)
- adding example for hamersley (3e7688d)
- adding hjson file (1d03505)
- adding m2l template (b2f8ea0)
- adding readme to docs (e43968c)
- adding sphinx (6e9b068)
- adding the remaining classes to docs (c652d84)
- adding user guide (47c8d9b)
- adding user guide for map2loop (57c2263)
- change docker run folder location (54d5969)
- changing map2loop-3 to map2loop (1fe8c40)
- finding the right json path may be the problem (85ddcb3)
- fix channel typo on readme (feee724)
- fix link formatting for Brockman Syncline (0dba31f)
- fix short underline (9ecd5b4)
- fix the path for clut with PathLib too (5c525af)
- Fixed indentation of code block (5be5208)
- fixing path to images (6b311d6)
- geographical --> geological (b368c19)
- ignore files (9de740f)
- keep consistent levels (052de43)
- make sure m2l is updated with local docker build (dc4d8cc)
- making code block work (d0ed967)
- Move examples dir for doc generation (241444f)
- moving images (a800455)
- no need for lavavu (efe4b9d)
- overwrite LPF (62e75b0)
- paths fixed to work with pathlib within docker (5b5b503)
- remove conda channel from dependencies installation (59fe775)
- remove python3.11 bind. m2model updated to 3.12 (5e84484)
- removing LS import for config (bcee039)
- revert back to original (f8d6d2c)
- revert docs to update m2l build locally (e46c45e)
- test to see if python3.11 allows docs to build (map2model requirement) (9d15efd)
- typo (bdbe907)
- update docstring for thickness calc gamma class (bfebedc)
- update hamersley example to not use the legacy (d85ffb9)
- update installation steps for small clarifications (c975f6f)
- update installation steps with channels (76d7897)
- update link (184e522)
3.0.6 (2024-01-25)
- Remove deprecation ignore warnings and then deprecations (79cd333)
3.0.5 (2024-01-25)
- Typo in intrusion flag, ignoring intrusions for contact calculations, remove errant sorter from take_best option (527de6c)
3.0.4 (2024-01-11)
- Issue with conda build test env not working, skipping (2fffb69)
3.0.3 (2024-01-11)
- Add owslib as dependency for testing (0439da8)
3.0.2 (2024-01-11)
- Still forcing versioning for release-please (08e647b)