We developed a Java Swing program to simulate an ATM machine. The program allows users to perform basic ATM functions.
a. Login: Users enter a 6-digit PIN to log in.
b. View Account Information: Users can view their account details after successful login.
c. Withdraw Money: Users can withdraw money with predefined denominations or enter a custom amount, considering certain conditions.
d. Transfer Money: Users can transfer money to another account, following specific conditions.
e. Change PIN: Users can change their PIN by entering the old and new PIN.
The program utilizes a simple database with one table, "cardinformation," to store ATM account details.
a. Login: Users insert the card, enter the PIN, and receive error messages for incorrect PINs.
b. View Account Information: Users can access their account details from the functional menu.
c. Withdraw Money: Users select the withdrawal amount and receive a receipt if requested.
d. Transfer Money: Users enter the recipient's account number and transfer amount, following specific conditions.
e. Change PIN: Users can change their PIN by entering the old and new PIN.
We successfully implemented the basic functions of an ATM using Java Swing. The program, with its limited complexity due to being a simulation, was completed within a short time.