All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Formulas
- Password Protection
- Conversion to PDF
- Fixes
- Improvement in speed of apeending the rows
- Improvement in speed of apeending the rows
- Iterating Sheet's Data Object to operate on particular cells
- Health Improvement
- Bugs on deleting sheet
- Copy
- Rename
- Delete
- Link Sheets
- Un-Link Sheets
- Font Family
- Font Size
- Italic
- Underline
- Bold
- Faster Processing
- Bugs related to appendRows
- Bugs related to removal of rows
- Find and Replace
- Add row / column from Iterables
- Bugs related to Spanning
- Unwanted removal of rows and columns from spanned cells
- Analysis related changes
- Vertical Alignment Issue
- Merging of Rows and Columns
- Un-Merging of Rows and Columns
- Font Color
- Background Color
- Setting Default Sheet
- Minor Bugs
- Health Maintenance
- TextWrapping and (Clip in Google Sheets) / (ShrinkToFit in Microsoft Excel)
- Horizontal and Vertical Alignment
- Update Cell by Cell-Name ("A1")
- Minor Bug Fixes