This 2016 10k Apart contest entry is a site that explains global warming and its effects and encourages the user to act to fight it.
There are three simple pages:
- The homepages summarizes the facts that are happening to our Earth already due to global warming.
- The page Causes explains why global warming is happening and what we, humans, do to make it worse.
- On the third page you can join as a symbolic action to figh global warming. If you join you should follow the advice given on this page to reduce your exological footprint.
The site has a simple HTML structure with a decent amount of CSS. (CSS) Animation is designed to work progressively without browser prefixes and fallbacks. The experience is more enjoyable in a modern browser, but the site works fine in older browsers (IE8 or higher).
The site has a small JavaScript enhancement to animate the site title.
The site works with PHP on the server, mostly for a more DRY development. Also, the little functionality to count people who have joined the fight against global warming works with PHP.
- Jonathan Verrecchia for initializing Initializr
- Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal for normalize.css that was slightly modified
- Automattic for Genericons
The site was designed and developped by LittleBigThings.