From 81f68fa808f7f2dc58199691663487acb3961ca2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: William Collins-Broza Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2018 14:33:22 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] api.html updated from --- api.html | 3187 +----------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 3169 deletions(-) diff --git a/api.html b/api.html index 3063e17..e0887a9 100644 --- a/api.html +++ b/api.html @@ -18,39 +18,16 @@
  • Repository
  • -
  • Requirements
  • -
  • Dependencies
  • -
  • Setup instructions
  • -
  • Workflows - -
  • -
  • API Endpoints
  • +
  • Setup Instructions
  • LifeScope API Pltafrom Documentation
  • -
  • Data Schema - -
  • -
  • LifeScope Data Schema - -
  • +
  • Dependencies
  • +
  • Development Roadmap
  • @@ -59,47 +36,13 @@




    (production phase, high priority)


    (production phase, high priority)

    The LifeScope API is a universal platform backend. There are two components to the API; a GraphQL-based API for CRUD operations on the LifeScope data schema and a REST API for logout and connection OAuth workflow.



    - -


    - -

    Setup instructions


    Please go to the ‘setup’ folder and follow the instructions.




    Connection Workflow

    1. Choose a provider and grant permissions
    2. -
    3. Create an OAuth connection to provider
    4. -
    5. Approve OAuth permission and complete connection
    6. -

    Signup Workflow

    1. Complete the connection wf with first provider
    2. -
    3. Create a user and a login session
    4. -

    Login Workflow

    1. Complete the connection wf but do not create a new connection
    2. -
    3. Lookup user and create a login session
    4. -

    API Endpoints

    - +

    Setup Instructions

    LifeScope API Pltafrom Documentation


    OAuth API Documentation


    Schema Documentation




    @@ -177,3112 +120,18 @@


    events, content

    Data Schema




    Creating Apps with OAuth2


    OAuth2 is a protocol that lets external applications or services access a user’s data without giving the third-party service access to the user’s credentials.
    -In the context of LifeScope, this means that the third-party service does not have access to a user’s OAuth Tokens for their Connections to other services.


    When integrating your service with LifeScope, you must first create an OAuth App in LifeScope and fill out some required information.
    -You must redirect your users to a URL containing information specific to your OAuth app.
    -Each user will be shepherded through a standard workflow granting your OAuth app permission to access the information you’ve requested.
    -If approved, your service will receive an OAuth token that you can use to make requests to the LifeScope API on behalf of that user.


    Creating an OAuth app

    1. Go to the Developer settings page in LifeScope and click the button ‘Generate New OAuth App’ under ‘OAuth2 Apps’.
    2. -
    3. Enter a name, description homepage URL, and privacy policy URL in the appropriate fields; all are required.
    4. -
    5. When the app is created, you should be redirected to the the page for it. You must enter at least one redirect URI; this is where the app will redirect user traffic once they have authorized your access to their data.
    6. -
    7. Click the ‘Save App’ button to save any changes you’ve made, including changes to Redirect URIs.
    8. -

    OAuth apps have two keys for identification, a client_id, which is a public key, and a client_secret, which is a private key.
    -The client_secret should never be given out to anyone, and is hidden by default on the page for your app.
    -If you ever suspect that the secret may have leaked, you can refresh it.
    -Any tokens generated with the old secret will still be valid, but new tokens will only be able to be generated with the new secret.
    -The page for your app also lets you invalidate all of the existing keys for your app at any time.


    Authorizing apps


    General workflow

    1. Your app generates a LifeScope URL for the user to follow in a browser; this URL contains information specific to your OAuth app and the scope of information you are requesting.
    2. -
    3. The user is redirected to that URL and chooses to accept or deny your app’s request for access.
    4. -
    5. If accepted, a short-term code is generated, and the user is redirected back to your site via an approved Redirect URI that you registered in your OAuth app.
    6. -
    7. Your servers exchange this code for an access token, and you should save this token in some database.
    8. -
    9. Your application uses the access token to make requests for the user’s information.
    10. -
    11. (Optional) Your application refreshes the access_token once it’s expired.
    12. -

    User Authorization (steps 1-3 above)


    You must generate and redirect users to a LifeScope URL that will allow them to approve your request for credentials on their behalf.
    -The base URL for this authorization is


    There are several query parameters that can be sent as part of this request, and the majority of those are required.


    Outgoing Parameters (Required are bolded)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    client_idstringThe client_id for your registered OAuth app.
    redirect_uristringA redirect URI registered to your Oauht app. This is where the user will be redirected with the short-term key after they’ve authorized your app.
    scopestringA comma-delimited list of scopes that your app is requesting access to. See the section on scopes for more detail on what scopes are available.
    response_typestringMust be ‘code’.
    statestringA unique identifier that is passed through the authorization process and handed back to you alongside the short-term code. This identifier is used to authenticate requests on your end and/or determine which request you are receiving.

    An example of a fully-hydrated authorization request would be


    When the user is sent to this URL, they will be told that your app is requesting access to the scopes specified in the URL.
    -They can either allow or deny this request.
    -If they deny it, they will be directed back to the specified redirect_uri along with two query parameters:


    Incoming Parameters

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    error_descriptionstringThe user denied the request

    Most other errors, such as invalid scopes or missing parameters, will be returned to your redirect_uri in a similar fashion.
    -The only exceptions are if the client_id is invalid or the redirect_uri is not associated with that oauth app.
    -In those situations, the errors will just be displayed on the screen so not to redirect the user to potentially malicious URLs.


    If the user allows the request and there are no errors, they will be redirected to the redirect URI with two query parameters


    Incoming Parmaeters

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    codestringA short-term code used to authorize the next step of the process.
    statestringThe state variable you optionally passed as part of the authorization URL

    Exchanging the code for an access token (step 4 above)


    At this point, your server will have received a request with query parameters code and, optionally, state.
    -If you passed a state as part of the authorization request, you should verify that it was returned unchanged.
    -You must then make a request to another LifeScope endpoint to exchange this code for an access token.
    -This can either be done via GraphQL or a REST endpoint.


    All GraphQL queries are made via a POST to
    -This operation is a Mutation, and the name of the operation is ‘oauthTokenAccessToken’.


    As with the authorization step, there are several variables that can be passed as part of the request.
    -ALL of them are required.


    Outgoing Variables (Required are bolded)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    grant_typestringMust be ‘authorization_code’ for this operation.
    client_idstringThe client_id for your registered OAuth app.
    client_secretstringThe client_secret for your registered OAuth app.
    redirect_uristringThe redirect_uri that was used to obtain the code. It must exactly match the redirect_uri used to obtain the code.
    codestringThe code you received back from the authorization step.

    The response will have three fields


    Returned Fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    access_tokenstringThe scoped token that you can use to access the user’s information.
    refresh_tokenstringA token used to generate a new access_token when the current one expires.
    expires_instringThe number of seconds until the access_token becomes invalid. This is generally one month from the exchange.

    Here’s an example of the request:

    mutation oauthTokenAccessToken($grant_type: String!, $code: String, $redirect_uri: String!, $client_id: String!, $client_secret: String!) {
    -  oauthTokenAccessToken(grant_type: $grant_type, code: $code, redirect_uri: $redirect_uri, client_id: $client_id, client_secret: $client_secret) {
    -    access_token,
    -    refresh_token,
    -    expires_in
    -  }

    Save the access_token and refresh_token somewhere for later use.


    Make a POST request to


    with the following parameters:


    Outgoing Parameters (Required are bolded)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    grant_typestringMust be ‘authorization_code’ for this operation.
    client_idstringThe client_id for your registered OAuth app.
    client_secretstringThe client_secret for your registered OAuth app.
    redirect_uristringThe redirect_uri that was used to obtain the code. It must exactly match the redirect_uri used to obtain the code.
    codestringThe code you received back from the authorization step.

    The response will be in JSON format and will have the following fields:


    Returned Fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    access_tokenstringThe scoped token that you can use to access the user’s information.
    refresh_tokenstringA token used to generate a new access_token when the current one expires.
    expires_instringThe number of seconds until the access_token becomes invalid. This is generally one month from the exchange.

    Here’s an example request:


    Save the access_token and refresh_token somewhere for later use.


    Making requests with the access_token (step 5 above)


    LifeScope data endpoints are only accessible via GraphQL. If you are unfamiliar with it, here’s a good primer.


    To use the token, you must pass it as a Bearer token in an Authorization header like so:

    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    If the token does not have the appropriate scope, an error message will be returned stating so.


    Refreshing the access token (step 6 above)


    By default, access tokens generated on behalf of a user will expire a month from their generation and will not work after that.
    -Your application gets handed a refresh token when it first gets the access_token, and this refresh token lets your app get new access tokens when old ones expire.
    -The request you make is similar to the one used to get the access_token in the first place, and like that operation, this can be done via GraphQL or REST:


    All GraphQL queries are made via a POST to
    -This operation is a Mutation, and the name of the operation is ‘oauthTokenAccessToken’.


    The variables you pass are slightly different than the original access_token request


    Outgoing Variables (Required are bolded)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    grant_typestringMust be ‘refresh_token’ for this operation.
    client_idstringThe client_id for your registered OAuth app.
    client_secretstringThe client_secret for your registered OAuth app.
    refresh_tokenstringThe refresh token associated with the access_token you want to refresh.

    The response will have two fields


    Returned Fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    access_tokenstringThe new scoped token that you can use to access the user’s information.
    expires_instringThe number of seconds until the access_token becomes invalid. This is generally one month from the exchange.

    Note that there’s no new refresh_token.
    -The refresh token will never expire unless the user or you purge the token it’s associated with.


    Here’s an example of the request:

    mutation oauthTokenAccessToken($grant_type: String!, $refresh_token: String, $client_id: String!, $client_secret: String!) {
    -  oauthTokenAccessToken(grant_type: $grant_type, refresh_token: $refresh_token, client_id: $client_id, client_secret: $client_secret) {
    -    access_token,
    -    expires_in
    -  }

    Overwrite the old access_token with the new one.


    Make a POST request to


    with the following parameters:


    Outgoing Parameters (Required are bolded)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    grant_typestringMust be ‘refresh_token’ for this operation.
    client_idstringThe client_id for your registered OAuth app.
    client_secretstringThe client_secret for your registered OAuth app.
    refresh_tokenstringThe refresh token associated with the access_token you want to refresh.

    The response will be in JSON format and will have the following fields:


    Returned Fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    access_tokenstringThe new scoped token that you can use to access the user’s information.
    expires_instringThe number of seconds until the access_token becomes invalid. This is generally one month from the exchange.

    Here’s an example request:


    Overwrite the old access_token with the new one.


    OAuth 2 Endpoints


    Many of the GraphQL endpoints used by the LifeScope app are available via OAuth with appropriate scopes.
    -As of this writing, due to the close links between Events and Contacts/Content/Locations, any endpoint covered by one of the latter scopes is also accessible using the Events scope.
    -The LifeScope GraphQL URL is
    -For futher documentation on the LifeScope Schema, see here.


    contactCount (query)


    Returns a count of the Contacts matching the filter.




    contacts:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Contact field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “name”: “Google”}, { “handle”: ""]

    Returned fields


    As with all counts, the returned data is an integer, not an object with its own fields, e.g.

    -    "data": {
    -        "contactCount": 6492
    -    },

    contactOne (query)


    Returns the first Contact that matches the filter.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Contacts, you should probably use the mutation ‘contactSearch’ instead.




    contacts:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Contact field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “name”: “Google”}, { “handle”: ""]
    skipIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s _id.
    avatar_urlStringThe URL to the Contact’s avatar image.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Contact.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Contact was first created in LifeScope.
    handleStringThe user’s unique identifier in the third-party service, e.g. their email address or Twitter handle.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Contact. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    nameStringThe user’s real name as recorded in the third-party service, e.g. ‘Jane Doe’.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Contact.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Contact was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Contact. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    updatedDateThe last time the Contact was updated in LifeScope.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Contact.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s user_id.

    contactMany (query)


    Returns a list of Contacts that match the filter.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Contacts, you should probably use the mutation ‘contactSearch’ instead.




    contacts:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Contact field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “name”: “Google”}, { “handle”: ""]
    limitIntegerThe maximum number of results to return.
    skipIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s _id.
    avatar_urlStringThe URL to the Contact’s avatar image.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Contact.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Contact was first created in LifeScope.
    handleStringThe user’s unique identifier in the third-party service, e.g. their email address or Twitter handle.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Contact. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    nameStringThe user’s real name as recorded in the third-party service, e.g. ‘Jane Doe’.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Contact.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Contact was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Contact. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    updatedDateThe last time the Contact was updated in LifeScope.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Contact.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s user_id.

    contactSearch (mutation)


    Returns a list of Contacts that match the search parameters.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Contacts, you should probably use this instead of the ‘contactMany’ query.




    contacts:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    qStringA query string used to perform a text search.
    sortFieldStringThe field to sort results on.
    sortOrderStringEither ‘asc’ or ‘desc’.
    filtersStringAn object containing search Filter, but JSON stringified right before being sent. See the section ‘Search Filters’ for full details.
    limitIntegerThe maximum number of results to return.
    offsetIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s _id.
    avatar_urlStringThe URL to the Contact’s avatar image.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Contact.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Contact was first created in LifeScope.
    handleStringThe user’s unique identifier in the third-party service, e.g. their email address or Twitter handle.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Contact. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    nameStringThe user’s real name as recorded in the third-party service, e.g. ‘Jane Doe’.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Contact.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Contact was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Contact. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    updatedDateThe last time the Contact was updated in LifeScope.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Contact.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s user_id.

    contentCount (query)


    Returns a count of the Content matching the filter.




    content:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Content field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “type”: “image”}, { “embed_format”: “jpeg”]

    Returned fields


    As with all counts, the returned data is an integer, not an object with its own fields, e.g.

    -    "data": {
    -        "contentCount": 6492
    -    },

    contentOne (query)


    Returns the first Content that matches the filter.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Content, you should probably use the mutation ‘contentSearch’ instead.




    content:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Content field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “type”: “image”}, { “embed_format”: “jpeg”]
    skipIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Content.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Content was first created in LifeScope.
    embed_contentStringA URL from which an embeddable version of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present.
    embed_formatStringThe format of the embed_content, such as ‘email’, ‘jpeg’, or ‘mp4’. Not present if there is no embed_content.
    embed_thumbnailStringA URL from which an embeddable thumbnail of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present, but can be present even if embed_content is null.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Content. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    mimetypeStringThe specific format of the object, e.g. ‘image/jpeg’.
    priceDoubleThe price of the Content, with no specific currency associated.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Content.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Content was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Content. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    textStringThe text associated with this Content.
    titleStringA title associated with this Content.
    typeStringA classification of the Content, such as ‘web-page’, ‘image’, ‘video’, or ‘text’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Content was updated in LifeScope.
    urlStringA URL at which the the Content can be found.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Content.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s user_id.

    contentMany (query)


    Returns a list of Content that match the filter.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Content, you should probably use the mutation ‘contentSearch’ instead.




    content:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Content field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “type”: “image”}, { “embed_format”: “jpeg”]
    limitIntegerThe maximum number of results to return.
    skipIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Content.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Content was first created in LifeScope.
    embed_contentStringA URL from which an embeddable version of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present.
    embed_formatStringThe format of the embed_content, such as ‘email’, ‘jpeg’, or ‘mp4’. Not present if there is no embed_content.
    embed_thumbnailStringA URL from which an embeddable thumbnail of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present, but can be present even if embed_content is null.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Content. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    mimetypeStringThe specific format of the object, e.g. ‘image/jpeg’.
    priceDoubleThe price of the Content, with no specific currency associated.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Content.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Content was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Content. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    textStringThe text associated with this Content.
    titleStringA title associated with this Content.
    typeStringA classification of the Content, such as ‘web-page’, ‘image’, ‘video’, or ‘text’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Content was updated in LifeScope.
    urlStringA URL at which the the Content can be found.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Content.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s user_id.

    contentSearch (mutation)


    Returns a list of Content that match the search parameters.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Content, you should probably use this instead of the ‘contentMany’ query.




    content:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    qStringA query string used to perform a text search.
    sortFieldStringThe field to sort results on.
    sortOrderStringEither ‘asc’ or ‘desc’.
    filtersStringAn object containing search Filter, but JSON stringified right before being sent. See the section ‘Search Filters’ for full details.
    limitIntegerThe maximum number of results to return.
    offsetIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Content.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Content was first created in LifeScope.
    embed_contentStringA URL from which an embeddable version of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present.
    embed_formatStringThe format of the embed_content, such as ‘email’, ‘jpeg’, or ‘mp4’. Not present if there is no embed_content.
    embed_thumbnailStringA URL from which an embeddable thumbnail of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present, but can be present even if embed_content is null.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Content. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    mimetypeStringThe specific format of the object, e.g. ‘image/jpeg’.
    priceDoubleThe price of the Content, with no specific currency associated.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Content.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Content was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Content. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    textStringThe text associated with this Content.
    titleStringA title associated with this Content.
    typeStringA classification of the Content, such as ‘web-page’, ‘image’, ‘video’, or ‘text’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Content was updated in LifeScope.
    urlStringA URL at which the the Content can be found.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Content.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s user_id.

    contentFindByIdentifier (query)


    Returns a piece of Content by matching the identifier.
    -There shouldn’t be any need to use this, ever, since identifiers are for internal ingestion use only.
    -This is only used by the browser extension.




    content:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    idStringThe identifier to search with.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Content.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Content was first created in LifeScope.
    embed_contentStringA URL from which an embeddable version of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present.
    embed_formatStringThe format of the embed_content, such as ‘email’, ‘jpeg’, or ‘mp4’. Not present if there is no embed_content.
    embed_thumbnailStringA URL from which an embeddable thumbnail of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present, but can be present even if embed_content is null.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Content. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    mimetypeStringThe specific format of the object, e.g. ‘image/jpeg’.
    priceDoubleThe price of the Content, with no specific currency associated.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Content.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Content was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Content. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    textStringThe text associated with this Content.
    titleStringA title associated with this Content.
    typeStringA classification of the Content, such as ‘web-page’, ‘image’, ‘video’, or ‘text’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Content was updated in LifeScope.
    urlStringA URL at which the the Content can be found.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Content.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s user_id.

    eventCount (query)


    Returns a count of the Events matching the filter.







    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Event field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “context”: “Received”}, { “type”: “messaged”]

    Returned fields


    As with all counts, the returned data is an integer, not an object with its own fields, e.g.

    -    "data": {
    -        "eventCount": 6492
    -    },

    eventOne (query)


    Returns the first Event that matches the filter.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Events, you should probably use the mutation ‘eventSearch’ instead.







    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Event field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “context”: “Received”}, { “type”: “messaged”]
    skipIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Event.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s connection_id.
    contact_interaction_typeStringOne of to, from, or with (or undefined) indicating how this Event interacts with the related Contacts. For example, if the Event was a message the user received, this field would be from; if the Event was editing a document that the user shares with others, this field would likely be with. This field may not always be populated.
    contact_ids[Binary]A list of UUID4s in binary form uniquely identifying the Contact(s) associated with this Event.
    contact_id_strings[String]A virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s contact_ids.
    content_ids[Binary]A list of UUID4s in binary form uniquely identifying the Content(s) associated with this Event.
    content_id_strings[String]A virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s content_ids.
    contextStringA short description of what the Event was, e.g. ‘Received’, ‘Purchased’, ‘Visited Web Page’.
    createdDateWhen the the Event was first created in LifeScope.
    datetimeDateWhen the Event actually occurred in real life.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Event. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used to make sure that, for instance, multiple users’ interactions with the same piece of Content aren’t confused with each other.
    location_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Location associated with this Event.
    location_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s location_id.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Event.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Event was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Event. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    typeStringA one-word categorization of the Event. Examples are ‘messaged’, ‘purchased’, ‘created’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Event was updated in LifeScope.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Event.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s user_id.

    eventMany (query)


    Returns a list of Events that match the filter.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Events, you should probably use the mutation ‘eventSearch’ instead.







    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Event field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “context”: “Received”}, { “type”: “messaged”]
    limitIntegerThe maximum number of results to return.
    skipIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Event.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s connection_id.
    contact_interaction_typeStringOne of to, from, or with (or undefined) indicating how this Event interacts with the related Contacts. For example, if the Event was a message the user received, this field would be from; if the Event was editing a document that the user shares with others, this field would likely be with. This field may not always be populated.
    contact_ids[Binary]A list of UUID4s in binary form uniquely identifying the Contact(s) associated with this Event.
    contact_id_strings[String]A virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s contact_ids.
    content_ids[Binary]A list of UUID4s in binary form uniquely identifying the Content(s) associated with this Event.
    content_id_strings[String]A virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s content_ids.
    contextStringA short description of what the Event was, e.g. ‘Received’, ‘Purchased’, ‘Visited Web Page’.
    createdDateWhen the the Event was first created in LifeScope.
    datetimeDateWhen the Event actually occurred in real life.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Event. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used to make sure that, for instance, multiple users’ interactions with the same piece of Content aren’t confused with each other.
    location_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Location associated with this Event.
    location_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s location_id.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Event.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Event was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Event. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    typeStringA one-word categorization of the Event. Examples are ‘messaged’, ‘purchased’, ‘created’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Event was updated in LifeScope.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Event.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s user_id.

    eventSearch (mutation)


    Returns a list of Events that match the search parameters.
    -If you’re doing complex searches of Events, you should probably use this instead of the ‘eventMany’ query.







    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    qStringA query string used to perform a text search.
    sortFieldStringThe field to sort results on.
    sortOrderStringEither ‘asc’ or ‘desc’.
    filtersStringAn object containing search Filter, but JSON stringified right before being sent. See the section ‘Search Filters’ for full details.
    limitIntegerThe maximum number of results to return.
    offsetIntegerThe number of results to skip.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Event.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s connection_id.
    contact_interaction_typeStringOne of to, from, or with (or undefined) indicating how this Event interacts with the related Contacts. For example, if the Event was a message the user received, this field would be from; if the Event was editing a document that the user shares with others, this field would likely be with. This field may not always be populated.
    contact_ids[Binary]A list of UUID4s in binary form uniquely identifying the Contact(s) associated with this Event.
    contact_id_strings[String]A virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s contact_ids.
    content_ids[Binary]A list of UUID4s in binary form uniquely identifying the Content(s) associated with this Event.
    content_id_strings[String]A virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s content_ids.
    contextStringA short description of what the Event was, e.g. ‘Received’, ‘Purchased’, ‘Visited Web Page’.
    createdDateWhen the the Event was first created in LifeScope.
    datetimeDateWhen the Event actually occurred in real life.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Event. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used to make sure that, for instance, multiple users’ interactions with the same piece of Content aren’t confused with each other.
    location_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Location associated with this Event.
    location_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s location_id.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Event.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Event was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Event. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    typeStringA one-word categorization of the Event. Examples are ‘messaged’, ‘purchased’, ‘created’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Event was updated in LifeScope.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Event.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s user_id.

    locationCount (query)


    Returns a count of the Locations matching the filter.




    locations:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    filterObjectAn object containing any Location field. Can also AND or OR multiple filter objects together, e.g. AND: [{ “geo_format”: “lat_lng”}, { “estimated”: false]

    Returned fields


    As with all counts, the returned data is an integer, not an object with its own fields, e.g.

    -    "data": {
    -        "locationCount": 6492
    -    },

    locationFindManyById (query)


    Returns the Locations whose IDs are in an array passed as a variable




    locations:read OR events:read



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ids[String]An array of Location IDs.

    Returned fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Location’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Location.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Location’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Location was first created in LifeScope.
    datetimeDateThe exact date at which the user was at that Location.
    estimatedBooleanWhether this Location was estimated or actually recorded by some service.
    geo_formatStringThe format of the coordinates recorded in geolocation. Currently the only valid value is ‘lat_lng’.
    geolocation[Double]The coordinates of the Location. Currently, they are in [longitude, latitude] order.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Contact. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Contact.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Location’s provider_id.
    trackedBooleanWhether or not this Location came from LifeScope’s location tracking.
    updatedDateThe last time the Location was updated in LifeScope.
    uploadedBooleanWhether or not this Location was uploaded in a file.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Location.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Location’s user_id.

    userBasic (query)


    Returns basic information about the user. At present, this is just their LifeScope ID.










    Returned Fields

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s _id.

    Search Filters


    LifeScope’s search mutations use custom filters as one of the input variables.
    -There are six basic types of filters:




    One important thing to note is that filters of the same type are ORed with each other, while different types of filters are ANDed with each other.
    -If you use two different What filters, results that match either of them will potentially be added to the return pool.
    -If you use a Who and a What filter, the search result must match Contacts specified by the Who filter AND Content specified by the What filter; results that match one but not the other will not be returned.


    Who Filters


    Who filters filter by a Contact’s name and/or handle.
    -They can also filter by contact_interaction_type on an Event; this field can be ‘to’, ‘from’, or ‘with’.


    Who filters are sent in the ‘filters’ variable under the key whoFilters.
    -The value is an array of filters…


    If the filter is just for the contact_interaction_type, it would look like this:

    -	"whoFilters": [
    -		{
    -			"event.contact_interaction_type": "to"
    -		}
    -	]

    If the filter is just for a name or handle, it would look like this:

    -	"whoFilters": [
    -		{
    -			"$or":[
    -				{
    -					"name": "steve"
    -				},
    -				{
    -					"handle": "steve"
    -				}
    -			]
    -		}
    -	]

    If the filter combines both of those search parameters, it would look like this:

    -	"whoFilters": [
    -		{
    -			"$and":[
    -				{
    -					"event.contact_interaction_type":
    -					"to"
    -				},
    -				{
    -					"$or":[
    -						{
    -							"name": "steve"
    -						},
    -						{
    -							"handle": "steve"
    -						}
    -					]
    -				}
    -	]

    If sending multiple Who filters simultaneously, it would look like this:

    -	"whoFilters": [
    -		{
    -			"$and":[
    -				{
    -					"event.contact_interaction_type": "from"
    -				},
    -				{
    -					"$or":[
    -						{
    -							"name": "steve"
    -						},
    -						{
    -							"handle": "steve"
    -						}
    -					]
    -				}
    -			]
    -		},
    -		{
    -			"$or":[
    -				{
    -					"name": "bob"
    -				},
    -				{
    -					"handle": "bob"
    -				}
    -			]
    -		},
    -		{
    -			"event.contact_interaction_type": "to"
    -		}
    -	]

    What Filters


    What filters filter by a Content’s type.


    What filters are sent in the ‘filters’ variable under the key whatFilters.
    -The value is an array of filters.


    Here’s an example of sending multiple What filters:

    -	"whatFilters": [
    -		{
    -			"type": "code"
    -		},
    -		{
    -			"type": "receipt"
    -		},
    -		{
    -			"type": "image"
    -		}
    -	]

    When Filters


    When filters filter by an Event’s datetime.


    What filters are sent in the ‘filters’ variable under the key whatFilters.
    -The value is an array of filters.
    -Dates should be sent in JSON Date format (ISO 8601) as a string, in UTC, as seen in the example below.


    Here’s an example of sending multiple When filters:

    -	"whenFilters": [
    -		{
    -			"datetime": {
    -				"$gte":"2018-11-17T00:29:54.472Z"
    -			}
    -		},
    -		{
    -			"datetime":{
    -				"$gte":"2018-06-30T23:29:54.472Z",
    -				"$lte":"2018-07-01T23:29:54.472Z"
    -			}
    -		}
    -	]

    Where Filters


    Where filters filter by an Event’s Location.


    Where filters are sent in the ‘filters’ variable under the key whereFilters.
    -The value is an array of filters.
    -Filters can either explicitly exclude estimated Locations, or, if not specified, will include estimated and non-estimated Locations.
    -The coordinates are passed as an array containing an array that contains a set of arrays, with each innermost array being a pair of [longitude, latitude] points. The final point must match the first point.


    Here’s an example of sending multiple Where filters:

    -	"whereFilters": [
    -		{
    -			"$and": [
    -				{
    -					"hydratedLocation.geolocation": {
    -						"$geoWithin":{
    -							"$geometry": {
    -								"type": "Polygon",
    -								"coordinates": [
    -									[
    -										[-127.42089843750128,40.512737220154264], 
    -										[-108.61230468750249,39.70611205302902],
    -										[-119.15917968750159,26.66584756122161],
    -										[-127.42089843750128,40.512737220154264]
    -									]
    -								]
    -							}
    -						}
    -					}
    -				}
    -			]
    -		},
    -		{
    -			"$and": [
    -				{
    -					"hydratedLocation.geolocation": {
    -						"$not": {
    -							"$geoWithin": {
    -								"$geometry": {
    -									"type": "Polygon",
    -									"coordinates": [
    -										[
    -											[-105.62402343750237,49.55281934390436],
    -											[-85.49707031250644,45.766548576851505],
    -											[-99.99902343750249,41.1114163934007],
    -											[-105.62402343750237,49.55281934390436]
    -										]
    -									]
    -								}
    -							}
    -						}
    -					}
    -				},
    -				{
    -					"hydratedLocation.estimated": false
    -				}
    -			]
    -		}
    -	]

    Note, in the second filter, that the geolocation uses a ‘$not’.
    -This filter would return results whose Locations fall outside the specified coordinates.
    -In the first filter, only results whose Locations fell inside the specified coordinates would be returned.


    Connector Filters


    Connector filters filter by the ID of the Connection or Provider which the objects came from.


    Connector filters are sent in the ‘filters’ variable under the key connectorFilters.
    -The value is an array of filters.
    -You specify either the provider_id_string or the connection_id_string as the key and the ID in string format as the value for each filter.


    Here is an example of sending multiple Connector filters:

    -	"connectorFilters": [
    -		{
    -			"provider_id_string: "50e95221070d4413827dd0309d93bbc4"
    -		},
    -		{
    -			"connection_id_string": "d79396a197df43f0bf9632f5f78457f3"
    -		}
    -	]

    Tag Filters


    Tag filters filter by the active, i.e. non-removed, tags on objects.


    Tag filters are sent in the ‘filters’ variable under the key tagFilters.
    -The value is an array of strings, where each string is a tag.


    Here is an example of sending multiple Connector filters:

    -	"tagFilters": [
    -		"guardian",
    -		"beachparty",
    -		"limes"
    -	]

    LifeScope Data Schema


    LifeScope data is broken down into several different interrelated objects:


    Development Roadmap

    - -

    As part of the GraphQL implementation, objects may have ‘Relations’ to other objects.
    -What this means is that a related object may be retrieved as part of the call for the original object simply by making the related object one of the ‘fields’ requested.
    -For example, if you wanted to retrieve the Contacts related to an Event, you would make the following request:

    mutation eventSearch(<various variables>) {
    -	id,
    -	hydratedContacts {
    -		id,
    -		avatar_url,
    -		handle,
    -		name
    -	}

    Note that the related object also requires you to specify which of its fields you want returned.


    Note about LifeScope IDs


    All of the objects’ IDs are UUID4s.
    -These UUIDs are stored as Binaries, and directly accessing them via the API will return a garbled jumble that’s the direct stringification of those binary characters.
    -In order to get the human-readable form, a virtual field is provided on the schema; this field is usually titled <field>_id_string.
    -The only exception is that the ID of an object is stored as _id, and the human-readable virtual field is just called id.
    -Due to the way virtual fields work, you must request the binary fields as well when making the GraphQL request.


    For example, an Event is stored with a UUID4 for its _id, connection_id, and provider_id.
    -To get human-readable forms of those fields, one would make the following GraphQL request:

    mutation eventSearch(<various variables>) {
    -	_id,
    -	id,
    -	connection_id,
    -	connection_id_string,
    -	provider_id,
    -	provider_id_string

    It is not required to request the binary field when requesting related fields.
    -As demonstrated in the example in ‘Retrieving Related Objects’, you would not need to request contact_ids in order to get hydratedContacts.




    Events are the central-most object in LifeScope.
    -They represent an action in a user’s history, and are related to virtually every other object in the schema.



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Event.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s connection_id.
    contact_interaction_typeStringOne of to, from, or with (or undefined) indicating how this Event interacts with the related Contacts. For example, if the Event was a message the user received, this field would be from; if the Event was editing a document that the user shares with others, this field would likely be with. This field may not always be populated.
    contact_ids[Binary]A list of UUID4s in binary form uniquely identifying the Contact(s) associated with this Event.
    contact_id_strings[String]A virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s contact_ids.
    content_ids[Binary]A list of UUID4s in binary form uniquely identifying the Content(s) associated with this Event.
    content_id_strings[String]A virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s content_ids.
    contextStringA short description of what the Event was, e.g. ‘Received’, ‘Purchased’, ‘Visited Web Page’.
    createdDateWhen the the Event was first created in LifeScope.
    datetimeDateWhen the Event actually occurred in real life.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Event. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used to make sure that, for instance, multiple users’ interactions with the same piece of Content aren’t confused with each other.
    location_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Location associated with this Event.
    location_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s location_id.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Event.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Event was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Event. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    typeStringA one-word categorization of the Event. Examples are ‘messaged’, ‘purchased’, ‘created’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Event was updated in LifeScope.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Event.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Event’s user_id.



    As mentioned in ‘Retrieving Related Objects’, if you are requesting any of these related objects, you must specify which of the related objects’ fields you want retrieved as well.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    NameRelated Object

    Example GraphQL Request with Schema

    mutation eventSearch($q: String, $offset: Int, $limit: Int, $filters: String, $sortField: String, $sortOrder: String) {
    -    eventSearch(q: $q, offset: $offset, limit: $limit, filters: $filters, sortField: $sortField, sortOrder: $sortOrder) {
    -        id,
    -        connection_id,
    -        connection_id_string,
    -        contact_interaction_type,
    -        context,
    -        datetime,
    -        provider_id,
    -        provider_id_string,
    -        provider_name,
    -        type,
    -        content_ids,
    -        contact_ids,
    -        location_id,
    -        location_id_string,
    -        tagMasks {
    -          added,
    -          removed,
    -          source
    -        },
    -        hydratedContent {
    -            id,
    -            embed_content,
    -            embed_format,
    -            embed_thumbnail,
    -            mimetype,
    -            price,
    -            tagMasks {
    -                added,
    -                removed,
    -                source
    -            },
    -            text,
    -            title,
    -            type,
    -            url
    -        },
    -        hydratedContacts {
    -            id,
    -            avatar_url,
    -            handle,
    -            name,
    -            tagMasks {
    -                added,
    -                removed,
    -                source
    -            }
    -        }
    -    }



    Contacts represent an entity that a user has interacted with through a digital service, such as a Twitter user or a Gmail account.
    -As of this writing, there is no linkage between different Contacts; even if the same person controls those Twitter and Gmail accounts, each account is treated as a separate Contact.
    -We hope to introduce a separate object in the future to represent a person in their entirety.


    A Contact can be associated with multiple Events, though that association is strictly one-sided from the perspective of Events.
    -A Contact has no record of which Events it’s associated with.



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s _id.
    avatar_urlStringThe URL to the Contact’s avatar image.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Contact.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Contact was first created in LifeScope.
    handleStringThe user’s unique identifier in the third-party service, e.g. their email address or Twitter handle.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Contact. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    nameStringThe user’s real name as recorded in the third-party service, e.g. ‘Jane Doe’.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Contact.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Contact was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Contact. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    updatedDateThe last time the Contact was updated in LifeScope.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Contact.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Contact’s user_id.





    Example GraphQL Request with Schema

    mutation contactSearch($q: String, $offset: Int, $limit: Int, $filters: String, $sortField: String, $sortOrder: String) {
    -    contactSearch(q: $q, offset: $offset, limit: $limit, filters: $filters, sortField: $sortField, sortOrder: $sortOrder) {
    -        id,
    -        avatar_url,
    -        connection_id,
    -        connection_id_string,
    -        provider_id,
    -        provider_id_string,
    -        handle,
    -        name,
    -        provider_id,
    -        provider_id_string,
    -        tagMasks {
    -            added,
    -            removed,
    -            source
    -        }
    -    }



    Content represents a digital object that a user has interacted with, such as an image, a video, a file, an achievement, or a webpage.


    A specific Content can be associated with multiple Events, though that association is strictly one-sided from the perspective of Events.
    -A Content has no record of which Events it’s associated with.



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Content.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Content was first created in LifeScope.
    embed_contentStringA URL from which an embeddable version of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present.
    embed_formatStringThe format of the embed_content, such as ‘email’, ‘jpeg’, or ‘mp4’. Not present if there is no embed_content.
    embed_thumbnailStringA URL from which an embeddable thumbnail of the Content can be retrieved. Not always present, but can be present even if embed_content is null.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Contact. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    mimetypeStringThe specific format of the object, e.g. ‘image/jpeg’.
    priceDoubleThe price of the Content, with no specific currency associated.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Contact.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s provider_id.
    provider_nameStringThe name of the Provider from which this Content was obtained.
    tagMasksObjectTags associated or formerly associated with this Content. See the section on tagMasks for further clarification.
    textStringThe text associated with this Content.
    titleStringA title associated with this Content.
    typeStringA classification of the Content, such as ‘web-page’, ‘image’, ‘video’, or ‘text’.
    updatedDateThe last time the Content was updated in LifeScope.
    urlStringA URL at which the the Content can be found.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Content.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Content’s user_id.





    Example GraphQL Request with Schema

    mutation contentSearch($q: String, $offset: Int, $limit: Int, $filters: String, $sortField: String, $sortOrder: String) {
    -    contentSearch(q: $q, offset: $offset, limit: $limit, filters: $filters, sortField: $sortField, sortOrder: $sortOrder) {
    -        id,
    -        connection_id,
    -        connection_id_string,
    -        embed_content,
    -        embed_format,
    -        embed_thumbnail,
    -        provider_id,
    -        provider_id_string,
    -        mimetype,
    -        price,
    -        provider_id,
    -        provider_id_string,
    -        tagMasks {
    -            added,
    -            removed,
    -            source
    -        },
    -        text,
    -        title,
    -        type,
    -        url
    -    }



    Locations represent where a user was at a given date and time.
    -There can be many different Locations for the exact same coordinates; a user will likely have many Locations at their home, but each one will have a different datetime.
    -We hope to introduce a new object in the future to generalize related Locations into a Place.



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying this object.
    idStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Location’s _id.
    connection_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Connection used to create this Location.
    connection_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Location’s connection_id.
    createdDateWhen the the Location was first created in LifeScope.
    datetimeDateThe exact date at which the user was at that Location.
    estimatedBooleanWhether this Location was estimated or actually recorded by some service.
    geo_formatStringThe format of the coordinates recorded in geolocation. Currently the only valid value is ‘lat_lng’.
    geolocation[Double]The coordinates of the Location. Currently, they are in [longitude, latitude] order.
    identifierStringA unique internal identifier created from mashing up various aspects of the Contact. You shouldn’t worry about this, as it’s only really used when ingesting data into LifeScope.
    provider_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the Provider associated with this Contact.
    provider_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Location’s provider_id.
    trackedBooleanWhether or not this Location came from LifeScope’s location tracking.
    updatedDateThe last time the Location was updated in LifeScope.
    uploadedBooleanWhether or not this Location was uploaded in a file.
    user_idBinaryA UUID4 in binary form uniquely identifying the user that owns this Location.
    user_id_stringStringA virtual field containing a human-readable form of the Location’s user_id.





    Example GraphQL Request with Schema

    query locationManyById ($ids: [String]) {
    -    locationFindManyById (ids: $ids) {
    -    	id,
    -    	estimated,
    -    	geo_format,
    -    	geolocation
    -    }

    Different Types of Locations


    Locations can come from a few different sources:


    From the Provider where the Event was retrieved


    These Locations were recorded by and retrieved from a Provider.
    -An example would be Locations associated with Tweets and retrieved along with those Tweets.


    This type of Location will have estimated be false, tracked be false, and uploaded be false.


    Recorded by location tracking in the LifeScope app


    If a user enables it, the LifeScope app will record their location whenever they navigate to a page on the LifeScope app.


    This type of Location will have estimated be false, tracked be true, and uploaded be false.


    These Locations will not be associated with an Event, but can be used to more accurately estimate Events that lack Locations of their own.


    Uploaded from a source of GeoJSON data obtained from something like Google Takeout.


    Certain Providers, such as Google, have a wealth of location data that a user can download, but which cannot be automatically retrieved from their API.
    -In order to get this information into LifeScope, a user has to manually download this data in the form of a GeoJSON file and then upload it from their settings.


    This type of Location will have estimated be false, tracked be false, and uploaded be true.


    These Locations will not be associated with an Event, but can be used to more accurately estimate Events that lack Locations of their own.


    Estimated by LifeScope from other real Locations.


    Since most digital data out there does not have a location, LifeScope will estimate the Location of everything that does not have a real Location associated with it.
    -This process is handled automatically by a worker task, and is re-run periodically.
    -The estimated Location’s coordinates are set to the non-estimated Location closest in time to when the Event occurred.
    -The estimated coordinates may change over time if new non-estimated Locations are ingested into LifeScope that are closer in time to the Event in question.


    THis type of Location will have estimated be true, tracked be false, and uploaded be false.


    These Locations will always be associated with an Event.


    tagMasks (not an object, but a field of most object)


    One of LifeScope’s useful features is the ability to tag objects.
    -Many objects that are already tagged in the services they were generated from with ‘#’ will be automatically tagged; for example, Tweets that have hashtags will automatically be tagged in LifeScope with those hashtags.
    -Users can further add or remove tags from these objects via the app.


    Taggable objects have a ‘tagMasks’ field.
    -This field is an object with three sub-fields: added, removed, and source.
    -All three of these sub-fields are an array of strings (or null).
    -source is comprised of tags that were originally present on the object, and is never modified.
    -added is comprised of tags the user has added, and can include tags in source.
    -removed is comprised of tags the user has removed, and can include tags in source.


    When a user removes a tag, it’s removed from added (if present) and added to removed.
    -Similarly, when a user adds a tag, it’s removed from removed (if present) and added to added.
    -When interpreting this object, the current valid tags are the unique union of source and added, minus anything in removed.


    As an example, let’s say a Tweet was ingested into LifeScope that already had the tags ‘#oneTwoThree’ and ‘#whatever’.
    -The user later tagged that Content with ‘bestWeekend’ and removed the tag ‘whatever’.
    -tagMasks would appear as

    tagMasks {
    -	added: ['bestWeekend'],
    -	removed: ['whatever'],
    -	source: ['oneTwoThree', 'whatever']