UWPX is an XMPP client, that connects to XMPP servers. It does not collect any personal data and all ways data is collected can be disabled.
After a crash, the App will collect data about what happened and uploads this bundle to App Center.
Although it's not recommended, this can be disabled via Settings
-> Misc
-> Disable crash reporting
The data collected this way only gets used for internal bug hunting and statistics. It will not be shared with others.
Example report:
Incident Identifier: 9f87a925-2d28-40d1-9612-02b3c8cfc1d7 CrashReporter Key: t7vgZ+qEyZITMCMsMVzbTvb7V0n6zB7UmdlztKvfoBk= Hardware Model: Z270-HD3P Identifier: UWP_XMPP_Client Version: 2017-12-24T11:46:21.022Z OS Version: Windows 10.0.16299.125 Report Version: 104
Exception Type: System.AggregateException Crashed Thread: 2
Application Specific Information: A Task's exception(s) were not observed either by Waiting on the Task or accessing its Exception property. As a result, the unobserved exception was rethrown by the finalizer thread. (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)
Exception Stack: unknown location Data_Manager2.Classes.DBManager.ImageManager.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext()
Since version
UWPX uses AppCenter Analytics to report basic information like session count, duration and which OS version you are running on.
Like Crash Reporting, Analytics can be disabled via Settings
-> Misc
-> Disable analytics
The data collected this way only gets used for internal bug hunting and statistics. It will not be shared with others.
More information: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/appcenter/sdk/data-collected
XMPP accounts you add, get stored in a local SQLite EF Core database. This database is located in the apps ApplicationData folder, where by design no other applications have access to.
The password for each account gets stored in a PasswordVault (implementation).
Passwords for MUCs and all OMEMO keys get stored in plain text in the above mentioned database.
The App accesses your picture library to store downloaded images.
This can be disabled via Settings
-> Chat
-> Store images in library
If disabled, the app will store all newly downloaded images in the local app directory.
UWPX accesses to the general file system only in case you want to export logs (Settings
-> Misc
-> Export logs
Since version
UWPX uses Bluetooth to connect and register new experimental XMPP IoT devices.
Since version
UWPX can use your webcam to scan XMPP realted Qr-Codes. This is used for scanning/validating OMEMO fingerprints and experimental XMPP IoT setup QR-Codes.
Since version
UWPX uses an external push server. This push server stores data persistent. Besides that, no direct identifiers for accounts will be stored persistent. Logging in a productive environment is reduced to a minimal and will not contain personal information.
European GDPR allows users to request a copy of all data retained about them. Please send GDPR requests to [email protected]. Before we can comply with your request, we will ask you to send additional information to a specific JID so we can identify you, since UWPX and the push server does not save any direct links to your or your JID.