3. Connect to mysql mysql -u yourUsername -p
and create database CREATE DATABASE blog_JF;
Import the sql files (you can find those in docs/) and copy paste the content in your command prompt
4. Change the constants in the App_dev.php file (DB_USER, DB_PASS and DB_HOST) and change the file name to App.php (don't forget to also change the class name)
5. In your command prompt, go in blog/ (don't forget, otherwise you'll get an 404 error) and run php server php -S localhost:8080 -ddisplay_errors=1 -dzend_extension=xdebug.so -dxdebug.remote_enable=1 -dxdebug.remote_autostart=1 -dxdebug.remote_port=3004
Now, you can go to this adress :
To access the administration interface, use this : "username" "password"
Architecture logic :
Find instructions here : https://openclassrooms.com/projects/creez-un-blog-pour-un-ecrivain-1
Leo Grambert