title | permalink |
Lesson 4 |
/lesson_4 |
- continue: Learning HTML/CSS
- Build Cat Project
- Quick Talk - Visualizing Your Repository with GitK
- Setting Up CodeSchool Accounts
- Work Day
- Activity - Setting Up Your Cat Project (if you haven't already, see below)
- Fork & Clone this project from GitHub:
GitHub Cat Project
Fork Instructions - go to the Github project you want to Fork and in the top right corner of the page, click Fork.
Clone Instructions - how to clone
You are ready to start working on this project in the assignment below.
Do: Work on Your Cat Project!
Code the HTML and CSS - The design files are located in your project file (find the design folder in web_group_project_1 repo on your computer) or you can view them here on GoogleDrive. Make sure you start with the Desktop Version. We will be learning responsive design later to code the mobile version.
Do: CodeSchool has some great HTML/CSS Courses if you feel like you need a more solid HTML/CSS foundation. I would recommend just taking CSS Cross-Country, if you completed the Khan Academy Course:
CodeSchool - Front-end Foundations
CodeSchool - Front-end Formations
CodeSchool - CSS Cross-Country