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Placeholders plugin

R.Brown edited this page Dec 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

Use dynamic placeholders in the tour definition.

Use Cases

  • Define dynamic placeholders for tour steps; e.g. "Hello User!"
  • Describe dynamically created elements


Please refer to the plugins' installation and configuration Wiki page.


  • template (string): redefine placeholder template, in case the standard template conflicts with other libraries or frameworks


  • setPlaceholders(placeholders) - set (overwrite) global placeholders
    • placeholders (Object) - placeholders object
  • addPlaceholder(key, value) - add global placeholder
    • key (string) - placeholder key (without braces)
    • value (string or number) - placeholder value
  • addPlaceholders(placeholders) - add global placeholders
    • placeholders (Object) - key:value object
  • removePlaceholder(key) - remove global placeholder
    • key (string) - placeholder key
  • removePlaceholders(keys) - remove global placeholders
    • keys (Array or null) - an array of placeholder keys; if not specified, all global placeholders will be removed

How To Use

The plugin allows you to define both global placeholders and placeholders for a specific step.

var tour = [
    title: 'Welcome to {companyName}',
    description: 'Welcome to {companyName}',
  /* Output:
   * { 
   *      title: 'Welcome to Labs64',
   *      description: 'Welcome to Labs64',
   * }
    element: '#logo-{id}',
    title: 'Thank you {username}',
    description: 'Thank you {username} for choosing {productName}!',
    // step placeholders
    placeholders: {
      id: 'main'
  /* Output:
   * {
   *      element: '#logo-main',
   *      title: 'Thank you John Doe',
   *      description: 'Thank you John Doe for choosing GuideChimp!',
   * }

var guide = GuideChimp(tour);

// global placeholders
  username: 'John Doe',
  companyName: 'Labs64',
  productName: 'GuideChimp',

NOTE: Step placeholder key overrides the global placeholder key with the same key value.

Asynchronous fetching of placeholders

In the case, action needs to be performed before a placeholder object is set and the placeholders values will be available after AJAX query, step property placeholders can be defined in a function.

var tour = [{
    title: 'Hello {username}',
    description: 'Thank you for choosing {productName}!',
    // step placeholders as function
    placeholders() {
      // Wait for promises
      return fetch('')
        .then((response) => {
          return response.json();
        .then((user) => {
          return {
  /* Output:
   * {
   *      title: 'Hello Leanne Graham',
   *      description: 'Thank you for choosing GuideChimp!',
   * }

var guide = GuideChimp(tour);
guide.addPlaceholder('productName', 'GuideChimp');

Placeholder template

Sometimes it is necessary to change the template of a placeholder, for instance, if placeholder format conflicts with other libraries or frameworks. In this case, a new placeholder template can be defined in the plugin options.

GuideChimp.extend(guideChimpPluginPlaceholders, {
  template: '%*%'

var tour = [
    title: 'Welcome to %companyName%',
    description: 'Welcome to %companyName%',
    placeholders: {
      companyName: 'Labs64'

var guide = GuideChimp(tour);


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