By default, Astra will traverse every path in the OpenAPI file, and generate the types for each path. However, sometimes you may want to denylist certain paths, for example, if you have a path that is used for internal purposes, and you don't want to generate the types for it.
Therefore we have put together a simple path denying system, which allows you to denylist certain paths from being traversed by Astra. This is done by adding a comment to the path in the OpenAPI file, which will be picked up by Astra and will prevent it from traversing that path.
To denylist a path, you need to add an option to the New
function wherever you setup the service.
gen := astra.New(...(your options)..., astra.WithPathDenyList("path/to/denylist"))
This will deny the exact path path/to/denylist
from being traversed by Astra.
There is also a regex version of this function, which allows you to denylist multiple paths at once.
gen := astra.New(...(your options)..., astra.WithPathDenyListRegex(regex.MustCompile("^path.*$")))
This will deny any path that starts with path
Finally there is a higher level function that allows you to pass in a function as a parameter to perform your own custom path denying.
gen := astra.New(...(your options)..., astra.WithPathDenyListFunc(func(path string) bool {
return path == "path/to/denylist" || path == "path/to/another/denylist"
Note: The path is denying, so if you return true to this function or if the other conditions are met, the path will not be included in the generated types.