diff --git a/Cocoa/GBPreferencesWindow.m b/Cocoa/GBPreferencesWindow.m
index a941c8b4c..c725a86a5 100644
--- a/Cocoa/GBPreferencesWindow.m
+++ b/Cocoa/GBPreferencesWindow.m
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ - (IBAction)displayColorCorrectionHelp:(id)sender
             [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_MODERN_BALANCED] = @"Emulates a modern display. Blue contrast is moderately enhanced at the cost of slight hue inaccuracy.",
             [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_MODERN_BOOST_CONTRAST] = @"Like Modern – Balanced, but further boosts the contrast of greens and magentas that is lacking on the original hardware.",
             [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_REDUCE_CONTRAST] = @"Slightly reduce the contrast to better represent the tint and contrast of the original display.",
-            [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_LOW_CONTRAST] = @"Harshly reduce the contrast to accurately represent the tint and low constrast of the original display.",
+            [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_LOW_CONTRAST] = @"Harshly reduce the contrast to accurately represent the tint and low contrast of the original display.",
             [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_MODERN_ACCURATE] = @"Emulates a modern display. Colors have their hues and brightness corrected.",
          }) [self.colorCorrectionPopupButton.selectedItem.tag]
diff --git a/Core/gb.h b/Core/gb.h
index 6e317e093..45deae9b5 100644
--- a/Core/gb.h
+++ b/Core/gb.h
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ enum {
     GB_IO_NR41       = 0x20, // Channel 4 Sound Length (R/W)
     GB_IO_NR42       = 0x21, // Channel 4 Volume Envelope (R/W)
     GB_IO_NR43       = 0x22, // Channel 4 Polynomial Counter (R/W)
-    GB_IO_NR44       = 0x23, // Channel 4 Counter/consecutive, Inital (R/W)
+    GB_IO_NR44       = 0x23, // Channel 4 Counter/consecutive, Initial (R/W)
     GB_IO_NR50       = 0x24, // Channel control / ON-OFF / Volume (R/W)
     GB_IO_NR51       = 0x25, // Selection of Sound output terminal (R/W)
     GB_IO_NR52       = 0x26, // Sound on/off
diff --git a/Core/joypad.h b/Core/joypad.h
index 0306bbbb9..91b0889d4 100644
--- a/Core/joypad.h
+++ b/Core/joypad.h
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ typedef enum {
 } GB_key_mask_t;
-// For example, for player 2's (0-based; logical player 3) A button, use GB_MASK_FOR_PLAYER(GB_KEY_A_MASK, 2)
-#define GB_MASK_FOR_PLAYER(mask, player) ((x) << (player * 8))
 typedef void (*GB_update_input_hint_callback_t)(GB_gameboy_t *gb);
 void GB_set_key_state(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_key_t index, bool pressed);
diff --git a/iOS/GBSettingsViewController.m b/iOS/GBSettingsViewController.m
index 0a5948776..fbd5494b8 100644
--- a/iOS/GBSettingsViewController.m
+++ b/iOS/GBSettingsViewController.m
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ @implementation GBSettingsViewController
                     [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_MODERN_BALANCED] = @"Emulates a modern display. Blue contrast is moderately enhanced at the cost of slight hue inaccuracy.",
                     [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_MODERN_BOOST_CONTRAST] = @"Like Modern – Balanced, but further boosts the contrast of greens and magentas that is lacking on the original hardware.",
                     [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_REDUCE_CONTRAST] = @"Slightly reduce the contrast to better represent the tint and contrast of the original display.",
-                    [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_LOW_CONTRAST] = @"Harshly reduce the contrast to accurately represent the tint and low constrast of the original display.",
+                    [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_LOW_CONTRAST] = @"Harshly reduce the contrast to accurately represent the tint and low contrast of the original display.",
                     [GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_MODERN_ACCURATE] = @"Emulates a modern display. Colors have their hues and brightness corrected.",
                 })[MIN(GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_MODERN_ACCURATE, [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"GBColorCorrection"])];