This project was made for a hackathon named HackAccelerate of HackerEarth which was organised from October 16th 2020 to 18th October 2020.
- Our aim was to make an easy management app for any school such that interaction between fellow classmates,teachers and parents increases.
- Easy signup/login for students,teachers,parents.
- Discussion forum for every standard for discussion between students
- Upload study materials for any subject.
- Notice-Board of every standard.
- A feed for motivational quotes for every standard.
- A wonderful forum for asking questions and answers in any topics.
- Event Calendar for mentioning holidays and any important school events.
- Students,teachers,parents will be able to see all other students,teachers of their own standard.
- Online result and attendance system.
- Fitness exercises for every week as in online mode students are becoming lethargic.
- Online parents-teacher meeting.
If you are going to run the app in emulator, do not change anything as it has been setup for an emulator.
However to run the app on your mobile phone, you need to do the following:
1:Go to res/xml/network-security-config.xml file. In this file remove "" which is the domain and add the IP address of the wifi being used
2:Go to app then java then android.example.schooleasy then network and open the RetrofitClientInstance class. In this class change the part "" of the BASE_URL to the IP address of the wifi being used
Now the app will successfully work on your mobile.
For standard 1: Student: Email- [email protected] Password- 12345 Teacher: Email- [email protected] Password- 12345 Parent: Email- [email protected] Password- 12345