Project Description:
This project aims to develop and validate a simple recommendation system using the Netflix Prize dataset.
The workflow is structured across two main notebooks:
- Objective: Perform data exploration and preprocessing to understand the characteristics and distributions within the Netflix Prize dataset.
- Activities:
- Develop an approach to handle large datasets effectively.
- Analyze data distributions, such as movie ratings and movie popularity.
- Sample data to create representative subsets for model development and validation.
- Objective: Implement and evaluate the model.
- Activities:
- Select appropriate recommendation algorithms.
- Tune model parameters using grid search.
- Validate models using accuracy metrics such as RMSE and MAE and user-centric metrics like hit rate, diversity, or novelty.
- Generate sample recommendations to assess the effectiveness of the selected model.
data: Samples drawn from the original data for model training.
models: Serialized models and parameters.
scripts: Utility functions and classes to facilitate the data processing and analysis.
test: Basic tests for MovieSampler class.
Data Source: The Netflix Prize dataset (Kaggle)
Tools: Python, Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn, surprise