This is project was made during my Internship at SesaLab (UniSa)
AI is everywhere, let's bring it into the Metaverse!
I'm simulating active listening and curious students
Let's look at it step by step:
- A professor teaches his lesson while recording
- A random student is created with random attributes (such as intelligence, voice and personality)
- The program transcribes the speech thanks to Whisper
- Evaluates if it's needed to make a question based on what the teacher said (also based on randomised students personality and intelligence)
- Eventually Makes an API call to the Text Completion API and thus creates a question
- Asks the question by voice using OpenAI's TTS API
Basically a simulated classroom of students that are listening, participating and active
As simple as running the python script!
You'll just need to create a folder named configs in under the project folder
Then you'll need to create a .json file named API_key.json
Where your OpenAI API key will be inserted, it should look like this:
"API_KEY": "sk-didYouExpectToStealMyAPIkey?"
Yes, it is a server, for my other project SENEM. You first run the and then SENEM and see the magic at work!