- Install the packages in requirements.txt
conda create -n cosine_fmh_env --file requirements.txt -c conda-forge -c bioconda
conda activate cosine_fmh_env
- Install Simka:
wget https://github.com/GATB/simka/releases/download/v1.5.3/simka-v1.5.3-bin-Linux.tar.gz
tar -xvzf simka-v1.5.3-bin-Linux.tar.gz
Then, add the bin directory in the PATH. Make sure to give +x permission.
- Install frac-kmc (a) download binaries from https://github.com/KoslickiLab/frac-kmc/tree/main/wrappers/bin (b) make sure to give +x (execution) permission. (c) add the directory in the PATH environment
After cloning this repository:
cd tables
python generate_tables.py
- First obtain the data by following the instruction in fig_1/download.txt
- Then, change fig_1/run_tools.py, where we need to write path to the files
- Then, run the following:
cd fig_1
python run_tools.py
python plot_runtime_comparison.py
- First we need to obtain the data by following the instruction in fig_2/download.txt
- Then, extract the downloaded data in fig_2
- For the Ecoli dataset:
cd fig_2/ecoli3682
(b)bash run_tools.sh
(c)gunzip simka_results_*/*.gz
- For the HMP dataset:
cd fig_2/hmp_gut
(b)bash run_tools.sh
(c)gunzip simka_results_*/*.gz
- Make the comparisons using
python comparison.py
- Copy the files ecoli_combined, ecoli_runtime, hmp_combined, hmp_gut_runtime to fig_2/plotting
- Plotting:
cd fig_2/plotting
python plot_results.py