- Fix package.json version
- Remove unused cldr third-party build dependency
- Fix the identifier package.json version and add the license
- Ensure config.continue reference is always cleared
- Update translations and translate to German
- Handle refresh issues when with refresh token
- Fix linting errors and warnings
- Implement refresh token support
- Fix typo in usermanager API stopSilentRenew function
- Improve error as snack functionality
- Disable fatal error action button after click
- Add support for fatal errors without a final reload
- Use component based approach for notifier
- Bump oidc-client-js to 0.11.5
- Allow kapp-release/kapp-release-nightly to copy artifacts
- Reduce AppsGrid icon size
- Fix linter errors
- Add support for custom TopBar anchor icon
- Add badge support to TopBar anchor
- Support TopBars without app logo
- Add functionality to detect app load after update was clicked
- Ensure OIDC callbacks trigger exactly once
- Keep current browser history state on hash reset
- Allow React 17 as peer dependency
- Add initial support for web vitals reporting
- Add service worker registration with hook support
- Update to Material-UI 4.11
- Bump CI test environment to Node 14
- Add text to clipboard helper
- Add queueDispatch middleware
- Update browserslist
- Catch OIDC profile set error when OIDC is not initialized
- Expose internal loadUser function for OIDC UserManager
- Update more 3rd party dependencies
- Update react and react-dom version from 16.8.6 to 17.0.1
- Use warningsng plugin as checkstyle is deprecated
- Fix linting errors and warnings
- Force OIDC mode to use fragment
- Pin styleguidist version and fix examples as needed
- Support query strings in OIDC callbacks
- Deduplicate dependencies and check dirty in CI
- Add dedicated classes to topbar to allow override
- Update styleguidist
- Migrate kpop to newly introduced theme.spacing api
- Bump version to 2.2.0
- Switch OIDC from implicit to code with pkce
- Update translations and translate to German
- Add automatic retry to config loading
- Add support for update required dialog
- Bump version to 2.1.0
- Use glue from gluejs organization
- Bump version to 2.0.0
- Clean up linting errors
- Support lazy user init on sign out callback
- Add support for extended history implementations
- Trigger OIDC callbacks even when initializing user lazy
- Extend authentication actions for more control
- Add support for lazy logon during intialization
- Add helper components for authenticated or unauthenticated routing
- Add AsyncComponent
- Correct error shape definition
- Properly forward ref for all functional components
- Update Material-UI to version 4
- Fixup error type definition
- Avoid flash of sign-in screen when local user data is expired
- Add message descriptor usage to error shape
- Only consider config prop in BaseContainer when its not defined
- Update oidc-client-js to 9.0.1
- Avoid flash of sign-in screen when local user data is expired
- Add message descriptor usage to error shape
- Only consider config prop in BaseContainer when its not defined
- Bump version to 1.2.0
- Add error options for additional behavior
- Properly store message with errors
- Update translations and translate to German
- Improve error messages
- Add snackbar notifications to common state with actions and ui
- Add more control to error messages
- Bump version to 1.1.4
- Properly apply withGlue property when false
- Bump version to 1.1.3
- Add support for service worker skip waiting trigger
- Bump versiont to 1.1.2
- Improve scroll bars for Webkit and Firefox
- Bump version to 1.1.1
- Use Glue for embedded aside apps
- Fixup CI so it runs as non-root
- Run CI with Node 12
- Change CI to run as user instead of root
- Build dist for all branches
- Bump version to 1.1.0
- Add a toggle switch so Glue can be disabled if needed
- Bind visibility and offline manager to BaseContainer with Glue
- Add Glue support to BaseContainer
- Expose serviceworker registration to store
- Remove uppercase text transform for Buttons and increase their text size
- Use normal Button font style for MasterButton
- Reduce Masterbutton icon shadow
- Update translation files
- Bump version to 1.0.1