diff --git a/radon/radon-ol-raster.html b/radon/radon-ol-raster.html
index 824db00..d091a00 100644
--- a/radon/radon-ol-raster.html
+++ b/radon/radon-ol-raster.html
@@ -20,22 +20,24 @@
source: new ol.source.OSM()
- // Create a raster layer using the PMTiles format
- const rasterLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
- source: new ol.source.TileImage({
- url: "radon_raster_v2.pmtiles", // Replace with the path to your raster PMTiles file
- attributions: ["© British Geological Survey"]
- })
- });
+ const rasterLayer = new ol.layer.WebGLTile({
+ source: new olpmtiles.PMTilesRasterSource({
+ url:"radon_raster_v2.pmtiles",
+ attributions:["© British Geological Survey"],
+ tileSize: [512,512]
+ })
+ });
+ ol.proj.useGeographic();
- ol.proj.useGeographic();
- const map = new ol.Map({
- layers: [osmLayer, rasterLayer],
- target: 'map',
- view: new ol.View({
+ const map = new ol.Map({
+ layers: [osmLayer, rasterLayer],
+ target: 'map',
+ view: new ol.View({
center: [-1, 56],
- zoom: 6
- }),
+ zoom: 3,
+ multiWorld: true
+ })