Motivation for sharing research outputs has accelerated in the past few years with the increase of funding agency requirements and government policies cite:whitmire-2015-table-summar. Sharing research data and scholarship has moved to the forefront of these funders attention due to the government’s increased focus on maximizing return on investment of their research programs cite:zilinski-2014-evolut-data. Additionally, publishers are increasingly requiring the sharing of research data, software code, analysis pipelines, and other supplemental documentation. However, there is little to no guidance on what information needs to be shared, how the information should be shared, how these materials should be linked to one another and any associated publications, or how to pay for depositing and preserving the information. This shift has created a need to investigate publishing and authoring tools and workflows that facilitate the integration of data and code into technical writing in order to support researchers in the publication, dissemination, and accessibility of these research products.
Currently, translating data and analysis tools from the research bench to the published paper has been made difficult by the workflows implemented by publishers. While it is common to include supporting information files with published manuscripts, they are not required, and there is no standard format or guidelines for what should be in them. For example, while Elsevier allows for the enrichment of publications through its Content Innovation cite:content-conten-innov by allowing for the inclusion of interactive content (e.g. U3D models, maps, datasets, and audio files), there is no metadata specific to the additional content nor is there a way to find out which articles contain interactive files. Nature allows for the inclusion of extended data figures and tables, but only allows a maximum of ten items per paper cite:nature-manus-format-guide.
Notably, in an Elsevier pilot project, The Executable Paper, the computer science community was challenged to “address the question of how to reproduce computational results within the confines of the research article” cite:2015-execut-paper. Although the project ended in 2015, the code and datasets are still available with the online publications. Elsevier has acknowledged the challenge of integrating executable code and data into the current publishing workflow, but has yet to fully address the needs of the research community.
In the current publishing landscape, data and analysis protocols or code are most often included in a published paper or its supplementary materials as part of a PDF. When the data is in tabular or graphical form, it is not easy, or in some cases not even possible to reuse the data without error-prone practices of copy and paste, or digitization. Even when the data is accessible, and downloadable by a researcher, it loses the context of the paper. It is also not discoverable if the data does not have any metadata or description of its own, or if the metadata of the original work does not indicate that there is data within. A build process for this embedded data that can be easily integrated into a research workflow would be valuable for the research and publishing community both.
There are some existing tools that enable the integration of code and data in a narrative context. For example, the iPython notebook and its successor Jupyter cite:perez-2007-ipyth,projec-juypy,shen-2014-inter and the MatLab notebook cite:mathworks-matlab-noteb have notebook-like capabilities. The commercial tools Mathematica and Maple also have notebook features. Still other approaches exist for specific applications and tools cite:leveque-2012-reprod,stodden-2012-reprod-resear,stodden-2013-best-pract. These tools are rarely used, however, to write full papers. The R community has developed a software package known as Sweave cite:sweave which enables R code to be embedded in LaTeX documents. Many of these ideas can be traced back to the early ideas of literate programming by Knuth cite:knuth-1984-liter-progr,knuth-1992-liter-progr.
The ActivePapers project cite:hinsen-2015-activ is a more aggressive approach than a simple notebook. This approach views a “paper” as a file in HDF5 format, which enables data to be referenced by the article DOI and HDF5 path to the object. Code is stored in the file in a bytecode form that can run in a Java virtual machine. A python implementation was also considered in that work. The authors noted in that work that “there is no straightforward way to adapt legacy software to such a framework.”
Similarly, the Research Object project cite:research-object is creating tools for making archives of code, data and narrative writing, as well as tools for interacting with these archives. Their vision looks beyond the PDF as a format for publication. At the time of this writing, they provide software packages in Python, Java, and Ruby for working with their ideas.
Despite the number of partial solutions developed, and decades of effort, none of these solutions has achieved wide-spread use. Some solutions have solved problems that are too narrow for general use, e.g. programming language specific solutions only address the needs of a sub-community. Other solutions while technically feasible require too large a change of behavior to enable wide-spread adoption. In the notebook solutions, tools have not been created that allow the notebook to smoothly transition to the manuscript. There is usually a transition from one tool (the notebook) to another (the manuscript preparation tool). The manuscript preparation tools, e.g. Word, or a text editor, do not typically provide functionality to help with publishing code/data.
A workflow that integrates data into manuscript preparation, and that automates embedding of data and code into published output will enable superior communication and data archival. We believe that new authoring tools and workflows will be required to enable this. Here we demonstrate feasibility for embedded data as a proof of concept for a seamless writing and building process. In our proof of concept, we use a lightweight text markup language called org-mode cite:Dominik201408 with a powerful text editor Emacs. This tool chain can be integrated throughout all the stages of research and manuscript preparation. At this time, Emacs + org-mode provides all the functionality needed for the demonstration, but other tool chains could be adapted to provide similar functionality.
org-mode is a light-weight text markup language that integrates narrative text, equations, figures, tables, and code into a single document cite:Dominik201408,schulte-2011-activ-docum,schulte-2012-multi-languag,kitchin-2015-data-surfac-scien,kitchin-2015-examp. Emacs provides a library of code that can parse an org document into a data structure, and then export the data structure to another document format, e.g. LaTeX, HTML, markdown, etc., much like XSLT can transform XML to other formats. The export can be customized to get precisely the desired output, as well as new output formats. This customization is essential, as it will enable the automatic embedding of data in the output files. Notably, Emacs provides an authoring environment to write org documents in mostly plain text, and in this environment the documents contain executable code blocks, sortable tables, and hyperlinked text integrated with the narrative text of the document.
org-mode documents contain “data”. The tables and source code blocks in an org-mode document can literally be used as a source of data in code blocks. In the standard conversion of an org document to HTML or PDF (via LaTeX), they are converted to HTML or LaTeX tables, or syntax highlighted code representations, which are not easily read by a machine for reuse as data. These are human readable, but direct reuse of the data and code is limited to copy and paste operations, or tedious parsing. It is possible, however, to customize the export of a document, and to fine tune the export of each element in an org document. In this manuscript, we show how the contents of a table can be written to a comma-separated value file, and subsequently embedded in a PDF, or linked to in an HTML file. Similarly, each code block can be written to a source file, and embedded in a PDF or linked to in an HTML file. All of this can be automated to occur at the document export stage, requiring no additional work by the author to embed and subsequently share the data.
The approach is not unique to org-mode. A Matlab m-file can be “published” to XML and then transformed via XSLT to a variety of formats including HTML and PDF. Through a custom markup language narrative text, LaTeX equations, and figures can be embedded in comments in the m-file. IPython cite:perez-2007-ipyth and Jupyter cite:projec-jupy notebooks can also be converted from their native formats to other document formats. Both of these examples share the idea of exporting the working version of a document to a final version designed for consumption, and both could implement the ideas posed in this paper. Neither example, however, is as flexible as org-mode is in integrating all of the components needed in scientific publishing.
In this paper, we illustrate our ideas in a series of domain-general examples. First, we use data on citation counts in a table to compute the h-index of an author. In the supporting information version of the manuscript the data in this table will be stored as a comma-separated value file in the PDF. We show two code examples for calculating the h-index, and the source for each example is automatically embedded in the PDF during the export of the document. We show how data can be embedded in image files, which themselves are embedded in the document. Finally, we show how metadata about the embedded files can be included in the exported PDF, and accessed by computer programs.
We first illustrate the embedding of data and code with a simple example of computing the h-index of an author. “A scientist has index
index | # citations |
1 | 1085 |
2 | 451 |
3 | 372 |
4 | 289 |
5 | 215 |
6 | 108 |
7 | 94 |
8 | 72 |
9 | 49 |
10 | 46 |
11 | 45 |
12 | 42 |
13 | 40 |
14 | 27 |
15 | 26 |
16 | 20 |
17 | 20 |
18 | 18 |
19 | 18 |
20 | 17 |
21 | 16 |
One can see by inspection of Table ref:citation-counts that the h-index for this set of data is 18. That is to say that in this set of papers, 18 papers have been cited 18 or more times, and every other paper in the set is cited 18 times or less. A computer code can also calculate the h-index, for example, Listing ref:h-index shows an Emacs-lisp code that does this. We chose Emacs-lisp for this example because in a very compact form, we can read the data from this document, and in a simple loop calculate the h-index. This illustrates the use of a document as a data source. Listing ref:h-index-python shows the same algorithm written in Python. A subtle difference in this code is that the data is passed directly from Table ref:citation-counts to the code within the document. The working version of this document is fundamentally and functionally different than the final version designed for consumption. This is not evident in the published version of this document, but org-mode enables this during manuscript preparation.
(let* ((table-data (org-babel-ref-resolve "citation-counts"))
;; reads the table from the document we know there is
;; a header, and an hline, so here we delete the hline,
;; and take the rest of the data
(data (cdr (org-babel-del-hlines table-data))))
(format "h-index = %s"
(loop for (index count) in data
until (> index count)
finally return (- index 1))))
for index, count in data:
if index > count:
print 'h-index = {}'.format(index - 1)
A graphical visualization of the h-index is the intersection of a parity line with the citation data. Listing ref:h-index-graphical shows a Python script that generates a plot to illustrate this, again, using the data embedded in the document (Fig. ref:fig-hindex).
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(3, 4))
# the citation curve
plt.plot([x[0] for x in data], # the index
[x[1] for x in data], # the citation count
# the parity line
plt.plot([x[0] for x in data], # the index
[x[0] for x in data], # the index
plt.ylim([0, 100])
plt.ylabel('Citation count')
plt.savefig('h-index.png', dpi=300)
We have illustrated two types of data that can be embedded in this document so far: tabular data and code. There could be other types of data embedded in the document as well. To illustrate the flexibility of this idea, Fig. ref:fig-hunt shows an image of our campus main library. We have used steganography to embed the data from Table ref:citation-counts in the form of a csv file in the image. The code that generated this image can be found in the Appendix in Listing ref:lst-encode.
Listing ref:lst-decode shows a simple example of extracting the data from that image.
from steganopy.api import extract_data_from_stegano_image
extracted_data = extract_data_from_stegano_image(
print extracted_data
During the manuscript export we have the opportunity to execute code for each element of the document. For example, when a table is being exported, we can run code to write the data in the table to a file in some format, e.g. comma-separate values, json or base64-encoded text. Similarly, when a code block is being exported, we have the opportunity to write the code to a file. We can also insert content into the exported document, which makes it easy to embed files in the output. Depending on the output format, e.g. LaTeX or html, we can do different things. We can save information about these files, so that they can be added as metadata to the PDF afterwards. All of this is done automatically. The full code for the export can be found in Section ref:export-code. It is written in emacs-lisp.
The key points here are that the embedding is done automatically, and it is highly flexible. The data and code embedded in the document is the actual data and code used in the preparation of the document. This significantly reduces the possibilities to introduce errors by copying the wrong data in, or by modifying external files and neglecting to update the document. The automated approach alleviates the tedium of preparing the files, and in converting them to specific formats. In short, from the author’s point of view, one gets this for free once the framework is in place. The original source of the manuscript can also be embedded in the output file.
The Xpdf tools cite:xpdf provide command line tools to probe PDF files and extract information from them. For example, one can easily list the attached files in a PDF as shown in Listing ref:lst-listpdf.
pdfdetach -list manuscript.pdf
In our customized export, we embedded metadata about the attached files in the PDF in an Info field called EmbeddedFiles. This can also be probed using pdftk cite:labs-pdftk as shown in Listing ref:lst-dumpdata. A computer program could parse this output, and get a list of embedded files (or other stored data), and then do subsequent analysis of them. Other formats could be used other than a flat list, including formats suggested by the Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange project cite:openarchives. We chose a flat list for the proof of concept and simplicity. It is also feasible to store this data in XMP (at least in the PDF), but there are fewer tools available for creating and reading XMP than there are for the Info fields.
pdftk manuscript-with-embedded-data.pdf dump_data \
| grep -A 1 "InfoKey: EmbeddedFiles" | fold -w 45
It should be evident here that there are a variety of tools to interact with these data files ranging from functionality built into a PDF reader, to command-line utilities, to script programs in a variety of languages, and finally functionality built into a text editor (in our case Emacs). Many of these tools are open-source and freely available.
In implementing this novel data workflow there are many considerations about how to make the data embedded in a paper discoverable and ultimately useful for more researchers. This involves collaboration between publishers, researchers, and databases/search engines on an efficient and effective way to implement this workflow and how to tag appropriate research and data.
Some data sets may be too large to conveniently embed in a PDF or data URI. It is not easy to define how large is too large, as it is a matter of convenience in some cases, and technical limitations in other cases. For example it is not convenient to download a 10 GB PDF file, and it may not be possible to open it in some PDF readers. Similarly, it may not be convenient to load a 10GB HTML page. Data embedding is not the only way to share data, it is simply convenient for some kinds of data. An alternative approach is to provide links to data. The use of linked data is completely compatible with the workflow we describe in this work. If the data is accessible in an external repository, e.g. Figshare cite:figshare, Zenodo cite:zenodo-zenod, or some other data repository, it is perfectly reasonable to provide links to that data, and the code used to interact with the data, e.g. how it was downloaded, analyzed, etc. The utility of linking depends heavily on the permanence of the links. We have used this approach in one of our own publications cite:xu-suppor where a large (1.8 GB) dataset was linked to in Zenodo.
It is also possible that it is not practical to put all the code into the document. In that case, it is possible to reference some codes, e.g. commercial codes, by a version that would enable others to reproduce the work if they had access to the code. Alternatively, Zenodo and Github cite:github make it possible to create archives of open-source code projects that have DOIs associated with them. That makes it possible to even provide links to code repositories.
Some datasets may appear to be to complex to conveniently embed. In our work to date, we have not found datasets we could not embed in a practical way. For example, in Ref. cite:hallenbeck-2013-effec-o2 we embedded Excel datasheets into the supporting information PDF file. In Ref. cite:curnan-2014-effec-concen we embedded a series of comma-separated value files, along with examples of code to create a SQL database file in sqlite, and to query that database to perform the analyses used in the paper. A sqlite database is a flat file format, and could be embedded in a PDF or as a data URI in HTML. In Ref. cite:miller-2014-simul-temper we embedded large tabular datasets into the PDF. These datasets would have made the PDF over 900 pages long if printed in the document, but by embedding them, the document was kept a reasonable size for reading.
We have had other research projects where the data is located on a private research computing cluster that can only be accessed from our campus by authorized users. In these cases, our workflow tends to have two parts: one which is local and only reproducible by us, and one that is repeatable by others. In the first part, we construct a dataset that is portable, and usually stored in JSON format. That data file is embedded in the document, and all subsequent analysis uses the data file, which ensures the subsequent analysis is reproducible.
It is not possible to generalize our approach to every conceivable research project. We have used it in a broad range of applications, and we have always been able to adapt it as needed. The main workflow we envision significant difficulties in adapting it are workflows that heavily utilize graphical user interfaces (GUI). There are still no good approaches to documenting GUI workflows, where the order of GUI actions may be important, or where it is non-obvious what GUI actions were performed.
Finally, a practical limitation of embedding data files is in PDF readers. Embedded data files are part of the PDF standard, but not all readers support them equally. The Preview in Mac OSX, for example, does not support attachment extraction, and Adobe Acrobat will not allow one to extract some types of files, e.g. zip files and executables. There are, however, command-line tools that will extract these attachments cite:labs-pdftk.
The embedding of data in manuscripts and supporting information does not solve all data-sharing problems. For example, Candela and co-workers note the “difficulties of separating the data from the rest of the material and reusing them” cite:candela-2015-data-journ. For data that is only available as a table in PDF, this observation is correct. For data that is an org-mode table, however, it is comparatively easy to separate the data (and code) from the manuscript using computational tools. The second drawback they note is that it is not possible for readers to “find and link data independently of the main publication” if it is in supporting information. This is partially true. Supporting information files are not currently indexed. Readers will find the data by reading the main publication and supporting information if it is prepared as we propose. They will also learn how the data was used in the original work. We see this as a feature of our proof of concept; the readers would cite the main publication if they use the data in their work. This is important because “getting credit” for the data has been identified as an important requirement for enabling and promoting a data-sharing culture among scientists cite:reilly-2011-repor-integ.
We have implemented our approach in Emacs and org-mode because these tools made it possible to implement the approach today. They made it possible because org-mode can parse a document into a data structure that contains recognizable elements such as code blocks, tables and links. Furthermore, org-mode provides the machinery to transform those elements into new, customizable formats such as LaTeX and HTML. org-mode also provides the executable code capability, ensuring that the code in the manuscript is the code that was used for the analysis. Finally, the machinery is deeply integrated into Emacs, enabling the full automation of the approach. In the end, the approach leverages tools available today, and that are compatible with current publishing standards.
Other tool chains could be adapted to do this as well. Any tool chain where a document can be represented in a structured format of elements, and where elements can be transformed could be adapted at least to some extent to the approach we have described here. For example, modern Microsoft Word documents are stored in xml, and it is conceivable that Visual Basic could be used to create plugins that enable the approach we examine here. A tool chain that could parse LaTeX documents into a data structure could modify the document during the build process to embed data. Other editors that are extensible could develop automation solutions similar to what we have described here. There are a growing number of org-mode parsers in Ruby, nodejs, Python, and other languages cite:org-mode-community that can be leveraged, as well as tools such as Pandoc cite:pandoc that provide conversion tools between different formats. While it is technically possible to provide similar functionalities with other tools, we have found Emacs + org-mode to be the most flexible in our hands.
The principle idea we have developed is that there are (at least) two versions of most technical documents: a working, functional version that contains data, code, and analysis and a version designed for consumption (often PDF or HTML) that is often derived from the functional version. We have developed a workflow that largely automates the derivation of the consumption version from the functional version, and that automatically embeds the code and data into the consumption version through a conversion (export) process that converts the functional version to the consumption version using org-mode.
We have illustrated a set of authoring tools and workflow that enables the automation of data and code embedding in technical documents. Our approach builds on established tools used already, and extends them to provide the means for implementation of the workflow. This workflow is compatible with the existing publication frameworks which require LaTeX, PDF or HTML submissions. Although similar ideas can be implemented in other tools, including iPython/Jupyter notebooks, Matlab, and other extensible environments, to our knowledge none of these are as flexible or powerful as org-mode is. We believe this overall approach is a very promising one for expanding the ease of data sharing among scientists.
We use the steganopy cite:steganopy Python package to illustrate the use of steganography to put data in an image. The point is not that steganography is an ideal way to do this, but that our general approach is flexible. The embedded data could be XMP, or other types of metadata.
from steganopy.api import create_stegano_image
stegano_image = create_stegano_image(
Here we define a custom table exporter. We use the regular table export mechanism, but save the contents of the table as a csv file. We define exports for two backends: LaTeX and HTML. For LaTeX, we use the attachfile cite:pakin-attachfile package to embed the data file in the PDF. For HTML, we insert a link to the data file, and a data uri link to the HTML output. We store the filename of each generated table in a global variable named *embedded-files*
so we can create a new Info metadata entry in the exported PDF.
(defvar *embedded-files* '()
"List of files embedded in the output.")
(defun my-table-format (table contents info)
(let* ((tblname (org-element-property :name table))
(tblstart (org-element-property
:contents-begin table))
(tbl-data (save-excursion
(goto-char tblstart)
(format (elt (plist-get info :back-end) 2))
(csv-file (concat tblname ".csv"))
;; Here we convert the table data to a csv file
(with-temp-file csv-file
(loop for row in tbl-data
(lambda (x) (format "\"%s\"" x))
", " ))
(insert "\n"))
(setq data-uri-data
(add-to-list '*embedded-files* csv-file)
;; HTML export
((eq format 'html)
(org-html-table table contents info)
(format "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
csv-file csv-file)
" "
(format (concat "<a href=\"data:text/csv;"
"base64,%s\">data uri</a>")
;; LaTeX/PDF export
((eq format 'latex)
(org-latex-table table contents info)
(format "%s: \\attachfile{%s}"
csv-file csv-file))))))
Next, we define an exporter for source blocks. We will write these to a file too, and put links to them in the exported files. We store the filename of each generated source file in a global variable named *embedded-files*
so we can create a new Info metadata entry in the exported PDF.
(defun my-src-block-format (src-block contents info)
"Custom export for src-blocks.
Saves code in block for embedding. Provides backend-specific
(let* ((srcname (org-element-property :name src-block))
(lang (org-element-property :language src-block))
(value (org-element-property :value src-block))
(format (elt (plist-get info :back-end) 2))
(exts '(("python" . ".py")
("emacs-lisp" . ".elisp")))
(fname (concat
(or srcname (md5 value))
(cdr (assoc lang exts))))
(with-temp-file fname
(insert value)
(setq data-uri-data (base64-encode-string
(add-to-list '*embedded-files* fname)
;; HTML export
((eq format 'html)
(org-html-src-block src-block contents info)
(format "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" fname fname)
" "
(format (concat "<a href=\"data:text/%s;"
"%s\">code uri</a>")
lang data-uri-data)))
;; LaTeX/PDF export
((eq format 'latex)
(org-latex-src-block src-block contents info)
(format "%s: \\attachfile{%s}" fname fname))))))
Finally, we also modify the results of a code block so they will appear in a gray box and stand out from the text more clearly.
(defun my-results (fixed-width contents info)
"Transform a results block to make it more visible."
(let ((results (org-element-property :results fixed-width))
(format (elt (plist-get info :back-end) 2))
(value (org-element-property :value fixed-width)))
((eq 'latex format)
(format "\\begin{tcolorbox}
(format "<pre>RESULTS: %s</pre>" value)))))
An author may also choose to embed a file into their document, using the attachfile package for LaTeX. Here, we leverage the ability of org-mode to create functional links that can be exported differently for LaTeX and HTML. We will create an attachfile link, and set it up to export as a LaTeX command or as a data URI for HTML.
(lambda (path) (org-open-file path))
;; formatting
(lambda (path desc format)
((eq format 'html)
;; we want a data URI to the file name
(let* ((content
(insert-file-contents path)
(encode-coding-string content 'utf-8))))
(add-to-list '*embedded-files* path)
(format (concat "<a href=\"data:;base64,"
((eq format 'latex)
;; write out the latex command
(add-to-list '*embedded-files* path)
(format "\\attachfile{%s}" path)))))
Here, we define a derived backend for HTML and LaTeX export. These are identical to the standard export backends, except for the modified behavior of the table and src-block elements.
(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my-html 'html
:translate-alist '((table . my-table-format)
(src-block . my-src-block-format)
(fixed-width . my-results)))
(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my-latex 'latex
:translate-alist '((table . my-table-format)
(src-block . my-src-block-format)
(fixed-width . my-results)))
Here we run the command to generate the exported HTML manuscript.
(browse-url (org-export-to-file 'my-html "manuscript.html"))
Here we generate the LaTeX manuscript with the embedded files and info, and then convert it to PDF. After the PDF is created, we insert the new InfoField into the PDF. This export uses the derived exporter described above.
; Delete output files, ignoring errors if they do not exist
(delete-file "manuscript.tex")
(delete-file "manuscript.pdf")
(delete-file "manuscript-with-embedded-data.pdf"))
; Initialize embedded-files to an empty list.
(setq *embedded-files* '())
(let ((org-latex-minted-options
'(("xleftmargin" "\\parindent")))))
(org-export-to-file 'my-latex "manuscript.tex"))
(ox-manuscript-latex-pdf-process "manuscript.tex")
(shell-command "pdftk manuscript.pdf dump_data > info.txt")
; Insert information about the embedded files
(with-temp-file "newinfo.txt"
(insert-file-contents "info.txt")
(insert (format "InfoBegin
InfoKey: EmbeddedFiles
InfoValue: %s
" *embedded-files*)))
"pdftk manuscript.pdf update_info"
" newinfo.txt output manuscript-updated.pdf"))
(delete-file "manuscript.pdf")
; Rename the pdf and open it.
"mv manuscript-updated.pdf manuscript-with-embedded-data.pdf")
(org-open-file "manuscript-with-embedded-data.pdf")
Finally, we may choose to make a different version for submission. Typically, we submit a standalone LaTeX source file. The code below automates the export of the manuscript version, which contains an embedded bibliography. Note that this export uses the default settings of the LaTeX export from org-mode. This version of the manuscript does not contain any embedded data, as this is typical of most published papers. The version with embedded data is included as supporting information. This demonstrates that multiple versions of the output can be made from one source document.
; Build the standard manuscript
(delete-file "manuscript.tex")
(delete-file "manuscript.pdf"))
; build stand-alone LaTeX source file
; copy all needed files to a directory for zip
nil nil nil nil nil "manuscript.html"
"" "manuscript-with-embedded-data.pdf"
"reviews-2.pdf" "supporting-information.pdf")
Manuscript source: