well for now it's in early dev phase so it has little to offer :v but you can track my progress
Download KiraEssentialz // this may not be working
- To make it work just download the plugin.jar file (download link above) and put it in your ~/plugins folder
- /show --> allows you to show off your cool enchanted sword to everyone without having to give it to anyone
- /sethome --> set your "home" to which you can teleport at any moment (/home to tp & /clearhome to clear saved location)
- /lastdeath --> check coordinates of your last death
- /echest --> open your enderchest from anywhere
- /tpa --> sends a teleport request to given player (/tpaccept to confirm it)
- /opmenu --> special menu for server operators
- /disablePlugin --> disable any other loaded plugin
- /enablePlugin --> enable any other loaded plugin
- /announce --> send a server wide announcement
- /giveadminstick --> gives you access to a powerful stick that allows you to cast thunderbolts