The project aims to help users to add an ambient light sensor to help control the brightness of the display smarter.
On the night I was hated or abandoned by one of my closest friends, I got insomnia. I felt endlessly frustrated and miserable as well as defeated. I felt that life had lost hope. However, I still hope to come out of this haze soon. Therefore I decided to do something to fulfill my life and temporarily ease my desperation. Since that my laptop (MSI GS66) hasn't any ambient light sensor, I have to tolerant the stupid way to control my brightness. Regarding occupying the camera all the time is a nonsense way to solve such problem, I have to design a new way.
This project is based on [1].
- Environment Brightness Proximity Sensor, e.g. APDS-9900, TCS34725, etc.
- I2C to USB converter or microcontroller board, e.g. Arduino Micro, Raspberry Pi Pico, etc.
- dbw9580 (2018) ‘DIY install an ambient light sensor for display to implement control brightness automatically (original: DIY 给显示器加装光传感器,实现自动调节亮度)’ [Online] V2EX
Available at: [Last Accessed 11.06.2021] - Microsoft (2019) ‘Integrating Ambient Light Sensors with Computers Running Windows 10 Creators Update’ [Online] Microsoft Docs Available at: [Last Accessed 11.06.2021]