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How to flash a KBPM

mike w edited this page May 15, 2014 · 2 revisions

The Kegboard Pro Mini is a clone of Arduino Leonardo. Generally, you can configure the stock Arduino tools to treat it as that board and things should Just Work. This is fine for hacking around, but we recommend using the real board type.

Our fork of the Arduino SDK contains patches to add a new board type, kbpm. To properly build the kbpm firmware, you must link against this SDK.

1. Download Kegbot Arduino SDK

You can check out the git source, but because the repository history is quite large, we recommend that you download the zipfile instead.

Unzip the SDK somewhere. For the rest of this document, we're going to assume it's at $HOME/Arduino-Kegbot.

2. Download the Kegboard firmware

Once again, you can check out the git source or download the latest zipfile.

3. Build the firmware

$ cd kegboard/arduino/kegboard
$ export ARDUINODIR=$HOME/Arduino-Kegbot
$ export BOARD=kbpm
$ make clean
$ make

4. Upload the firmware

$ make upload