diff --git a/js/data/strings_en.json b/js/data/strings_en.json index aabaec4b..f5f4461f 100644 --- a/js/data/strings_en.json +++ b/js/data/strings_en.json @@ -1,4 +1,178 @@ { + "change_log": [ + { + "date": "2024-06-29", + "txt": "Statistics: Copy text summary to clipboard buttons" + }, + { + "date": "2024-03-13", + "txt": "Smoke activation rate provisional formula, see Show Advanced" + }, + { + "date": "2024-03-05", + "txt": "Provisional Atoll node setting" + }, + { + "date": "2024-03-03", + "txt": "Mark fleet preview ship banner if unknown or changed stats" + }, + { + "date": "2024-02-29", + "txt": "Anchorage repair node setting, provisional \"Shelling Range Tie Randomness Weights\" setting (see Show Advanced)" + }, + { + "date": "2023-09-28", + "txt": "Provisional Smokescreen settings, see Show Advanced" + }, + { + "date": "2023-09-04", + "txt": "Barrage Balloon node setting" + }, + { + "date": "2023-08-07", + "txt": "Auto-Set Historical Bonuses settings" + }, + { + "date": "2023-06-05", + "txt": "Mechanic: AACI Rework (sequential roll and {link0}), Additional Stats show fleetwide AACI rate", + "links": [ { "txt": "new AACI priority", "url": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1agGoLv57g5eOXLXtNIKHRoBYy61OQYxibWP6Vi_DMuY/edit#gid=13450409" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2023-04-13", + "txt": "FCF Settings" + }, + { + "date": "2023-03-19", + "txt": "Update {link0}", + "links": [ { "txt": "BB gun fit", "url": "https://twitter.com/Divinity_123/status/1637255766166863873" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2023-03-02", + "txt": "Air Support Sub node settings, update {link0} (removed Advanced Setting) + show in Additional Stats", + "links": [ { "txt": "Night Zuiun Cut-In trigger rate", "url": "https://twitter.com/yukicacoon/status/1628701453677363202" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2023-02-16", + "txt": "Mechanic: Autogyro/Liaison Air Battle, provisional Night Zuiun Cut-In" + }, + { + "date": "2022-10-05", + "txt": "{link0}", + "links": [ { "txt": "Provisional Dock Princess mods", "url": "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TmsVRhmkqjH1bczdoBHtrdcYv7JYD95NVkMrAK5bpK4/edit#heading=h.kuxw81rvevec" } ] + + }, + { + "date": "2022-09-19", + "txt": "Node setting: choose if last node uses Normal or Boss support" + }, + { + "date": "2022-09-04", + "txt": "new Advanced Setting: {link0}", + "links": [ { "txt": "vanguard accuracy multipliers", "url": "https://twitter.com/Divinity_123/status/1566375780380282882" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2022-08-27", + "txt": "Settings now saved (highlights changed values, Restore Defaults button), new Advanced Setting: combined fleet airstrike damage/accuracy mods" + }, + { + "date": "2022-06-21", + "txt": "LBAS historical accuracy bonus settings" + }, + { + "date": "2022-05-28", + "txt": "KCNav/{link0} historical bonus import", + "links": [ { "txt": "Dewy", "url": "https://github.com/sorewachigauyo/kc-event-bonus" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2022-05-06", + "txt": "New UI: strike force, multiple enemy/friend-fleet comps, equipment bonus, override historical bonus per node, LBAS historical bonus damage, add maelstrom cost per node, KCNav enemy/FF comp import, noro6 LBAS Sim import/export, download save backup file" + }, + { + "date": "2022-02-16", + "txt": "Historical Accuracy + Evasion config" + }, + { + "date": "2021-10-17", + "txt": "{link0}, {link1}, {link2}", + "links": [ + { "txt": "PT Imp acc mods", "url": "https://twitter.com/Xe_UCH/status/1426851469945294848" }, + { "txt": "Combined Fleet acc bases/mods", "url": "https://twitter.com/Divinity__123/status/1447941755182227458" }, + { "txt": "Vanguard evasion values", "url": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14uCat5nahv3A0Zq6d263Ye3U_f1nBYpIMEc9ALegyNA/edit#gid=0" } + ] + }, + { + "date": "2021-07-27", + "txt": "Mechanics: DDCI Buff + Submarine Fleet Attack, add Torpedo Squadron Command Facility use, update anti-installation/anti-PT mods, update Echelon mods" + }, + { + "date": "2021-03-03", + "txt": "Options for new soft caps (torpedo, night, air)" + }, + { + "date": "2019-12-18", + "txt": "Additional Historical Bonus settings (boss node, boss flagship)" + }, + { + "date": "2019-09-18", + "txt": "Provisional Anchorage Water Demon mods, underway resupply (applied on last node if equipped)" + }, + { + "date": "2019-08-25", + "txt": "{link0}", + "links": [ { "txt": "Mortar/Rocket anti-installation mods", "url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425302689887289344/614879250419417132/ECrra66VUAAzYMc.jpg_orig.jpg" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2019-05-30", + "txt": "Add Friend Fleet, updated calculations: anti-installation mods, rocket barrage chance, non-maxed plane proficiency" + }, + { + "date": "2019-05-16", + "txt": "Update AACI {link0} + {link1}", + "links": [ + { "txt": "activation rates", "url": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YUppVErQj7P9f9-ddpdR-e7fTaycjSK9-x4GE9ibCrA" }, + { "txt": "priorities", "url": "https://gist.github.com/Nishisonic/62cead1f57a323c737019d6b630fa4a5" } + ] + }, + { + "date": "2019-05-10", + "txt": "Mechanics: {link0}, Divebomber Installation Targeting", + "links": [ { "txt": "Anti-Air Resist", "url": "https://twitter.com/muu_1106/status/1124658313428213760?s=19" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2019-04-21", + "txt": "Nelson/Nagato/Mutsu specials night" + }, + { + "date": "2019-04-05", + "txt": "Carry over HP/Morale option, update presets to Phase 2 comps, vanguard formation" + }, + { + "date": "2019-03-11", + "txt": "Historical Bonus config, Nelson/Nagato/Mutsu specials (day only currently), new mechanics: new installation mods/new resource costs/new echelon mods" + }, + { + "date": "2018-11-26", + "txt": "{link0}, enemy combined improvements, LBAS improvements, PT Imp improvements", + "links": [ { "txt": "Sim from Data Import", "url": "simulator-import-help.html" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2018-08-14", + "txt": "CVCI, DD NBCI, ASW soft cap config, rocket barrage" + }, + { + "date": "2017-08-08", + "txt": "Enemy combined fleet, LBAS" + }, + { + "date": "2017-03-23", + "txt": "Fifth slot, separate plane improvement and proficiency, changed save/load code, day soft-cap option" + }, + { + "date": "2016-10-25", + "txt": "Major reworking and improving of calculations. Added calculations explanations." + } + ], + "kancolle_sortie_simulator": "KanColle Sortie Simulator", "save_load_simulator_backup": "Save/Load Simulator Backup", "import_export_deckbuilder_format": "Import/Export DeckBuilder Format", @@ -423,7 +597,7 @@ "loading": "Loading", "load_error_autobonus_turn_off": "Load error, Auto-Bonus will be turned off", - "change_log": "Change Log", + "change_log_header": "Change Log", "bug_reports_feature_requests": "Bug reports/feature requests", "autobonus_off": "Off", diff --git a/js/data/strings_ja.json b/js/data/strings_ja.json index db2bbed2..fb8f23a7 100644 --- a/js/data/strings_ja.json +++ b/js/data/strings_ja.json @@ -1,4 +1,178 @@ { + "change_log": [ + { + "date": "2024-06-29", + "txt": "演算結果をコピーするボタンの実装" + }, + { + "date": "2024-03-13", + "txt": "発煙装置の暫定計算式を「詳細設定」に追加" + }, + { + "date": "2024-03-05", + "txt": "環礁マスの仮実装" + }, + { + "date": "2024-03-03", + "txt": "艦のステータスに変更や不明な部分がある場合に艦アイコンにマークを表示" + }, + { + "date": "2024-02-29", + "txt": "緊急泊地修理の設定 & 「砲撃戦において同射程の艦が複数存在するときの攻撃順の偏向」を「詳細設定」に追加" + }, + { + "date": "2023-09-28", + "txt": "発煙装置についての仮設定を「詳細設定」に追加" + }, + { + "date": "2023-09-04", + "txt": "阻塞気球の設定をNode欄に追加" + }, + { + "date": "2023-08-07", + "txt": "史実ボーナスの自動設定" + }, + { + "date": "2023-06-05", + "txt": "Mechanicの対空CIの仕様を更新(多重判定と優先度)。艦隊全体の対空CI発動率を「艦隊詳細」で確認できるように", + "links": [ { "txt": "new AACI priority", "url": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1agGoLv57g5eOXLXtNIKHRoBYy61OQYxibWP6Vi_DMuY/edit#gid=13450409" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2023-04-13", + "txt": "司令部設定" + }, + { + "date": "2023-03-19", + "txt": "戦艦のフィット砲について更新", + "links": [ { "txt": "BB gun fit", "url": "https://twitter.com/Divinity_123/status/1637255766166863873" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2023-03-02", + "txt": "対潜空襲マス設定、夜間瑞雲夜戦CI発動率(「詳細設定」からは削除し、「艦隊詳細」で確認できるように)", + "links": [ { "txt": "Night Zuiun Cut-In trigger rate", "url": "https://twitter.com/yukicacoon/status/1628701453677363202" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2023-02-16", + "txt": "Mechanicに回転翼機/連絡機に制空能力を付与 & 夜間瑞雲CIの暫定実装" + }, + { + "date": "2022-10-05", + "txt": "{link0}", + "links": [ { "txt": "船渠棲姫への特効補正", "url": "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TmsVRhmkqjH1bczdoBHtrdcYv7JYD95NVkMrAK5bpK4/edit#heading=h.kuxw81rvevec" } ] + + }, + { + "date": "2022-09-19", + "txt": "最後のNodeで道中支援と決戦支援どちらを適用するか選択できるように" + }, + { + "date": "2022-09-04", + "txt": "警戒陣の命中補正設定を「詳細設定」に追加", + "links": [ { "txt": "vanguard accuracy multipliers", "url": "https://twitter.com/Divinity_123/status/1566375780380282882" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2022-08-27", + "txt": "「詳細設定」の設定が保持されるようになりました(変更された値はハイライトされ、「設定をリセット」でデフォルトに戻せます)。" + }, + { + "date": "2022-06-21", + "txt": "基地航空隊の命中ボーナス設定" + }, + { + "date": "2022-05-28", + "txt": "KCNav/{link0}から史実ボーナスを読み込めるように", + "links": [ { "txt": "Dewy", "url": "https://github.com/sorewachigauyo/kc-event-bonus" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2022-05-06", + "txt": "新しいUI: 遊撃部隊、複数の敵/友軍艦隊編成、装備ボーナス、Nodeごとの史実ボーナスの上書き、基地航空隊史実ボーナスダメージ、Nodeごとの渦潮コストの追加、KCNavから敵/友軍艦隊編成のインポート、制空シミュから基地航空隊のインポート/エクスポート、バックアップファイルのダウンロード" + }, + { + "date": "2022-02-16", + "txt": "史実ボーナス設定(命中&回避)" + }, + { + "date": "2021-10-17", + "txt": "{link0}、{link1}、{link2}", + "links": [ + { "txt": "PT小鬼群の命中補正", "url": "https://twitter.com/Xe_UCH/status/1426851469945294848" }, + { "txt": "連合艦隊の基礎値/補正", "url": "https://twitter.com/Divinity__123/status/1447941755182227458" }, + { "txt": "警戒陣の回避値", "url": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14uCat5nahv3A0Zq6d263Ye3U_f1nBYpIMEc9ALegyNA/edit#gid=0" } + ] + }, + { + "date": "2021-07-27", + "txt": "Mechanics: 駆逐CI強化+潜水艦隊攻撃、精鋭水雷戦隊 司令部、対地/対PTの補正更新、梯形陣補正更新" + }, + { + "date": "2021-03-03", + "txt": "新しいキャップのオプション(雷撃、夜戦、航空戦)" + }, + { + "date": "2019-12-18", + "txt": "史実ボーナスの追加設定(ボスNode, ボス旗艦)" + }, + { + "date": "2019-09-18", + "txt": "泊地水鬼の暫定的な補正 & 緊急泊地修理(装備していれば最後のノードで適用される)" + }, + { + "date": "2019-08-25", + "txt": "{link0}", + "links": [ { "txt": "迫撃砲/ロケット砲対地補正", "url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425302689887289344/614879250419417132/ECrra66VUAAzYMc.jpg_orig.jpg" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2019-05-30", + "txt": "友軍艦隊の追加、計算の更新: 対地補正、対空噴進弾幕発動率、機体熟練度のmax以外を実装" + }, + { + "date": "2019-05-16", + "txt": "対空CIの発動率及び優先順位の更新", + "links": [ + { "txt": "activation rates", "url": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YUppVErQj7P9f9-ddpdR-e7fTaycjSK9-x4GE9ibCrA" }, + { "txt": "priorities", "url": "https://gist.github.com/Nishisonic/62cead1f57a323c737019d6b630fa4a5" } + ] + }, + { + "date": "2019-05-10", + "txt": "Mechanics: {link0}、対地艦爆", + "links": [ { "txt": "射撃回避", "url": "https://twitter.com/muu_1106/status/1124658313428213760?s=19" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2019-04-21", + "txt": "Nelson/長門/陸奥 タッチを夜戦に実装" + }, + { + "date": "2019-04-05", + "txt": "HP/cond値の持ち越し、プリセットの2期編成へのアップデート、警戒陣" + }, + { + "date": "2019-03-11", + "txt": "史実ボーナス設定、Nelson/長門/陸奥 タッチ(昼戦のみ)、Mechanics(新規): 対地補正/各マスの消費資源の更新/梯形陣補正" + }, + { + "date": "2018-11-26", + "txt": "{link0}、敵の組み合わせの改善、基地航空隊の改善、PT小鬼の改善", + "links": [ { "txt": "データをインポートしてシミュレーション", "url": "simulator-import-help.html" } ] + }, + { + "date": "2018-08-14", + "txt": "空母CI、駆逐夜戦CI、対潜キャップ設定、噴進弾幕" + }, + { + "date": "2017-08-08", + "txt": "敵連合艦隊 & 基地航空隊" + }, + { + "date": "2017-03-23", + "txt": "5スロット、艦載機改良と熟練度の分離、セーブ/ロードコードの変更、キャップ設定の導入" + }, + { + "date": "2016-10-25", + "txt": "計算の大幅な手直しと改善。計算の解説を追加。" + } + ], + "kancolle_sortie_simulator": "艦これ出撃シミュレーター", "save_load_simulator_backup": "Save/Load Simulator Backup", "import_export_deckbuilder_format": "Import/Export DeckBuilder Format", @@ -161,8 +335,8 @@ "resupply_cost": "資源消費タイプ", "submarine_only": "潜水艦のみ", "add_cost": "追加コスト(戦闘開始前に現在の残り資源から)", - "add_cost_max": "Max", - "add_cost_max_tooltip": "各渦潮マスでの燃料喪失量には上限があり、例えば5-5-Dの渦潮における喪失量は燃料供給量:253のとき35%、つまり88となりますが最大値置換で80になります。", + "add_cost_max": "上限値", + "add_cost_max_tooltip": "各渦潮マスでの燃料喪失量には上限があり、例えば5-5-Dの渦潮における喪失量は燃料供給量:253のとき35%、つまり88となりますが上限値である80に置き換えられます。", "player_formation": "自艦隊陣形", "use_form_if_special_impossible": "特殊砲撃が不可能な場合、\u00a0{img_form}\u00a0を使用", "line_ahead": "単縦陣", @@ -423,7 +597,7 @@ "loading": "Loading", "load_error_autobonus_turn_off": "ロードエラー: 自動ボーナス設定がOFFになります", - "change_log": "更新履歴", + "change_log_header": "更新履歴", "bug_reports_feature_requests": "バグ報告/要望", "autobonus_off": "Off", diff --git a/simulator.html b/simulator.html index a5a1724a..6a88d8c5 100644 --- a/simulator.html +++ b/simulator.html @@ -471,45 +471,10 @@


2024-06-29 - Statistics: Copy text summary to clipboard buttons
2024-03-13 - Smoke activation rate provisional formula, see Show Advanced
2024-03-05 - Provisional Atoll node setting
2024-03-03 - Mark fleet preview ship banner if unknown or changed stats
2024-02-29 - Anchorage repair node setting, provisional "Shelling Range Tie Randomness Weights" setting (see Show Advanced)
2023-09-28 - Provisional Smokescreen settings, see Show Advanced
2023-09-04 - Barrage Balloon node setting
2023-08-07 - Auto-Set Historical Bonuses settings
2023-06-05 - Mechanic: AACI Rework (sequential roll and new AACI priority), Additional Stats show fleetwide AACI rate
2023-04-13 - FCF Settings
2023-03-19 - Update BB gun fit
2023-03-02 - Air Support Sub node settings, update Night Zuiun Cut-In trigger rate (removed Advanced Setting) + show in Additional Stats
2023-02-16 - Mechanic: Autogyro/Liaison Air Battle, provisional Night Zuiun Cut-In
2022-10-05 - Provisional Dock Princess mods
2022-09-19 - Node setting: choose if last node uses Normal or Boss support
2022-09-04 - new Advanced Setting: vanguard accuracy multipliers
2022-08-27 - Settings now saved (highlights changed values, Restore Defaults button), new Advanced Setting: combined fleet airstrike damage/accuracy mods
2022-06-21 - LBAS historical accuracy bonus settings
2022-05-28 - KCNav/Dewy historical bonus import
2022-05-06 - New UI: strike force, multiple enemy/friend-fleet comps, equipment bonus, override historical bonus per node, LBAS historical bonus damage, add maelstrom cost per node, KCNav enemy/FF comp import, noro6 LBAS Sim import/export, download save backup file
2022-02-16 - Historical Accuracy + Evasion config
2021-10-17 - PT Imp acc mods, Combined Fleet acc bases/mods, Vanguard evasion values
2021-07-27 - Mechanics: DDCI Buff + Submarine Fleet Attack, add Torpedo Squadron Command Facility use, update anti-installation/anti-PT mods, update Echelon mods
2021-03-03 - Options for new soft caps (torpedo, night, air)
2019-12-18 - Additional Historical Bonus settings (boss node, boss flagship)
2019-09-18 - Provisional Anchorage Water Demon mods, underway resupply (applied on last node if equipped)
2019-08-25 - Mortar/Rocket anti-installation mods
2019-05-30 - Add Friend Fleet, updated calculations: anti-installation mods, rocket barrage chance, non-maxed plane proficiency
2019-05-16 - Update AACI activation rates + priorities
2019-05-10 - Mechanics: Anti-Air Resist, Divebomber Installation Targeting
2019-04-21 - Nelson/Nagato/Mutsu specials night
2019-04-05 - Carry over HP/Morale option, update presets to Phase 2 comps, vanguard formation
2019-03-11 - Historical Bonus config, Nelson/Nagato/Mutsu specials (day only currently), new mechanics: new installation mods/new resource costs/new echelon mods
2018-11-26 - Sim from Data Import, enemy combined improvements, LBAS improvements, PT Imp improvements
2018-08-14 - CVCI, DD NBCI, ASW soft cap config, rocket barrage
2017-08-08 - Enemy combined fleet, LBAS
2017-03-23 - Fifth slot, separate plane improvement and proficiency, changed save/load code, day soft-cap option
2016-10-25 - Major reworking and improving of calculations. Added calculations explanations.
{{obj.date}} - + +
{{$t('bug_reports_feature_requests')}}: Github