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do local a=[[77fuscator 0.5.0 - discord.gg/CEHsVcBcuf]];return(function(b,c,d,e,f,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,u,v,w,w,x,y,y,z,z,z,ba,ba,bb,bb,bb,bc)local bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr=0 while true do if bd<=17 then if bd<=8 then if bd<=3 then if bd<=1 then if bd==0 then be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk=string.sub,table.concat,string.char,tonumber,next,(table.create or function(cs,ct)local cu={};for cv=1,cs do cu[cv]=ct;end;return cu;end)or tostring else bl=1 end else if bd>2 then bn=bm(b)else bm=function(b)local bi,bk,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx=0 while true do if bi<=5 then if bi<=2 then if bi<=0 then bk,cs=g,g else if 1<bi then cu=256 else ct=bj(#b)end end else if bi<=3 then cv=bj(cu)else if 5>bi then for bj=0,cu-1 do cv[bj]=bg(bj)end else cw=1 end end end else if bi<=8 then if bi<=6 then cx=function()local bj,cy,cz=0 while true do if bj<=2 then if bj<=0 then cy=bh(be(b,cw,cw),36)else if 1<bj then cz=bh(be(b,cw,cw+cy-1),36)else cw=(cw+1)end end else if bj<=3 then cw=cw+cy else if bj==4 then return cz else break end end end bj=bj+1 end end else if 7==bi then bk=bg(cx())else ct[1]=bk end end else if bi<=9 then while(cw<#b and#a==d)do local a=cx()if cv[a]then cs=cv[a]else cs=(bk..be(bk,1,1))end cv[cu]=bk..be(cs,1,1)ct[#ct+1],bk,cu=cs,cs,(cu+1)end else if bi>10 then break else return bf(ct)end end end end bi=bi+1 end end end end else if bd<=5 then if 4<bd then c={q,l,j,i,m,y,k,o,x,s,w,u,nil,nil};else bo={}end else if bd<=6 then bp=v else if bd~=8 then bq=bp(bo)else br,bs=1,((-3477+(function()local a,b,c,d=0 while true do if a<=1 then if 1~=a then b,c=0,1 else d=(function(k,q,s)local v=0 while true do if v~=1 then s(s(k,q,q),k(k,s,k),q((s and k),s,k))else break end v=v+1 end end)(function(k,q,s)local v=0 while true do if v<=2 then if v<=0 then if b>172 then return q end else if 2~=v then b=b+1 else c=((c+122))%5612 end end else if v<=3 then if(((c%1066))==533 or((c%1066))>533)then return k(k(k,q,k),s(k,q,k),k(q,s,q))else return s end else if 4<v then break else return k end end end v=v+1 end end,function(k,q,s)local v=0 while true do if v<=2 then if v<=0 then if b>266 then return k end else if 2>v then b=(b+1)else c=((c*356)%17318)end end else if v<=3 then if(c%826)>=413 then c=((c*146)%21108)return k(s(s,q,q),q((q and k),s,q),k(k and q,q,s))else return k end else if v>4 then break else return q end end end v=v+1 end end,function(k,q,s)local v=0 while true do if v<=2 then if v<=0 then if b>131 then return s end else if v==1 then b=b+1 else c=(c+531)%42221 end end else if v<=3 then if((c%318)<159)then return s else return s(q(k,k and s,(k and s)),q(k,s,s),k(q,k and q,s)and q(s,s,q))end else if v==4 then return q(k(k,s,k),q(q and k,q,s),k(s and s,q,k))else break end end end v=v+1 end end)end else if 2==a then return c;else break end end a=a+1 end end)()))end end end end else if bd<=12 then if bd<=10 then if bd~=10 then bt={}else bu=function(a,b)local c,d=0 while true do if c<=1 then if c>0 then for k=0,31 do local q=(a%2)local s=(b%2)if q==0 then if not(s~=1)then b=(b-1)d=d+2^k end else a=a-1 if(s==0)then d=(d+2^k)else b=b-1 end end b=b/2 a=(a/2)end else d=0 end else if c~=3 then return d else break end end c=c+1 end end end else if bd==11 then bv=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if 1~=c then return((a*2^b));else break end c=c+1 end end else bw=function()local a,b,c=0 while true do if a<=1 then if 1>a then b,c=h(bn,br,br+2)else b,c=bu(b,bs),bu(c,bs);end else if a<=2 then br=(br+2);else if 3==a then return((bv(c,8))+b);else break end end end a=a+1 end end end end else if bd<=14 then if 13<bd then bx=bt else do for a,b in o,l(bl)do bt[a]=b;end;end;end else if bd<=15 then by=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if 0==c then return p((a/2^b));else break end c=c+1 end end else if bd<17 then bz=(2^32-1)else ca=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if c>0 then break else return(((a+b)-bu(a,b))/2)end c=c+1 end end end end end end end else if bd<=26 then if bd<=21 then if bd<=19 then if 18==bd then cb=bw()else cc=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if 0==c then return bz-ca(bz-a,bz-b)else break end c=c+1 end end end else if bd~=21 then cd=function(a,b,c)local d=0 while true do if d==0 then if c then local c=(a/2^(b-1))%2^((c-1)-(b-1)+1)return(c-c%1)else local b=(2^(b-1))return((a%(b+b)>=b)and 1 or 0)end else break end d=d+1 end end else ce=bw()end end else if bd<=23 then if 23~=bd then cf=function()local a,b,c,d,k=0 while true do if a<=1 then if a==0 then b,c,d,k=h(bn,br,(br+3))else b,c,d,k=bu(b,cb),bu(c,cb),bu(d,cb),bu(k,cb);end else if a<=2 then br=br+4;else if a<4 then return((bv(k,24)+bv(d,16)+bv(c,8))+b);else break end end end a=a+1 end end else cg=function()local a,b=0 while true do if a<=1 then if a<1 then b=bu(h(bn,br,br),cb)else br=(br+1);end else if 2==a then return b;else break end end a=a+1 end end end else if bd<=24 then ch,ci,cj=nil else if bd~=26 then ch=(-753+(function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bs,bw,by,bz,ca,cc,ce,cs,ct,cu,cv=0 while true do if a<=14 then if a<=6 then if a<=2 then if a<=0 then b=778 else if 1<a then d=790 else c=1556 end end else if a<=4 then if a==3 then k=2487 else p=576 end else if a<6 then q=253 else s=376 end end end else if a<=10 then if a<=8 then if a~=8 then v=752 else w=32511 end else if 9==a then x=310 else y=163 end end else if a<=12 then if 11<a then bf=36797 else be=155 end else if 13==a then bg=54 else bh=472 end end end end else if a<=21 then if a<=17 then if a<=15 then bi=2 else if 16<a then bk=7082 else bj=3 end end else if a<=19 then if 19~=a then bs=267 else bw=425 end else if a==20 then by=534 else bz=430 end end end else if a<=25 then if a<=23 then if 22<a then cc=31 else ca=10958 end else if a>24 then cs=0 else ce=1 end end else if a<=27 then if a~=27 then ct,cu=cs,1 else cv=(function(cw,cx,cy,cz)local da=0 while true do if 0<da then break else cy(cx(cw,cy,cx,cy),((cz(cz,cz,cx,cy)and cy(cx,cz,cy,cx))),cz(cw,cy,cx,(cx and cy)),cy(cz and cz,cy,cw,cw)and cz(cy,cz,cw,cw))end da=da+1 end end)(function(cw,cx,cy,cz)local da=0 while true do if da<=2 then if da<=0 then if(ct>bz)then local bz=cs while true do bz=(bz+ce)if not(not(bz==ce))then return cx else break end end end else if 1==da then ct=(ct+ce)else cu=((cu*cc))%ca end end else if da<=3 then if((((cu%by))<bs)or(cu%by)==bs)then local bs=cs while true do bs=bs+ce if((bs<ce or bs==ce))then cu=((cu*bw)%bk)else if(bs<bj)then return cz(cy((cx and cx),cz,cy,cz),cx(cz,cz,(cy and cy),cy),cz(cy,cx,cz,cy),cy(cz,cy,cx,cw))else break end end end else local bj=cs while true do bj=(bj+ce)if(bj<bi)then return cx else break end end end else if da<5 then return cy else break end end end da=da+1 end end,function(bj,bk,bs,bw)local by=0 while true do if by<=2 then if by<=0 then if ct>bh then local bh=cs while true do bh=(bh+ce)if(bh>ce)then break else return bk end end end else if 1==by then ct=ct+ce else cu=(((cu+bg))%bf)end end else if by<=3 then if((cu%x))<be then local x=cs while true do x=((x+ce))if not(not(x==ce))then return bk else break end end else local x=cs while true do x=(x+ce)if x<bi then return bj(bj((bj and bs),bj,bk,bw and bj),(bw(bw,bk,bs,bw)and bs(bw,bj,bk,bw)),(bw(bk,bs,bs,bs)and bj(bs,bw,bw,bs)),bs(bs,bs,bw,bk))else break end end end else if by==4 then return bw(bk(bk and bj,bw,bk,bk),bk(bs,bs,(bk and bj),bs),bw(bk,bk,bw,bw),bs(bk,bw,bs,(bw and bw)))else break end end end by=by+1 end end,function(x,be,bf,bg)local bh=0 while true do if bh<=2 then if bh<=0 then if ct>y then local y=cs while true do y=((y+ce))if not((y~=bi))then break else return x end end end else if 2~=bh then ct=ct+ce else cu=(cu-p)%w end end else if bh<=3 then if((cu%v)==s or(cu%v)>s)then local p=cs while true do p=(p+ce)if not(not(p==bi))then break else return x(x(bf,bf and bg,bg,x),bg(bg,x,(be and x),be),be(be,bg,bg,bg),x(bf,bg,x,bg))end end else local p=cs while true do p=(p+ce)if p>ce then break else return bf end end end else if 5>bh then return bg else break end end end bh=bh+1 end end,function(p,s,v,w)local x=0 while true do if x<=2 then if x<=0 then if(ct>q)then local q=cs while true do q=((q+ce))if not(q~=ce)then return p else break end end end else if 1<x then cu=((cu+d)%k)else ct=ct+ce end end else if x<=3 then if((cu%c)>b or(cu%c)==b)then local b=cs while true do b=b+ce if(b<bi)then return p else break end end else local b=cs while true do b=(b+ce)if((b<bi))then return s(v(w,s,w,w),(s(s,p,p,p)and p(w,v,(v and s),w)),s((p and v),v,v,(v and v)),w(s,p,w,v))else break end end end else if x~=5 then return w(p(w,p,v,w),(p(s,s,w,s)and s(w,v,p,s and v)),p((w and w),s,w,(s and v)),w(s,(p and p),s,w and v))else break end end end x=x+1 end end)end else if 29>a then return cu;else break end end end end end a=a+1 end end)());else ci=(-9934+(function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bs,bw,by,bz,ca,cc,ce,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw=0 while true do if a<=0 then b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bs,bw,by,bz,ca,cc,ce,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw=0 else if a==1 then while true do if b<=14 then if(b<=6)then if(b<2 or b==2)then if(b<=0)then c=757 else if(1<b)then k=15731 else d=1514 end end else if(b==4 or b<4)then if 3<b then q=375 else p=672 end else if(b<6)then s=325 else v=750 end end end else if b<=10 then if(b==8 or b<8)then if 8>b then w=641 else x=17436 end else if(b<10)then y=485 else be=374 end end else if(b==12 or b<12)then if(b==11)then bf=970 else bg=652 end else if 13==b then bh=49022 else bi=403 end end end end else if b<=21 then if(b<17 or b==17)then if b<=15 then bj=46689 else if b<17 then bk=317 else bs=968 end end else if(b==19 or b<19)then if not(18~=b)then bw=3 else by=44174 end else if(b<21)then bz=634 else ca=2 end end end else if(b<25 or b==25)then if(b==23 or b<23)then if not(22~=b)then cc=606 else ce=130 end else if 24==b then cs=1 else ct=0 end end else if(b==27 or b<27)then if 26==b then cu,cv=ct,cs else cw=(function(cx,cy,cz,da)local db,dc=0 while true do if db<=0 then dc=0 else if 1==db then while true do if 0<dc then break else da(cy((cy and cy),da,cz,da),cz(cx,cx,cz,cz),cy(da,cy,cx,da and cz),cx(cz,cz,(cx and cx),cy))end dc=dc+1 end else break end end db=db+1 end end)(function(cx,cy,cz,da)local db,dc=0 while true do if db<=0 then dc=0 else if 1==db then while true do if(dc<=2)then if dc<=0 then if((cu>ce))then local ce=ct while true do ce=((ce+cs))if not(not(not(ce~=ca)))then break else return da end end end else if not(dc==2)then cu=((cu+cs))else cv=(((cv+cc)%by))end end else if dc<=3 then if(((cv%bz)<bk or not((cv%bz)~=bk)))then local bk=ct while true do bk=((bk+cs))if((bk>ca or bk==ca))then if not(not((bk==bw)))then break else return da end else cv=((cv-bs)%bj)end end else local bj=ct while true do bj=(bj+cs)if((bj<ca))then return da(cx(cy,((cx and cy)),cy,cx),cx(da,da,da,((cy and da))),cx(cy,cz,cy and cx,da),cx(da,cz,cx,(cx and cz)))else break end end end else if dc<5 then return cx(cy(cx,cz,cz,cz and cx),(cy(cy,da,da,cz)and da(cz,((cy and da)),cz,cx)),cy(cz,cz,cx,cz),cz(cy,((da and cy)),(cy and cy),cz))else break end end end dc=(dc+1)end else break end end db=db+1 end end,function(bj,bk,bs,bw)local by,bz=0 while true do if by<=0 then bz=0 else if 1==by then while true do if(bz<2 or bz==2)then if(bz<0 or bz==0)then if((cu>bi))then local bi=ct while true do bi=(bi+cs)if not(not(not(bi~=ca)))then break else return bs end end end else if(1<bz)then cv=((cv-bg)%bh)else cu=((cu+cs))end end else if(bz<=3)then if((((cv%bf))>y))then local y=ct while true do y=((y+cs))if not(not(not(y~=cs)))then return bk else break end end else local y=ct while true do y=y+cs if not(not(y==ca))then break else return bj(bj(bk,bw,bw,bk),bw(bj,((bw and bk)),bk,bs),bj(bk,((bj and bs)),bs,bj),bk(((bs and bw)),bs,bk,bw))end end end else if(5~=bz)then return bw(((bw(((bj and bs)),bj,bw,bs)and bj(bk,((bs and bw)),bk,bw))),bw(bs,(bs and bj),bw,bk),((bk(bw,bj,bj,bs)and bk(bk,bw,bw,bk))),bk(bk,(bs and bk),bj,bj))else break end end end bz=bz+1 end else break end end by=by+1 end end,function(y,bf,bg,bh)local bi,bj=0 while true do if bi<=0 then bj=0 else if 2>bi then while true do if(bj==2 or bj<2)then if bj<=0 then if(cu>be)then local be=ct while true do be=be+cs if((be<ca))then return bf else break end end end else if(bj==1)then cu=((cu+cs))else cv=((cv-w)%x)end end else if(bj<3 or bj==3)then if(((cv%v)==q)or((cv%v))<q)then local q=ct while true do q=((q+cs))if not(not((q==cs)))then return y((bg(y,bg,bh,bh)and bh(((bg and bf)),(bh and bh),bh,bf)),bf(y,bf,bf,bf),bf(bf,(bg and y),y,y),bg(y,bg,bf,bf))else break end end else local q=ct while true do q=((q+cs))if q>cs then break else return bf end end end else if 4<bj then break else return bg end end end bj=(bj+1)end else break end end bi=bi+1 end end,function(q,v,w,x)local y,be=0 while true do if y<=0 then be=0 else if 2~=y then while true do if(be<=2)then if(be==0 or be<0)then if((cu>s))then local s=ct while true do s=((s+cs))if not(not(s==cs))then return v else break end end end else if be>1 then cv=((cv-p)%k)else cu=((cu+cs))end end else if(be==3 or be<3)then if((cv%d)<c)then local c=ct while true do c=((c+cs))if(c<ca)then return w else break end end else local c=ct while true do c=(c+cs)if not(not(c==cs))then return v(q(x,x,x,q),(x(v,x,v,q)and v(w,w,x,q)),v(((q and x)),v,v,x),x(v,x,q,x))else break end end end else if be<5 then return x(x(((q and v)),w,v,v),q(((v and v)),w,w,v),q(w,(q and x),v,q),q(v,v,x,v))else break end end end be=(be+1)end else break end end y=y+1 end end)end else if not(28~=b)then return cv;else break end end end end end b=b+1 end else break end end a=a+1 end end)());end end end end else if bd<=31 then if bd<=28 then if 27<bd then ck=function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q=0 while true do if a<=3 then if a<=1 then if 0<a then if((b==0)and not(c~=0))then return 0;end;else b,c=cf(),cf()end else if 2==a then d=1 else k=((cd(c,1,20)*(2^32))+b)end end else if a<=5 then if 5>a then p=cd(c,21,31)else q=((-1)^cd(c,32))end else if a<=6 then if(not(p~=0))then if(k==0)then return(q*0);else p=1;d=0;end;elseif(not(p~=2047))then if(not(k~=0))then return(q*(1/0));else return q*(0/0);end;end;else if a>7 then break else return((q*2^(p-1023))*((d+(k/(2^52)))))end end end end a=a+1 end end else cj=((-10257+(function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bs,bw,by,bz,ca,cc,ce=0 while true do if a<=12 then if a<=5 then if a<=2 then if a<=0 then b=1060 else if a==1 then c=480 else d=1411 end end else if a<=3 then k=960 else if a>4 then q=808 else p=559 end end end else if a<=8 then if a<=6 then s=444 else if 8~=a then v=1616 else w=22622 end end else if a<=10 then if a==9 then x=212 else y=341 end else if 11==a then be=3 else bf=17870 end end end end else if a<=18 then if a<=15 then if a<=13 then bg=994 else if 14<a then bi=794 else bh=397 end end else if a<=16 then bj=35598 else if a>17 then bs=325 else bk=1 end end end else if a<=21 then if a<=19 then bw=2 else if 20<a then bz=379 else by=0 end end else if a<=23 then if 23~=a then ca,cc=0,bk else ce=(function(cs,ct,cu)local cv=0 while true do if cv~=1 then cs(cs((ct and ct),ct,cs),cs(cs,ct,cs),cs(cs,cu,ct))else break end cv=cv+1 end end)(function(cs,ct,cu)local cv=0 while true do if cv<=2 then if cv<=0 then if((ca>bz))then local bz=by while true do bz=(bz+bk)if not(bz~=bw)then break else return cs end end end else if 2>cv then ca=(ca+bk)else cc=(cc*bs)%bj end end else if cv<=3 then if(((cc%bi)>bh or(cc%bi)==bh))then local bh=by while true do bh=(bh+bk)if((bh>bw or bh==bw))then if not(not(bh==be))then break else return ct end else cc=((cc*bg)%bf)end end else local be=by while true do be=(be+bk)if not(be~=bk)then return cu((cu(cu,ct,cs and cu)and cs(cu,cu,cu)),cu(cs and cs,ct and cs,cs),cu(cu,cs,((ct and cu))))else break end end end else if cv>4 then break else return cs(cs((ct and cu),cs,ct),ct((ct and ct),cu,ct),(cu((cs and cs),(ct and cu),cs)and ct(ct,cu,cs)))end end end cv=cv+1 end end,function(be,bf,bh)local bi=0 while true do if bi<=2 then if bi<=0 then if(ca>y)then local y=by while true do y=(y+bk)if y>bk then break else return bf end end end else if bi==1 then ca=(ca+bk)else cc=(((cc+x)%w))end end else if bi<=3 then if((cc%v)<q)then local q=by while true do q=(q+bk)if((q<bw))then return bf(be(be,bf,bf),bh(be,bf,bh),((bh(bf,bh,bf)and bf(bh,be,bh))))else break end end else local q=by while true do q=(q+bk)if(q>bk)then break else return bh end end end else if 5>bi then return bf else break end end end bi=bi+1 end end,function(q,v,w)local x=0 while true do if x<=2 then if x<=0 then if ca>s then local s=by while true do s=(s+bk)if(s>bk)then break else return v end end end else if x~=2 then ca=ca+bk else cc=(((cc*p)%d))end end else if x<=3 then if(cc%k)<c then local c=by while true do c=c+bk if((c==bk or c<bk))then cc=((cc+bg)%b)else if(c>bw)then break else return v((w(w,q,(w and w))and q(v,w,(w and q))),v(v,w,q),((q(w,w,q)and q(w,v,w))))end end end else local b=by while true do b=(b+bk)if(b>bk)then break else return q end end end else if x==4 then return v else break end end end x=x+1 end end)end else if a<25 then return cc;else break end end end end end a=a+1 end end)()));end else if bd<=29 then cl="\46"else if bd==30 then cm=function()local a,b,c=0 while true do if a<=1 then if 1~=a then b,c=h(bn,br,br+2)else b,c=bu(b,cb),bu(c,cb);end else if a<=2 then br=br+2;else if a~=4 then return(bv(c,8))+b;else break end end end a=a+1 end end else cn=cf end end end else if bd<=33 then if bd~=33 then co=function()local a,b,c,d,k=0 while true do if a<=2 then if a<=0 then b=g else if 2>a then c=888 else d=0 end end else if a<=3 then k={}else if a>4 then break else while(d<9)do d=d+1;while((d<17 and c%990<495))do c=(c-20)local p=d+c if(((c%10840))>5420 or((c%10840))==5420)then c=(((c+86)))while((d<940 and c%1432<716))do c=(c*37)local p=(d+c)if((c%15392)==7696 or(c%15392)>7696)then c=(c+37)local p=56474 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 2~=q then while true do if(s~=1)then return i(h(p))else break end s=s+1 end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end elseif(not((c%4)==0))then c=(c*22)local p=19381 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;end else c=((c-73))d=(d+1)local p=19228 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 2>q then while true do if s==0 then return i(h(p))else break end s=(s+1)end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end end;d=(d+1);end elseif not((c%4==0))then c=((c*2))while d<82 and c%1614<807 do c=(((c+39)))local p=d+c if(((c%15318)>=7659))then c=((c*29))local p=90860 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if q>1 then break else while true do if(s<1)then return i(h(p))else break end s=(s+1)end end end q=q+1 end end);end elseif(c%4~=0)then c=((c*73))local p=72370 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 2>q then while true do if(1~=s)then return i(h(p))else break end s=(s+1)end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end else c=((c+97))d=d+1 local p=46261 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if q~=2 then while true do if s~=1 then return i(h(p))else break end s=s+1 end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end end;d=(d+1);end else c=((c+51))d=d+1 while((d<947)and((c%498)<249))do c=((c*74))local p=((d+c))if((c%17130)>8565 or(c%17130)==8565)then c=((c+41))local p=34251 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;local p,q=cn(),g;if not(not(p==0))then return g;end;b=j(bn,br,(((br+p))-1));br=br+p;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 1<q then break else while true do if 0==s then return i(h(p))else break end s=s+1 end end end q=q+1 end end);end elseif not(((c%4)==0))then c=(c+81)local p=71505 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;end else c=((c*28))d=((d+1))local p=9101 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(b)local k,p=0 while true do if k<=0 then p=0 else if 1==k then while true do if not(1==p)then return i(h(b))else break end p=p+1 end else break end end k=k+1 end end);end end;d=((d+1));end end;d=(d+1);end c=((c-356))if(d>80)then break;end;end;end end end a=a+1 end end else cp=cf end else if bd<=34 then cq=function(...)local a=0 while true do if a<1 then return{...},n("\35",...)else break end a=a+1 end end else if bd<36 then cr=function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w=0 while true do if a<=9 then if a<=4 then if a<=1 then if 1~=a then b,c,d,k={},{},{},{}else p=m({[ch]=b,nil,[ci]=c,nil,[491]=k,[472]=bb,[472]=nil},{['\95\95\116\111\115\116\114\105\110\103']=function(...)return j(bn,br,br);end,})end else if a<=2 then q={}else if a==3 then s=684 else v=0 end end end else if a<=6 then if a~=6 then w={}else while(v<5)do v=(v+1);while(v<843)and(s%448<224)do s=(((s-10)))local d=(v+s)if(s%156)>78 then s=((s+59))while(v<828 and((s%1616)<808))do s=(((s*13)))local d=(v+s)if((s%17964)>8982)then s=(s*91)local d=86597 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end elseif(not((s%4)==0))then s=(s+86)local d=34676 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end else s=(((s-54)))v=v+1 local d=85339 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end end;v=(v+1);end elseif(s%4~=0)then s=(s+2)while v<792 and s%290<145 do s=((s-59))local d=((v+s))if((((s%13876))<6938))then s=((s+65))local d=48178 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;for d=1,cf()do local j=cg();if((j==2))then q[d]=nil;elseif(not(not(j==0)))then q[d]=((cg()~=0));elseif(not(j~=3))then q[d]=ck();elseif(not(not(j==1)))then q[d]=co();end;end;p[cj]=q;end elseif not(not(s%4~=0))then s=(s-87)local d=47515 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end else s=((s*79))v=(v+1)local d=6851 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end end;v=(v+1);end else s=((s+49))v=(v+1)while(v<137 and((s%234)<117))do s=(s*57)local d=(v+s)if(((s%150)==75 or(s%150)>75))then s=((s-77))local d=19937 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end elseif((s%4~=0))then s=((s-59))local d=71764 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end else s=((s+52))v=(v+1)local d=61574 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end end;v=v+1;end end;v=(v+1);end s=(s+222)if(v>23)then break;end;end;end else if a<=7 then p[6]=cg();else if a>8 then v=0 else s=257 end end end end else if a<=14 then if a<=11 then if a<11 then w={}else while v<1 do v=(v+1);while(((v<575))and(s%806<403))do s=(s+27)local d=(v+s)if(((s%296)>148))then s=(s+55)while(v<605 and(s%1074)<537)do s=(s-96)local d=(v+s)if((((s%11590))==5795 or((s%11590))>5795))then s=((s+15))local d=92397 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;end elseif not(not(s%4~=0))then s=(((s-92)))local d=92624 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;local d=1;local j=2;local k=3;local x=4;for x=1,cf()do local y=cg();local bb=cd(y,d,d);if(not((bb~=0)))then local y,bb,be=cd(y,j,k),cd(y,4,6),m({[240]=cm(),[689]=cm(),nil,nil},{['\95\95\116\111\115\116\114\105\110\103']=function(...)return cd(y,j,k);end,})if((((not(y~=0))or(not(not(y==d))))))then be[173]=cf();if((not((y~=0))))then be[202]=cf();end;elseif(((not(not(y==j)))or((not(y~=k)))))then be[173]=(((cf()-(e))));if(not(not(y==k)))then be[202]=cm();end;end;if(not(not(cd(bb,d,d)==d)))then be[689]=q[be[689]];end;if(not((cd(bb,j,j)~=d)))then be[173]=q[be[173]];end;if((not(not(cd(bb,k,k)==d))))then be[202]=q[be[202]];end;b[x]=be;end;end;end else s=((s-4))v=(v+1)local b=8166 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end end;v=v+1;end elseif not((s%4)==0)then s=(((s+76)))while(v<728 and s%1974<987)do s=((s-24))local b=(v+s)if((s%10970)<5485)then s=(((s+21)))local b=72794 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end elseif(not((s%4)==0))then s=((s+60))local b=67440 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end else s=(s*57)v=(v+1)local b=42641 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end end;v=(v+1);end else s=((s-39))v=(v+1)while((v<315)and(s%1412)<706)do s=((s*75))local b=(v+s)if(((s%6380))==3190 or((s%6380))>3190)then s=((s+91))local b=54548 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end elseif not(not((s%4)~=0))then s=(s*92)local b=38649 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end else s=((s-34))v=((v+1))local b=38478 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end end;v=v+1;end end;v=((v+1));end s=((s*640))if((v>22))then break;end;end;end else if a<=12 then for b=1,cf()do c[b-1]=cr();end;else if 14>a then do for b=1,#p[ch]do local b=p[ch][b]local c,d,e=b[689],b[173],b[202]if not(not(bp(c)==f))then c=z(c,cl,function(j,k,k,k,k)local k,q=0 while true do if k<=0 then q=0 else if k~=2 then while true do if(0<q)then break else return i(bu(h(j),cb))end q=(q+1)end else break end end k=k+1 end end)b[689]=c end if not(not(not(bp(d)~=f)))then d=z(d,cl,function(c,j,j,j)local j,k=0 while true do if j<=0 then k=0 else if j~=2 then while true do if(0==k)then return i(bu(h(c),cb))else break end k=(k+1)end else break end end j=j+1 end end)b[173]=d end if not(not(bp(e)==f))then e=z(e,cl,function(c,d)local d,j=0 while true do if d<=0 then j=0 else if 1<d then break else while true do if not(0~=j)then return i(bu(h(c),cb))else break end j=j+1 end end end d=d+1 end end)b[202]=e end;end;p[cj]=nil;end;else s=364 end end end else if a<=16 then if 16>a then v=0 else w={}end else if a<=17 then while((v<8))do v=((v+1));while((v<803 and s%74<37))do s=((s*94))local b=((v+s))if((s%6622))>3311 then s=((s+49))while v<470 and s%1118<559 do s=(s*55)local b=(v+s)if((s%16274))>8137 then s=(((s*29)))local b=78200 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;p[472]=function(...)local b,c,d,e,h=0 while true do if b<=0 then c,d,e,h=0 else if 1<b then break else while true do if(c<2 or c==2)then if c<=0 then d=n(1,...)else if(2~=c)then e=({...})else do for d=0,#e do if(not(bp(e[d])~=bq))then for i,i in o,e[d]do if(bp(i)==bp(g))then t(bo,i)end end else t(bo,e[d])end end end end end else if c<=3 then h=function(d)local g,i,j=0 while true do if g<=0 then i,j=0 else if 2>g then while true do if(i==1 or i<1)then if 1~=i then j=u(d)else for j=0,#bo do if ba(d,bo[j])then return bm(f);end end end else if(2<i)then break else return false end end i=i+1 end else break end end g=g+1 end end else if not(c==5)then for d=0,#e do if(bp(e[d])==bq)then return h(e[d])end end else break end end end c=c+1 end end end b=b+1 end end end elseif(not(s%4==0))then s=(((s-51)))local b=97310 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end else s=((s+91))v=(v+1)local b=20889 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end end;v=(v+1);end elseif(not(s%4==0))then s=((s+97))while(v<212 and(s%1986<993))do s=((s-40))local b=v+s if((s%17026)>8513 or(s%17026)==8513)then s=(((s+70)))local b=5736 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end elseif not(not((s%4)~=0))then s=((s*85))local b=6696 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end else s=((s-88))v=((v+1))local b=6006 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end end;v=v+1;end else s=((s+74))v=(v+1)while((v<540)and((s%1360)<680))do s=(s-7)local b=((v+s))if((s%10108)==5054 or(s%10108)<5054)then s=((s*45))local b=3090 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end elseif s%4~=0 then s=(((s-64)))local b=70408 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end else s=(((s-6)))v=v+1 local b=53409 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end end;v=(v+1);end end;v=(v+1);end s=(s+529)if(v>17)then break;end;end;else if 19>a then return p;else break end end end end end a=a+1 end end else break end end end end end end bd=bd+1 end local function a(b,c)local d if bp(l)==bq then d=l;else d=l(bl);end local e={}for f,g in o,d do if g~=b then e[f]=g else e[f]=c;end end if bc then return bc(bl,e)else l=e;return l;end end;local function b(...)local c=n(bl,...);local d=n(2,...);local e=n(3,...);local f=c[ci];local g=c[472];local h=c[ch];local i=c[6];local j=c[472];local c=c[491];local c=bt[ba(bx,j)];return function(...)local j,k,n,o,p,q,s,u=cq,1,-1,{},{...},(n("\35",...)-1),{},{};for v=0,q,1 do if(v>=i)then o[v-i]=p[v+1];else u[v]=p[v+1];end;end;local v,w,x,y=(q-i+1),nil,nil,{};while true do w=h[k];x=w[240];if x<=84 then if(x<41 or x==41)then if(x<20 or x==20)then if x<=9 then if(4>x or 4==x)then if(1==x or 1>x)then if(x>0)then local y=w[689]u[y](r(u,y+1,n))else u[w[689]]=(u[w[173]]*w[202]);end;elseif(x==2 or x<2)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];elseif x>3 then local y=w[689]u[y](u[(y+1)])else local y,z=0 while true do if(y<7 or y==7)then if y<=3 then if(y<=1)then if 0==y then z=nil else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end else if(y<3)then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if y<=5 then if(y<5)then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=(k+1);end else if(y<7)then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end else if(y<=11)then if y<=9 then if 8<y then w=h[k];else k=(k+1);end else if(11~=y)then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end end else if(y<=13)then if not(y==13)then w=h[k];else z=w[689]end else if(y<15)then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[173]))else break end end end end y=y+1 end end;elseif(x==6 or x<6)then if x>5 then u[w[689]]=(u[w[173]]+w[202]);else local y=w[689];local z=u[w[173]];u[(y+1)]=z;u[y]=z[w[202]];end;elseif((x<7)or not(x~=7))then local y,z=0 while true do if(y==10 or y<10)then if y<=4 then if(y<=1)then if(y<1)then z=nil else u={};end else if(y<2 or y==2)then for ba=0,q,1 do if ba<i then u[ba]=p[ba+1];else break;end;end;else if 4>y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end else if(y<=7)then if(y<5 or y==5)then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else if 7>y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if(y<=8)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else if not(y==10)then k=(k+1);else w=h[k];end end end end else if(y==16 or y<16)then if(y==13 or y<13)then if(y<=11)then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else if not(13==y)then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if(y<=14)then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else if 16>y then k=(k+1);else w=h[k];end end end else if(y<=19)then if(y<=17)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];else if(y<19)then k=(k+1);else w=h[k];end end else if(y<=20)then z=w[689]else if(21==y)then u[z](u[z+1])else break end end end end end y=(y+1)end elseif(x<9)then local y,z,ba,bb,bc=0 while true do if y<=11 then if(y==5 or y<5)then if(y<2 or y==2)then if(y<0 or y==0)then z=nil else if 1<y then bc=nil else ba,bb=nil end end else if y<=3 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];else if not(4~=y)then k=(k+1);else w=h[k];end end end else if y<=8 then if(y<=6)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else if(y~=8)then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if(y<=9)then u[w[689]]=w[173];else if(y<11)then k=(k+1);else w=h[k];end end end end else if(y<17 or y==17)then if(y==14 or y<14)then if(y<12 or y==12)then u[w[689]]=w[173];else if y<14 then k=(k+1);else w=h[k];end end else if(y<=15)then u[w[689]]=w[173];else if(16<y)then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if y<=20 then if(y<18 or y==18)then bc=w[689]else if not(20==y)then ba,bb=j(u[bc](r(u,bc+1,w[173])))else n=((bb+bc)-1)end end else if y<=21 then z=0;else if 22<y then break else for bb=bc,n do z=(z+1);u[bb]=ba[z];end;end end end end end y=y+1 end else local y=f[w[173]];local z={};local ba={};for bb=1,w[202]do k=(k+1);local bc=h[k];if not(bc[240]~=127)then ba[(bb-1)]={u,bc[173],nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil};else ba[bb-1]={d,bc[173],nil,nil,nil};end;s[(#s+1)]=ba;end;m(z,{['\95\95\105\110\100\101\120']=function(bb,bb)local bb=ba[bb];return bb[1][bb[2]];end,['\95\95\110\101\119\105\110\100\101\120']=function(bb,bb,bc)local ba=ba[bb]ba[1][ba[2]]=bc;end;});u[w[689]]=b(y,z,e);end;elseif(14==x or 14>x)then if(x==11 or x<11)then if 11~=x then if u[w[689]]then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;else local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if y~=1 then z=nil else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end else if y~=3 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if y<=5 then if 5~=y then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end else if y<7 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end else if y<=11 then if y<=9 then if y==8 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if y==10 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=13 then if y==12 then w=h[k];else z=w[689]end else if 15~=y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[173]))else break end end end end y=y+1 end end;elseif x<=12 then u[w[689]]();elseif(x<14)then local y=w[689]u[y]=u[y](u[y+1])else local y,z,ba,bb,bc,bd=0 while true do if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if y>0 then ba=w[202]else z=w[689]end else if y==2 then bb=z+2 else bc={u[z](u[z+1],u[bb])}end end else if y<=5 then if y<5 then for be=1,ba do u[bb+be]=bc[be];end else bd=u[z+3]end else if 6==y then if bd then u[bb]=bd;k=w[173];else k=k+1 end;else break end end end y=y+1 end end;elseif(17==x or 17>x)then if(15>x or 15==x)then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if 1~=y then z=nil else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end else if 2==y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if y<=5 then if y<5 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else k=k+1;end else if 6<y then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else w=h[k];end end end else if y<=11 then if y<=9 then if y~=9 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if 10==y then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=13 then if y~=13 then w=h[k];else z=w[689]end else if y>14 then break else u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[173]))end end end end y=y+1 end elseif(16==x)then local y=u[w[202]];if not y then k=(k+1);else u[w[689]]=y;k=w[173];end;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end;elseif x<=18 then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=9 then if y<=4 then if y<=1 then if 0<y then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else z=nil end else if y<=2 then k=k+1;else if y>3 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else w=h[k];end end end else if y<=6 then if 5<y then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end else if y<=7 then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else if 9>y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end end else if y<=14 then if y<=11 then if y~=11 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else k=k+1;end else if y<=12 then w=h[k];else if 13==y then z=w[689];else do return u[z](r(u,z+1,w[173]))end;end end end else if y<=16 then if y==15 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if y<=17 then z=w[689];else if y~=19 then do return r(u,z,n)end;else break end end end end end y=y+1 end elseif 19<x then u[w[689]]=(u[w[173]]-w[202]);else local y=w[689]u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))end;elseif(x<=30)then if(25==x or 25>x)then if(22>x or 22==x)then if(22>x)then u[w[689]]=(u[w[173]]+u[w[202]]);else local y=w[689]local z={u[y](u[y+1])};local ba=0;for bb=y,w[202]do ba=(ba+1);u[bb]=z[ba];end end;elseif(x<23 or not(x~=23))then do return end;elseif not(x==25)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]%w[202];else if(not(u[w[689]]==u[w[202]]))then k=w[173];else k=(k+1);end;end;elseif(x<27 or x==27)then if not(x~=26)then local y,z,ba,bb,bc=0 while true do if y<=9 then if y<=4 then if y<=1 then if y~=1 then z=nil else ba,bb=nil end else if y<=2 then bc=nil else if 3<y then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end end end else if y<=6 then if 6>y then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end else if y<=7 then k=k+1;else if 8==y then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end end else if y<=14 then if y<=11 then if y<11 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if y<=12 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else if 13==y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end else if y<=17 then if y<=15 then bc=w[689]else if y~=17 then ba,bb=j(u[bc](r(u,bc+1,w[173])))else n=bb+bc-1 end end else if y<=18 then z=0;else if 20~=y then for bb=bc,n do z=z+1;u[bb]=ba[z];end;else break end end end end end y=y+1 end else u[w[689]][u[w[173]]]=u[w[202]];end;elseif(x<28 or x==28)then local y=w[689];local z=u[y];for ba=(y+1),w[173]do t(z,u[ba])end;elseif(29<x)then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if 1~=y then z=nil else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end else if 3>y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if y<=5 then if y<5 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end else if y~=7 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end end end else if y<=11 then if y<=9 then if y==8 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if 11>y then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=13 then if 13>y then w=h[k];else z=w[689]end else if y>14 then break else u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[173]))end end end end y=y+1 end else local y=w[689]u[y]=u[y]()end;elseif(35==x or 35>x)then if(32>=x)then if 32~=x then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]-u[w[202]];else u[w[689]]=(u[w[173]]+u[w[202]]);end;elseif(x<=33)then u[w[689]][u[w[173]]]=u[w[202]];elseif 35>x then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if y<1 then z=nil else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end else if 3~=y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if y<=5 then if 4<y then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=w[173];end else if y<7 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end else if y<=11 then if y<=9 then if 8==y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if y~=11 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=13 then if y>12 then z=w[689]else w=h[k];end else if 15~=y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[173]))else break end end end end y=y+1 end else u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];end;elseif(x<38 or x==38)then if(x<=36)then a(c,g);elseif(x<38)then u[w[689]]=w[173];else local y,z=0 while true do if y<=8 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if y>0 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else z=nil end else if 3~=y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if y<=5 then if y>4 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end else if y<=6 then w=h[k];else if y==7 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if y<=13 then if y<=10 then if y<10 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end else if y<=11 then k=k+1;else if y~=13 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end end end else if y<=15 then if 15>y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if y<=16 then z=w[689]else if y>17 then break else u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[173]))end end end end end y=y+1 end end;elseif x<=39 then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];elseif not(x~=40)then u[w[689]]={};else local y,z=0 while true do if y<=10 then if y<=4 then if y<=1 then if 0<y then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else z=nil end else if y<=2 then k=k+1;else if 3<y then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else w=h[k];end end end else if y<=7 then if y<=5 then k=k+1;else if 6==y then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end end else if y<=8 then k=k+1;else if 9<y then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];else w=h[k];end end end end else if y<=15 then if y<=12 then if 11<y then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end else if y<=13 then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else if y~=15 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end else if y<=18 then if y<=16 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else if 17==y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if y<=19 then z=w[689]else if 21>y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[173]))else break end end end end end y=y+1 end end;elseif(62>=x)then if(51>=x)then if(46>x or 46==x)then if(x<=43)then if x~=43 then local y,z,ba,bb,bc=0 while true do if y<=11 then if y<=5 then if y<=2 then if y<=0 then z=nil else if 1==y then ba,bb=nil else bc=nil end end else if y<=3 then u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];else if y~=5 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end else if y<=8 then if y<=6 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else if 8~=y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if y<=9 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else if 10<y then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end end end else if y<=17 then if y<=14 then if y<=12 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else if 13<y then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=15 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else if 16==y then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end else if y<=20 then if y<=18 then bc=w[689]else if 19==y then ba,bb=j(u[bc](r(u,bc+1,w[173])))else n=bb+bc-1 end end else if y<=21 then z=0;else if y>22 then break else for bb=bc,n do z=z+1;u[bb]=ba[z];end;end end end end end y=y+1 end else local y=w[689]local z,ba=j(u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173])))n=ba+y-1 local ba=0;for bb=y,n do ba=(ba+1);u[bb]=z[ba];end;end;elseif(x<=44)then e[w[173]]=u[w[689]];elseif(46>x)then for y=w[689],w[173],1 do u[y]=nil;end;else local y=w[689]u[y]=u[y]()end;elseif(x==48 or x<48)then if(x<48)then local y=w[689]u[y]=u[y](r(u,(y+1),w[173]))else if(w[689]<=u[w[202]])then k=(k+1);else k=w[173];end;end;elseif(x<=49)then local y=f[w[173]];local z={};local ba={};for bb=1,w[202]do k=(k+1);local bc=h[k];if(bc[240]==127)then ba[bb-1]={u,bc[173],nil,nil,nil};else ba[bb-1]={d,bc[173],nil,nil,nil};end;s[#s+1]=ba;end;m(z,{['\95\95\105\110\100\101\120']=function(m,m)local m=ba[m];return m[1][m[2]];end,['\95\95\110\101\119\105\110\100\101\120']=function(m,m,bb)local m=ba[m]m[1][m[2]]=bb;end;});u[w[689]]=b(y,z,e);elseif not(x~=50)then local m=w[689];u[m]=u[m]-u[(m+2)];k=w[173];else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end;elseif x<=56 then if(x==53 or x<53)then if(53>x)then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=7 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if m==0 then y=nil else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end else if 3~=m then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if m<=5 then if 4<m then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end else if m<7 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end end end else if m<=11 then if m<=9 then if 8==m then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if 11>m then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=13 then if 12<m then y=w[689]else w=h[k];end else if 15>m then u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))else break end end end end m=m+1 end else local m,y,z=0 while true do if m<=9 then if m<=4 then if m<=1 then if m>0 then z=nil else y=nil end else if m<=2 then u={};else if m~=4 then for ba=0,q,1 do if ba<i then u[ba]=p[ba+1];else break;end;end;else k=k+1;end end end else if m<=6 then if 6~=m then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];end else if m<=7 then k=k+1;else if m<9 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end end end end else if m<=14 then if m<=11 then if 10==m then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if m<=12 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else if m~=14 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end else if m<=16 then if 15==m then z=w[689];else y=u[w[173]];end else if m<=17 then u[z+1]=y;else if m<19 then u[z]=y[w[202]];else break end end end end end m=m+1 end end;elseif(54>x or 54==x)then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=7 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 1~=m then y=nil else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end else if m<3 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if m<=5 then if 5>m then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end else if 6==m then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end else if m<=11 then if m<=9 then if m>8 then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end else if 10<m then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end else if m<=13 then if 13~=m then w=h[k];else y=w[689]end else if 14==m then u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))else break end end end end m=m+1 end elseif(x>55)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]+w[202];else local m=w[689];local y=u[w[173]];u[(m+1)]=y;u[m]=y[w[202]];end;elseif(59>x or 59==x)then if(57>x or 57==x)then local m=w[689];do return u[m](r(u,(m+1),w[173]))end;elseif 58<x then if(not(u[w[689]]==u[w[202]]))then k=(k+1);else k=w[173];end;else u[w[689]]=w[173];end;elseif(x<60 or x==60)then local m=w[689];local y,z,ba=u[m],u[m+1],u[m+2];local y=y+ba;u[m]=y;if(ba>0 and y<=z or ba<0 and y>=z)then k=w[173];u[m+3]=y;end;elseif x~=62 then u[w[689]]=#u[w[173]];else u[w[689]]();end;elseif(x==73 or x<73)then if x<=67 then if(64>=x)then if x>63 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else u[w[689]]={r({},1,w[173])};end;elseif(x<65 or x==65)then if u[w[689]]then k=(k+1);else k=w[173];end;elseif not(66~=x)then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=7 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if m>0 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else y=nil end else if 3~=m then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if m<=5 then if 5>m then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end else if 6==m then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end else if m<=11 then if m<=9 then if 9>m then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if m==10 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=13 then if 12==m then w=h[k];else y=w[689]end else if m<15 then u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))else break end end end end m=m+1 end else local m,y=0 while true do if m<=8 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 0<m then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else y=nil end else if m<3 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if m<=5 then if 5>m then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else k=k+1;end else if m<=6 then w=h[k];else if m>7 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end end end end else if m<=13 then if m<=10 then if m<10 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end else if m<=11 then k=k+1;else if 12<m then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else w=h[k];end end end else if m<=15 then if 14<m then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end else if m<=16 then y=w[689]else if 17<m then break else u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))end end end end end m=m+1 end end;elseif(70==x or 70>x)then if(68==x or 68>x)then u[w[689]]=(u[w[173]]*w[202]);elseif 70>x then local m=w[689];do return r(u,m,n)end;else local m,y,z=0 while true do if m<=12 then if m<=5 then if m<=2 then if m<=0 then y=nil else if 1<m then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else z=nil end end else if m<=3 then k=k+1;else if m>4 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else w=h[k];end end end else if m<=8 then if m<=6 then k=k+1;else if m<8 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end end else if m<=10 then if 9<m then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end else if m<12 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if m<=19 then if m<=15 then if m<=13 then w=h[k];else if 15~=m then u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=17 then if 17>m then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end else if m>18 then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if m<=22 then if m<=20 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else if m>21 then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=24 then if 24~=m then z=w[689];else y=u[z];end else if m>25 then break else for ba=z+1,w[173]do t(y,u[ba])end;end end end end end m=m+1 end end;elseif 71>=x then local m=0 while true do if m<=8 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 0<m then for y=0,q,1 do if y<i then u[y]=p[y+1];else break;end;end;else u={};end else if 3~=m then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if m<=5 then if m>4 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end else if m<=6 then w=h[k];else if m<8 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]+w[202];else k=k+1;end end end end else if m<=12 then if m<=10 then if 9<m then d[w[173]]=u[w[689]];else w=h[k];end else if 11<m then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=14 then if m==13 then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else k=k+1;end else if m<=15 then w=h[k];else if 17>m then u[w[689]]();else break end end end end end m=m+1 end elseif x<73 then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=7 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 0==m then y=nil else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end else if 2<m then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=5 then if 5~=m then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end else if 7~=m then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end else if m<=11 then if m<=9 then if 8==m then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if m~=11 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=13 then if 12<m then y=w[689]else w=h[k];end else if 15>m then u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))else break end end end end m=m+1 end else for m=w[689],w[173],1 do u[m]=nil;end;end;elseif(78>x or 78==x)then if(75>x or 75==x)then if(75>x)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]%w[202];else u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];end;elseif 76>=x then do return u[w[689]]end elseif not(78==x)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]%u[w[202]];else local m=w[689];do return u[m](r(u,(m+1),w[173]))end;end;elseif(x<=81)then if(x<=79)then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=11 then if m<=5 then if m<=2 then if m<=0 then y=nil else if m>1 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]%u[w[202]];end end else if m<=3 then w=h[k];else if m==4 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]+w[202];else k=k+1;end end end else if m<=8 then if m<=6 then w=h[k];else if 8~=m then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=9 then w=h[k];else if 10<m then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end end end end else if m<=17 then if m<=14 then if m<=12 then w=h[k];else if m~=14 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=15 then w=h[k];else if m==16 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else k=k+1;end end end else if m<=20 then if m<=18 then w=h[k];else if m==19 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else k=k+1;end end else if m<=22 then if m~=22 then w=h[k];else y=w[689]end else if 23<m then break else u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))end end end end end m=m+1 end elseif x<81 then k=w[173];else local m,y=0 while true do if m<=7 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 0==m then y=nil else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end else if m<3 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if m<=5 then if m~=5 then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end else if 6==m then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end else if m<=11 then if m<=9 then if m<9 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if m>10 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end else if m<=13 then if 12<m then y=w[689]else w=h[k];end else if m<15 then u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))else break end end end end m=m+1 end end;elseif(x<82 or x==82)then u[w[689]]=false;elseif 83<x then local m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](u[(m+1)])else do return end;end;elseif 127>=x then if 105>=x then if x<=94 then if x<=89 then if x<=86 then if x>85 then local m=w[689];local y=u[m];for z=m+1,n do t(y,u[z])end;else local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))end;elseif x<=87 then u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];elseif 88==x then local m;u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))else u[w[689]]=true;end;elseif 91>=x then if x==90 then if not u[w[689]]then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;else if(u[w[689]]<=w[202])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;end;elseif 92>=x then local m=w[689];u[m]=u[m]-u[m+2];k=w[173];elseif x>93 then local m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,n))else u={};for m=0,q,1 do if m<i then u[m]=p[m+1];else break;end;end;end;elseif x<=99 then if 96>=x then if 95<x then if(w[689]<u[w[202]])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]-u[w[202]];end;elseif 97>=x then local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))elseif 98<x then u[w[689]]={};else local m=w[689];local y,z,ba=u[m],u[m+1],u[m+2];local y=y+ba;u[m]=y;if ba>0 and y<=z or ba<0 and y>=z then k=w[173];u[m+3]=y;end;end;elseif 102>=x then if x<=100 then local m=w[689]u[m](u[(m+1)])elseif x<102 then local m;u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))else k=w[173];end;elseif x<=103 then local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))elseif x~=105 then local m;u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))else if(w[689]<u[w[202]])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;end;elseif x<=116 then if 110>=x then if(x<107 or x==107)then if x<107 then local m=0 while true do if m<=9 then if m<=4 then if m<=1 then if m~=1 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]/w[202];else k=k+1;end else if m<=2 then w=h[k];else if 4>m then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]-u[w[202]];else k=k+1;end end end else if m<=6 then if 5<m then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]/w[202];else w=h[k];end else if m<=7 then k=k+1;else if 9>m then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]*w[202];end end end end else if m<=14 then if m<=11 then if m~=11 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if m<=12 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else if m>13 then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if m<=16 then if m>15 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end else if m<=17 then w=h[k];else if 18<m then break else k=w[173];end end end end end m=m+1 end else if(u[w[689]]<u[w[202]])then k=(k+1);else k=w[173];end;end;elseif 108>=x then local m,y=0 while true do if(m<7 or m==7)then if(m<=3)then if(m==1 or m<1)then if not(m==1)then y=nil else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end else if(2==m)then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if(m<=5)then if m<5 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else k=(k+1);end else if not(6~=m)then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end end end else if(m==11 or m<11)then if(m==9 or m<9)then if(8<m)then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end else if not(m~=10)then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else k=(k+1);end end else if(m<13 or m==13)then if not(12~=m)then w=h[k];else y=w[689]end else if not(m==15)then u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))else break end end end end m=m+1 end elseif not(109~=x)then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=19 then if m<=9 then if m<=4 then if m<=1 then if m>0 then u[w[689]]={};else y=nil end else if m<=2 then k=k+1;else if 3<m then u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];else w=h[k];end end end else if m<=6 then if m<6 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if m<=7 then u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];else if 9~=m then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end end else if m<=14 then if m<=11 then if 11~=m then u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];else k=k+1;end else if m<=12 then w=h[k];else if m>13 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];end end end else if m<=16 then if m<16 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];end else if m<=17 then k=k+1;else if 18<m then u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];else w=h[k];end end end end end else if m<=29 then if m<=24 then if m<=21 then if 20<m then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end else if m<=22 then u[w[689]]={};else if m>23 then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if m<=26 then if 26>m then u[w[689]][w[173]]=u[w[202]];else k=k+1;end else if m<=27 then w=h[k];else if 28==m then u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if m<=34 then if m<=31 then if 30<m then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];else w=h[k];end else if m<=32 then k=k+1;else if 34>m then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end end end else if m<=36 then if m~=36 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if m<=37 then y=w[689]else if m<39 then u[y](r(u,y+1,w[173]))else break end end end end end end m=m+1 end else local m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,(m+1),w[173]))end;elseif 113>=x then if x<=111 then if not u[w[689]]then k=(k+1);else k=w[173];end;elseif x==112 then u[w[689]]=true;else local m=w[689];n=m+v-1;for y=m,n do local m=o[y-m];u[y]=m;end;end;elseif x<=114 then local m=w[689];local y=w[202];local z=m+2;local ba={u[m](u[m+1],u[z])};for bb=1,y do u[z+bb]=ba[bb];end local m=u[m+3];if m then u[z]=m;k=w[173];else k=k+1 end;elseif 115==x then local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))else local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))end;elseif x<=121 then if 118>=x then if(118~=x)then u[w[689]]=b(f[w[173]],nil,e);else u[w[689]]={r({},1,w[173])};end;elseif x<=119 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]-w[202];elseif x~=121 then local m;u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))else local m;u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))end;elseif 124>=x then if x<=122 then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];elseif x>123 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]%u[w[202]];else local m=w[689]local y={}for z=1,#s do local ba=s[z]for bb=1,#ba do local ba=ba[bb]local bb,bb=ba[1],ba[2]if bb>=m then y[bb]=u[bb]ba[1]=y s[z]=nil;end end end end;elseif 125>=x then local m=w[689];local y=u[m];for z=m+1,n do t(y,u[z])end;elseif x==126 then if(u[w[689]]<=u[w[202]])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end;elseif 148>=x then if x<=137 then if x<=132 then if x<=129 then if 129~=x then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];else local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))end;elseif 130>=x then u[w[689]]=false;elseif x==131 then local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))else local m=u[w[689]]+w[202];u[w[689]]=m;if(m<=u[w[689]+1])then k=w[173];end;end;elseif x<=134 then if 134~=x then u={};for m=0,q,1 do if m<i then u[m]=p[m+1];else break;end;end;else u={};for m=0,q,1 do if m<i then u[m]=p[m+1];else break;end;end;k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]+w[202];k=k+1;w=h[k];d[w[173]]=u[w[689]];k=k+1;w=h[k];do return end;k=k+1;w=h[k];do return end;end;elseif 135>=x then local m=w[689]local y={u[m](u[m+1])};local z=0;for ba=m,w[202]do z=z+1;u[ba]=y[z];end elseif 137~=x then if(u[w[689]]~=u[w[202]])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;else if(u[w[689]]<u[w[202]])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;end;elseif x<=142 then if 139>=x then if x>138 then e[w[173]]=u[w[689]];else d[w[173]]=u[w[689]];end;elseif 140>=x then local m=w[689]u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))elseif x<142 then local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))else if(w[689]<=u[w[202]])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;end;elseif 145>=x then if 143>=x then local m=u[w[202]];if not m then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=m;k=w[173];end;elseif x==144 then if(u[w[689]]<=w[202])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;else local m;u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689];do return u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173]))end;k=k+1;w=h[k];m=w[689];do return r(u,m,n)end;k=k+1;w=h[k];k=w[173];end;elseif 146>=x then local m=w[689]local j,y=j(u[m](r(u,m+1,w[173])))n=y+m-1 local y=0;for z=m,n do y=y+1;u[z]=j[y];end;elseif 147<x then local j=w[689]local m={}for y=1,#s do local z=s[y]for ba=1,#z do local z=z[ba]local ba,ba=z[1],z[2]if ba>=j then m[ba]=u[ba]z[1]=m s[y]=nil;end end end else u[w[689]]=#u[w[173]];end;elseif x<=159 then if 153>=x then if(150==x or 150>x)then if not(150==x)then local j,m=0 while true do if j<=17 then if j<=8 then if j<=3 then if j<=1 then if 1~=j then m=nil else u={};end else if j>2 then k=k+1;else for s=0,q,1 do if s<i then u[s]=p[s+1];else break;end;end;end end else if j<=5 then if j~=5 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]={};end else if j<=6 then k=k+1;else if 7==j then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end end end end else if j<=12 then if j<=10 then if j<10 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if j~=12 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else k=k+1;end end else if j<=14 then if j~=14 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];end else if j<=15 then k=k+1;else if 16==j then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end end end end end else if j<=26 then if j<=21 then if j<=19 then if j==18 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if j>20 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]={};end end else if j<=23 then if 22==j then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end else if j<=24 then k=k+1;else if j<26 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end end else if j<=30 then if j<=28 then if j<28 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if 30>j then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end end else if j<=32 then if 32>j then w=h[k];else m=w[689];end else if j<=33 then u[m]=u[m]-u[m+2];else if j<35 then k=w[173];else break end end end end end end j=j+1 end else local j,m=0 while true do if j<=9 then if j<=4 then if j<=1 then if j>0 then u={};else m=nil end else if j<=2 then for s=0,q,1 do if s<i then u[s]=p[s+1];else break;end;end;else if 4>j then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end else if j<=6 then if 6~=j then u[w[689]]=w[173];else k=k+1;end else if j<=7 then w=h[k];else if 9~=j then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if j<=14 then if j<=11 then if j==10 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=#u[w[173]];end else if j<=12 then k=k+1;else if j<14 then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=w[173];end end end else if j<=17 then if j<=15 then k=k+1;else if 16<j then m=w[689];else w=h[k];end end else if j<=18 then u[m]=u[m]-u[m+2];else if j==19 then k=w[173];else break end end end end end j=j+1 end end;elseif(x<=151)then u[w[689]]=b(f[w[173]],nil,e);elseif not(153==x)then u[w[689]]=(u[w[173]]/w[202]);else d[w[173]]=u[w[689]];end;elseif(x==156 or x<156)then if x<=154 then a(c,g);elseif(x>155)then local f,j=0 while true do if f<=12 then if f<=5 then if f<=2 then if f<=0 then j=nil else if 1==f then u={};else for m=0,q,1 do if m<i then u[m]=p[m+1];else break;end;end;end end else if f<=3 then k=k+1;else if 5~=f then w=h[k];else u[w[689]]=false;end end end else if f<=8 then if f<=6 then k=k+1;else if f>7 then u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];else w=h[k];end end else if f<=10 then if f<10 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end else if f<12 then for m=w[689],w[173],1 do u[m]=nil;end;else k=k+1;end end end end else if f<=18 then if f<=15 then if f<=13 then w=h[k];else if 15>f then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else k=k+1;end end else if f<=16 then w=h[k];else if f>17 then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];end end end else if f<=21 then if f<=19 then w=h[k];else if 20<f then k=k+1;else u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];end end else if f<=23 then if f~=23 then w=h[k];else j=w[689]end else if f==24 then u[j]=u[j](u[j+1])else break end end end end end f=f+1 end else local f,j=0 while true do if f<=10 then if f<=4 then if f<=1 then if f>0 then u={};else j=nil end else if f<=2 then for m=0,q,1 do if m<i then u[m]=p[m+1];else break;end;end;else if f>3 then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if f<=7 then if f<=5 then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else if 6==f then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if f<=8 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];else if 9==f then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end end else if f<=16 then if f<=13 then if f<=11 then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else if f==12 then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end else if f<=14 then u[w[689]]=d[w[173]];else if 15==f then k=k+1;else w=h[k];end end end else if f<=19 then if f<=17 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][u[w[202]]];else if f>18 then w=h[k];else k=k+1;end end else if f<=20 then j=w[689]else if f>21 then break else u[j](u[j+1])end end end end end f=f+1 end end;elseif x<=157 then u[w[689]]=u[w[173]]/w[202];elseif(159~=x)then if(u[w[689]]<=u[w[202]])then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;else local d=w[689];n=d+v-1;for f=d,n do local d=o[f-d];u[f]=d;end;end;elseif x<=164 then if x<=161 then if 161>x then local d=w[689]u[d](r(u,d+1,n))else local d=w[689];do return r(u,d,n)end;end;elseif 162>=x then u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]={};k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];if not u[w[689]]then k=k+1;else k=w[173];end;elseif 164~=x then u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];else if(u[w[689]]~=u[w[202]])then k=w[173];else k=k+1;end;end;elseif 167>=x then if x<=165 then a(c,g);k=k+1;w=h[k];u={};for a=0,q,1 do if a<i then u[a]=p[a+1];else break;end;end;k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=w[173];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];elseif x~=167 then u={};for a=0,q,1 do if a<i then u[a]=p[a+1];else break;end;end;k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];for a=w[689],w[173],1 do u[a]=nil;end;k=k+1;w=h[k];k=w[173];else local a=w[689]u[a]=u[a](r(u,a+1,n))end;elseif 168>=x then do return u[w[689]]end elseif x==169 then local a;local c;u={};for d=0,q,1 do if d<i then u[d]=p[d+1];else break;end;end;k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=e[w[173]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];u[w[689]]=u[w[173]][w[202]];k=k+1;w=h[k];c=w[689];a=u[w[173]];u[c+1]=a;u[c]=a[w[202]];else local a=w[689];local c=u[a];for d=a+1,w[173]do t(c,u[d])end;end;k=k+1;end;end;end;return b(cr(),{},l())();end)('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or(function(a,b)return a*(2^b);end)),(getfenv or function()_ENV['\95\69\78\86']=_ENV;return _ENV end),setmetatable,select,next,math.floor,string.format,(unpack or table.unpack),tonumber,table.insert,string.gmatch,tostring,type,_VERSION,pcall,string.match,string.find,(debug.getinfo or debug.info),string.len,rawset,string.gsub,math.random,(table.find or function(a,b)for c,d in next,a do if d==b then return c;end;end return nil;end),rawget,_G,print,setfenv);end;