Sets the mailbox quota for a user
The Set-CIPPMailboxQuota function is used to set the mailbox quota for a user. It allows you to specify the customer tenant ID, user ID, and the mailbox quota limits such as ProhibitSendQuota, IssueWarningQuota, and ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.
The maximum mailbox size (in MB, GB or TB) at which sending messages is prohibited.
The mailbox size (in MB, GB or TB) at which a warning is issued to the user.
The maximum mailbox size (in MB, GB or TB) at which sending and receiving messages is prohibited.
PS > Set-CIPPMailboxQuota -CustomerTenantID "" -UserID "[email protected]" -ProhibitSendQuota "1GB"
PS > Set-CIPPMailboxQuota -CustomerTenantID "" -UserID "[email protected]" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota "5GB"