The Windows Custom Commands project aims to provide new commands to be executed in Windows PowerShell.
First of all, it is important to explain how to create new commands in Windows. To do this, you will need to add some things to your $PROFILE
To access $PROFILE
, just open your PowerShell and run the following command:
notepad $PROFILE
TIP: if you prefer, open
in another app like VSCode or Sublime.
This file loads every time you open the terminal in Windows, so everything you put in it becomes the "default terminal settings."
Thus, there are two ways (that I know) to create new commands in our terminal, and both involve modifying our $PROFILE
The first is by adding new aliases to $PROFILE
. You can do this with the following command:
New-Alias -Name my-command -Value Path\To\My\Command.bat
Now, what is happening here?
Action | Definition |
New-Alias | Creates aliases that associate commands with specific files, click here for more information |
-Name | Defines the name of the command to be executed in PowerShell; in this example, it would be "my-command" |
-Value | Defines which file will be called when the command is executed |
The other way you can create new commands is by adding functions to $PROFILE
, for example:
Function my-custom-command {
param (
$loginCommand = "my-command"
$loginCommand += " --my-parameter=my-value"
echo $ExtraArgs
foreach ($arg in $ExtraArgs) {
echo $arg
if ($arg.StartsWith("--")) {
$loginCommand += " $arg"
} elseif ($arg.StartsWith("-")) {
$loginCommand += " $arg"
} else {
$loginCommand += " '$arg'"
Invoke-Expression $loginCommand
In this case, we are creating a function called my-custom-command
, which calls the previously defined command my-command
, passing specific parameters.
Once you clone this repository, run the following command to install the app dependencies:
npm install
The login
command opens a browser and logs in according to the settings. It accepts the following parameters:
Long Parameter | Short Parameter | Required | Description |
--action | -a | YES | Indicates the action the login will perform |
--verbose | -v | NO | Indicates whether to display logs during execution |
Before using the login
command, you need to configure the desired actions. To do this, you need to create the config.json
file in the ./config/
directory. There is an example of how this config should look in the same folder, and it is structured like this:
"browseAndLogin": {
"[actions]": {
"url": "",
"usernameInput": "",
"usernameValue": "",
"passwordInput": "",
"passwordValue": "",
"loginButton": ""
Let's say you want to create a command that logs into your email. To do this, just replace "[action]" with "log-email" and fill in the other fields according to the access form IDs and your data.
TIP: as browseAndLogin is an object of objects, you can have
login actions for different sites, as long as you add them to the config file properly.
Now you need to configure the command in your $PROFILE
, as mentioned in step 1.2 of this README.
So, just add the following code to $PROFILE
New-Alias -Name login -Value Path\To\Your\Cloned\Repo\browse-and-login\browse-and-login.bat
Function log-email {
param (
$loginCommand = "login"
$loginCommand += " --action=log-email"
echo $ExtraArgs
foreach ($arg in $ExtraArgs) {
echo $arg
if ($arg.StartsWith("--")) {
$loginCommand += " $arg"
} elseif ($arg.StartsWith("-")) {
$loginCommand += " $arg"
} else {
$loginCommand += " '$arg'"
Invoke-Expression $loginCommand
What this configuration does is define an alias called login that runs the browse-and-login.bat file in this repository, then creates a function that executes the newly created "login" command, passing by default the argument --action=log-email
. So, the following commands are equivalent:
login --action=log-email
The touch
command creates a new empty file or updates the modification date of an existing file. It works similarly to the touch
command in Unix.
For example, the command touch file.txt
creates the file file.txt
if it does not exist or updates the modification date to the current time if it already exists.
Similarly to the previous command and as mentioned in section 1.2 of this README, you need to configure the command in $PROFILE
. Once the profile is open, the command looks like this:
New-Alias -Name touch -Value Path\To\Your\Cloned\Repo\touch\touch.bat
The reinitialize
command reinitializes your powershell, loading any new changes done in your $PROFILE
without you needing to close the terminal.
Similarly to the previous command and as mentioned in section 1.2 of this README, you need to configure the command in $PROFILE
. Once the profile is open, the command looks like this:
New-Alias -Name reinitialize -Value Path\To\Your\Cloned\Repo\reinitialize\reinitialize.bat
The scheduler
command opens a browser and shows the list of scheduled jobs of the computer, it allows the CRUD actions for scheduled jobs. The command saves the scheduled jobs in a temporary file and starts a node server to serve the html files and routes, by default the command starts in a separated
It accepts the following parameters:
Long Parameter | Short Parameter | Required | Description |
_start_ | NO | Starts the server in the same terminal that ran the command | |
--verbose | -v | NO | Indicates whether to display logs during execution |
Before using the scheduler
command, you need to configure the server port that should be used (the default is 3002) and to insert the computer user password because this is needed to update scheduled tasks. To do this, you need to create/update the config.json
file in the ./config/
directory. There is an example of how this config should look in the same folder, and it is structured like this:
"scheduler": {
"serverPort": 3002,
"userPassword": ""
Similarly to the previous command and as mentioned in section 1.2 of this README, you need to configure the command in $PROFILE
. Once the profile is open, the command looks like this:
New-Alias -Name scheduler -Value Path\To\Your\Cloned\Repo\scheduler\scheduler.bat