This project is a unique implementation of a chess engine, developed by Jakub Lisowski, Łukasz Kryczka, and Jakub Pietrzak from the Warsaw University of Technology. It serves as our primary focus and source of enjoyment in programming, providing a platform for exploring various intriguing programming schemes and algorithms. Our goal is to create the most powerful algorithm we can while ensuring well-tested software. While we strive to incorporate our own ideas and solutions, we occasionally draw inspiration from state-of-the-art concepts. This README will guide you through the key aspects of our engine, including its unique features and functionalities.
- OpenMp - is used to parallelize map parameter search
- GCC compiler
- x86_64 platform
- linux environment - to correctly run tests
Clone the repository to the desired directory:
git clone ; cd Checkmate-Chariot
Use a command below to build the project:
cmake CMakeLists.txt -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ; make -j {Number of cores on your platform}
- Bitboards: Utilizes bitboard structures for efficient board state representation.
- Supports FEN Strings: Loads board positions from FEN strings for flexible game setup.
- Move Generation: Implements comprehensive move generation including all standard chess moves, castling, en passant, and promotions.
- Board State Management: Maintains current board state with functionalities to make and unmake moves.
- Material Count: Considers the material balance of pieces.
- Special Pawn Evaluation: Includes specific evaluations for passed, isolated, and doubled pawns.
- King Safety: Evaluates attacked squares around kings.
- Separate Middlegame and Endgame Tables: Uses distinct evaluation metrics for different game phases.
- Predefined Openings: Contains a rich database of opening moves from professional games.
- Move Selection: Selects optimal opening moves to transition into a favorable middle game.
- Learning Capabilities: Can update the opening book based on game outcomes to improve future performance.
- The engine starts with a random move from the opening book
- Negamax Algorithm: Implements the negamax variant of the minimax algorithm for simplicity.
- Alpha-Beta Pruning: Uses alpha-beta pruning to reduce the number of nodes evaluated in the search tree.
- Iterative Deepening: Implements iterative deepening to progressively deepen the search depth.
- Transposition Tables: Utilizes transposition tables to store and retrieve previously evaluated positions.
- Quiescence Search: Extends search in tactical positions to avoid horizon effect.
- Advanced Pruning Techniques: Includes null move pruning, reverse futility pruning, and delta pruning.
- Late Move Reductions: Reduces the search depth for late moves to improve efficiency.
- Principal Variation Search: Focuses on the most promising moves to find the best line of play.
- Move Ordering: Sorts moves to prioritize captures, checks, and promotions.
- MVV-LVA: Uses Most Valuable Victim - Least Valuable Attacker heuristic for move ordering.
- Killer Moves: Remembers two killer moves per depth to enhance search efficiency.
- History Heuristic: Sorts moves based on their historical effectiveness.
- Dynamic Time Allocation: Adjusts time usage based on the number of moves played and remaining time.
- This is currently work-in-progress
- Supported Commands: Full UCI implementation
- Hash Size Configuration: Allows setting the hash size via the "Hash" UCI option, with a default of 256 MB.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.