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Customer attrition is a big issue in any industry. Not surprisingly, one of the major focus of a data scientist is to reduce customer attrition and increase customer retention. It is relatively easier to predict and detect in the industries where monthly billing service exists Eg: telecom, internet, streaming service etc. From an organizational perspective, it is always cheaper to retain existing customers than to acquire new customers.


My goal is to build a model to predict whether a customer will churn or not based on given a dataset in this project.


This data set consists of 100 variables and approx 100 thousand records. It contains different variables explaining the telecom industry's attributes and various factors considered important while dealing with customers of the telecom industry. The target variable here is churn, which explains whether the customer will churn or not. We can use this data set to predict the customers who would churn or who wouldn't churn, depending on various variables available.

Continuous Variables Explanation
ADJMOU Billing adjusted total minutes of use over the life of the customer
ADJQTY Billing adjusted total number of calls over the life of the customer
ADJREV Billing adjusted total revenue over the life of the customer
ATTEMPT_MEAN Mean number of attempted calls
ATTEMPT_RANGE Range of number of attempted calls
AVG3MOU Average monthly minutes of use over the previous three months
AVG3QTY Average monthly number of calls over the previous three months
AVG3REV Average monthly revenue over the previous three months
AVG6MOU Average monthly minutes of use over the previous six months
AVG6QTY Average monthly number of calls over the previous six months
AVG6REV Average monthly revenue over the previous six months
AVGMOU Average monthly minutes of use over the life of the customer
AVGQTY Average monthly number of calls over the life of the customer
AVGREV Average monthly revenue over the life of the customer
BLCK_DAT_MEAN Mean number of blocked (failed) data calls
BLCK_DAT_RANGE Range of number of blocked (failed) data calls
BLCK_VCE_MEAN Mean number of blocked (failed) voice calls
BLCK_VCE_RANGE Range of number of blocked (failed) voice calls
CALLFWDV_MEAN Mean number of call forwarding calls
CALLFWDV_RANGE Range of number of call forwarding calls
CALLWAIT_MEAN Mean number of call waiting calls
CALLWAIT_RANGE Range of number of call waiting calls
CC_MOU_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of customer care (see CUSTCARE_MEAN) calls
CC_MOU_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of customer care calls
CCRNDMOU_MEAN Mean rounded minutes of use of customer care calls
CCRNDMOU_RANGE Range of rounded minutes of use of customer care calls
CHANGE_MOU Percentage change in monthly minutes of use vs previous three month average
CHANGE_REV Percentage change in monthly revenue vs previous three month average
COMP_DAT_MEAN Mean number of completed data calls
COMP_DAT_RANGE Range of number of completed data calls
COMP_VCE_MEAN Mean number of completed voice calls
COMP_VCE_RANGE Range of number of completed voice calls
COMPLETE_MEAN Mean number of completed calls
COMPLETE_RANGE Range of number of completed calls
CUSTCARE_MEAN Mean number of customer care calls
CUSTCARE_RANGE Range of number of customer care calls
DA_MEAN Mean number of directory assisted calls
DA_RANGE Range of number of directory assisted calls
DATOVR_MEAN Mean revenue of data overage
DATOVR_RANGE Range of revenue of data overage
DROP_BLK_MEAN Mean number of dropped or blocked calls
DROP_BLK_RANGE Range of number of dropped or blocked calls
DROP_DAT_MEAN Mean number of dropped (failed) data calls
DROP_DAT_RANGE Range of number of dropped (failed) data calls
DROP_VCE_MEAN Mean number of dropped (failed) voice calls
DROP_VCE_RANGE Range of number of dropped (failed) voice calls
EQPDAYS Number of days (age) of current equipment
INONEMIN_MEAN Mean number of inbound calls less than one minute
INONEMIN_RANGE Range of number of inbound calls less than one minute
IWYUS_VCE_MEAN Mean number of inbound wireless to wireless voice calls
IWYLIS_VCE_RANGE Range of number of inbound wireless to wireless voice calls
MONTHS Total number of months in service
MOU_CDAT_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of completed data calls
MOU_CDAT_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of completed data calls
MOU_CVCE_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of completed voice calls
MOU_CVCE_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of completed voice calls
MOU_MEAN Mean number of monthly minutes of use
MOU_OPKD_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of off-peak data calls
MOU_OPKD_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of off-peak data calls
MOU_OPKV_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of off-peak voice calls
MOU_OPKV_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of off-peak voice calls
MOU_PEAD_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of peak data calls
MOU_PEAD_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of peak data calls
MOU_PEAV_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of peak voice calls
MOU_PEAV_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of peak voice calls
MOU_RANGE Range of number of minutes of use
MOU_RVCE_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of received voice calls
MOU_RVCE_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of received voice calls
MOUIWYLISV_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of inbound wireless to wireless voice calls
MOUIWYLISV_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of inbound wireless to wireless voice calls
MOUOWYLISV_MEAN Mean unrounded minutes of use of outbound wireless to wireless voice calls
MOUOWYLISV_RANGE Range of unrounded minutes of use of outbound wireless to wireless voice calls
OWYLIS_VCE_MEAN Mean number of outbound wireless to wireless voice calls
OWYLIS_VCE_RANGE Range of number of outbound wireless to wireless voice calls
OPK_DAT_MEAN Mean number of off-peak data calls
OPK_DAT_RANGE Range of number of off-peak data calls
OPK_VCE_MEAN Mean number of off-peak voice calls
OPK_VCE_RANGE Range of number of off-peak voice calls
OVRMOU_MEAN Mean overage minutes of use
OVRMOU_RANGE Range of overage minutes of use
OVRREV_MEAN Mean overage revenue
OVRREV_RANGE Range of overage revenue
PEAK_DAT_MEAN Mean number of peak data calls
PEAK_DAT_RANGE Range of number of peak data calls
PEAK_VCE_MEAN Mean number of inbound and outbound peak voice calls
PEAK_VCE_RANGE Range of number of inbound and outbound peak voice calls
PLCD_DAT_MEAN Mean number of attempted data calls placed
PLCD_DAT_RANGE Range of number of attempted data calls placed
PLCD_VCE_MEAN Mean number of attempted voice calls placed
PLCD_VCE_RANGE Range of number of attempted voice calls placed
RECY_SMS_MEAN Mean number of received SMS calls
RECV_SMS_RANGE Range of number of received SMS calls
RECV_VCE_MEAN Mean number of received voice calls
RECV_VCE_RANGE Range of number of received voice calls
RETDAYS Number of days since last retention call
REV_MEAN Mean monthly revenue (charge amount)
REV_RANGE Range of revenue (charge amount)
RMCALLS Total number of roaming calls
RMMOU Total minutes of use of roaming calls
RMREV Total revenue of roaming calls
ROAM_MEAN Mean number of roaming calls
ROAM_RANGE Range of number of roaming calls
THREEWAY_MEAN Mean number of three way calls
THREEWAY_RANGE Range of number of three way calls
TOTCALLS Total number of calls over the life of the customer
TOTMOU Total minutes of use over the life of the customer
TOTMRC_MEAN Mean total monthly recurring charge
TOTMRC_RANGE Range of total monthly recurring charge
TOTREV Total revenue
UNAN_DAT_MEAN Mean number of unanswered data calls
UNAN_DAT_RANGE Range of number of unanswered data calls
UNAN_VCE_MEAN Mean number of unanswered voice calls
UNAN_VCE_RANGE Range of number of unanswered voice calls
VCEOVR_MEAN Mean revenue of voice overage
VCEOVR_RANGE Range of revenue of voice overage
Category Variables Explanation
ACTVSUBS Number of active subscribers in household
ADULTS Number of adults in household
AGE1 Age of first household member
AGE2 Age of second household member
AREA Geographic area
ASL_FLAG Account spending limit
CAR_BUY New or used car buyer
CARTYPE Dominant vehicle lifestyle
CHILDREN Children present in household
CHURN Instance of churn between 31-60 days after observation date
CRCLSCOD Credit class code
CREDITCD Credit card indicator
CRTCOUNT Adjustments made to credit rating of individual
CSA Communications local service area
DIV_TYPE Division type code
DWLLSIZE Dwelling size
DWLLTYPE Dwelling unit type
EDUC1 Education of first household member
ETHNIC Ethnicity roll-up code
FORGNTVL Foreign travel dummy variable
HND_PRICE Current handset price
HHSTATIN Premier household status indicator
HND_WEBCAP Handset web capability
INCOME Estimated income
INFOBASE InfoBase match
KID0_2 Child 0 - 2 years of age in household
KID3_5 Child 3 - 5 years of age in household
KID6_10 Child 6 - 10 years of age in household
KID11_15 Child 11 - 15 years of age in household
KID16_17 Child 16 - 17 years of age in household
LAST_SWAP Date of last phone swap
LOR Length of residence
MAILFLAG DMA: Do not mail flag
MAILORDR Mail order buyer
MAILRESP Mail responder
MARITAL Marital status
MODELS Number of models issued
MTRCYCLE Motorcycle indicator
NEW_CELL New cell phone user
NUMBCARS Known number of vehicles
OCCU1 Occupation of first household member
OWNRENT Home owner/renter status
PCOWNER PC owner dummy variable
PHONES Number of handsets issued
PRE_HND_PRICE Previous handset price
PRIZM_SOCIAL_ONE Social group letter only
PROPTYPE Property type detail
REF_QTY Total number of referrals
REFURB_NEW Handset: refurbished or new
RV RV indicator
SOLFLAG Infobase no phone solicitation flag
TOT_ACPT Total offers accepted from retention team
TOT_RET Total calls into retention team
TRUCK Truck indicator
UNIQSUBS Number of unique subscribers in the household
WRKWOMAN Working woman in household