This loads raw dumps of arm firmware in ghidra
IT WILL NOT WORK ON ITS OWN, it needs these components :
The ARM chip database available here copied (or symlinked) in the data directory:
(The db is built with
the sqlite3 jdbc driver available here :
installed in your build path
Once you are there, try to load any raw ARM dump.
It should detect :
- If it is a Cortex dump (by identifiying the interrupt vector table
- The base adress (for cortexes)
You can then just select the vendor and the MCU in the loading option menu
Once loaded :
- Every peripheral register address is named
- Every register is declared as a bitfield struct with the bits named as in the chip's datasheet.
- the IVT is named to the appropriate Standard peripheral (or number when unknown (it is the case in a lot of SVDs))
- The peripheral bits are defined as the appropriate struct
exemple GPIO peripheral ODR register structure with an STM32F103 :
🔔 Currently ghidra isn't supporting bitfieldw very well in disassembly and decompilation
This supports ~650 chips from
- Atmel
- Cypress
- Freescale
- Fujitsu
- Holtek
- Nordic
- Nuvoton
- SiliconLabs
- Spansion
- STMicro
- TexasInstruments
- Toshiba