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Jeremy McCormick edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 1 revision


Programs and other required resources that are used in HPSMC jobs need to be specified using a config file in the INI format which is read by the Python configparser library.

This config file is automatically read from the following locations, in order:

  • .hpsmc in the user home directory
  • .hpsmc in the current directory (where the job is executing)
  • file specified by the -c argument to a job script.

Multiple config files can be read, and the later settings will override earlier ones.

If all required configuration settings are not present, then the job script will typically crash with an error message indicating which setting is missing.

Configuration File Format

Configuration information is provided using the INI format with sections that contain keys and values.

The easiest way to understand the configuration that should be provided is by looking at an example.

This is the complete config for my local HPSMC installation:


java_args=-Xmx1g -XX:+UseSerialGC -DdisableSvtAlignmentConstants





Configuration is provided to each component with a header that matches the class name from the Python script. (This may result in a slight amount of redundant information, as each component has its own separate section.)

For example, if you are using the SLIC component in your job script, then your configuration should include a [SLIC] section with the required configuration settings.

Specific Package Configuration


Key Description Required Notes
slic_dir SLIC installation directory yes Should contain the file bin/slic
hps_fieldmaps_dir HPS fieldmap files yes These need to be manually decompressed before running a job
detector_dir Detector directory yes This should be the directory detector-data/detectors in your copy of hps-java

Example config:


To run SLIC you will need local copies of the hps-java and hps-fieldmaps repositories.


This is the hps-java JobManager class that is used to run lcsim XML steering files on LCIUO files.

Key Description Required Notes
hps_java_bin_jar Full path to executable jar yes Name of jar should have -bin in it
java_args Extra arguments to Java no Typically used to set memory limits, specify GC parameters, etc.
conditions_url URL of conditions database no
conditions_user Name of conditions database user no
conditions_password Password of conditions database user no

Example config:

java_args=-Xmx1g -XX:+UseSerialGC -DdisableSvtAlignmentConstants

The conditions information typically does not need to be provided unless you would like to use an alternative database location or your job needs to write to the database.

LCIO Java Tools

Key Description Required Notes
lcio_bin_jar Full path to LCIO executable jar yes This should be present in the target dir of LCIO after building and installing it

Example config:


Each LCIO tool needs to be configured separately, which may result in some redundant configuration information.

LCIO C++ Tools

Key Description Required Notes
lcio_dir Path to LCIO installation dir yes This should contain the file bin/dumpevent

Event Generators

The EGS5, Madgraph4 and Madgraph5 event generators are included but their locations still need to be specified in your config file. Each of these generators would have its own section in the config file ([EGS5], [MG5], etc.).

Key Description Required Notes
egs5_dir EGS5 directory yes Contains the sub-dirs config, data and src
mg4_dir Madgraph4 directory yes This should actually be the directory generators/madgraph4/src in the hps-mc repo
mg5_dir Madgraph5 directory yes This should actually be the directory generators/madgraph5/src in the hps-mc repo

Example config:




It is important to note that the locations of the generator source codes is NOT contained in the HPSMC installation directory but within the directory which contains the locally cloned git repository.

Configuring Internal Tools

HPSMC includes a number of tools that are built automatically and do not require manual configuration. However, you will need to make sure that the bin directory in the installation directory has been added to the path. This is done automatically by sourcing the environment script before running your jobs, e.g. source hps-mc/install/bin/ in bash.

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