- Finds the .fit files from your MyWhoosh installation.
- Fix the missing power & heart rate averages.
- Removes the temperature.
- Create a backup file to a folder you select.
- Uploads the fixed .fit file to Garmin Connect.
1. Download myWhoosh2Garmin.py to your filesystem to a folder or your choosing.
2. Go to the folder where you downloaded the script in a shell.
- MacOS: Terminal of your choice.
- Windows: Start > Run > cmd or Start > Run > powershell
3. Install `pipenv` (if not already installed):
pip3 install pipenv
pip install pipenv
4. Install dependencies in a virtual envioronment:
pipenv install
5. Activate the virtual environment:
pipenv shell
5. Run the script:
python3 myWhoosh2Garmin.py
python myWhoosh2Garmin.py
6. Choose your backup folder.
7. Enter your Garmin Connect credentials
2024-11-21 10:08:04,014 No existing session. Please log in.
Username: <YOUR_EMAIL>
2024-11-21 10:08:33,545 Authenticating...
2024-11-21 10:08:37,107 Successfully authenticated!
8. Run the script when you're done riding or running.
2024-11-21 10:08:37,107 Checking for .fit files in directory: <YOUR_MYWHOOSH_DIR_WITH_FITFILES>.
2024-11-21 10:08:37,107 Found the most recent .fit file: MyNewActivity-3.8.5.fit.
2024-11-21 10:08:37,107 Cleaning up <YOUR_BACKUP_FOLDER>yNewActivity-3.8.5_2024-11-21_100837.fit.
2024-11-21 10:08:37,855 Cleaned-up file saved as <YOUR_BACKUP_FOLDER>MyNewActivity-3.8.5_2024-11-21_100837.fit
2024-11-21 10:08:37,871 Successfully cleaned MyNewActivity-3.8.5.fit and saved it as MyNewActivity-3.8.5_2024-11-21_100837.fit.
2024-11-21 10:08:38,408 Duplicate activity found on Garmin Connect.
(9. Or see below to automate the process)
What if you want to automate the whole process:
PowerShell on MacOS (Verified & works)
You need Powershell
brew install powershell/tap/powershell
# Define the JSON config file path
$configFile = "$PSScriptRoot\mywhoosh_config.json"
$myWhooshApp = "myWhoosh Indoor Cycling App.app"
# Check if the JSON file exists and read the stored path
if (Test-Path $configFile) {
$config = Get-Content -Path $configFile | ConvertFrom-Json
$mywhooshPath = $config.path
} else {
$mywhooshPath = $null
# Validate the stored path
if (-not $mywhooshPath -or -not (Test-Path $mywhooshPath)) {
Write-Host "Searching for $myWhooshApp"
$mywhooshPath = Get-ChildItem -Path "/Applications" -Filter $myWhooshApp -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $mywhooshPath) {
Write-Host " not found!"
exit 1
$mywhooshPath = $mywhooshPath.FullName
# Store the path in the JSON file
$config = @{ path = $mywhooshPath }
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $configFile
Write-Host "Found $myWhooshApp at $mywhooshPath"
Start-Process -FilePath $mywhooshPath
# Wait for the application to finish
Write-Host "Waiting for $myWhooshApp to finish..."
while ($process = ps -ax | grep -i $myWhooshApp | grep -v "grep") {
Write-Output $process
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# Run the Python script
Write-Host "$myWhooshApp has finished, running Python script..."
python3 "<PATH_WHERE_YOUR_SCRIPT_IS_LOCATED>/MyWhoosh2Garmin/myWhoosh2Garmin.py"
AppleScript (need to test further)
TODO: needs more work
Windows .ps1 (PowerShell) file (Untested on Windows)
# Define the JSON config file path
$configFile = "$PSScriptRoot\mywhoosh_config.json"
# Check if the JSON file exists and read the stored path
if (Test-Path $configFile) {
$config = Get-Content -Path $configFile | ConvertFrom-Json
$mywhooshPath = $config.path
} else {
$mywhooshPath = $null
# Validate the stored path
if (-not $mywhooshPath -or -not (Test-Path $mywhooshPath)) {
Write-Host "Searching for mywhoosh.exe..."
$mywhooshPath = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\PROGRAM FILES" -Filter "mywhoosh.exe" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $mywhooshPath) {
Write-Host "mywhoosh.exe not found!"
exit 1
$mywhooshPath = $mywhooshPath.FullName
# Store the path in the JSON file
$config = @{ path = $mywhooshPath }
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $configFile
Write-Host "Found mywhoosh.exe at $mywhooshPath"
# Start mywhoosh.exe
Start-Process -FilePath $mywhooshPath
# Wait for the application to finish
Write-Host "Waiting for mywhoosh to finish..."
while (Get-Process -Name "mywhoosh" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# Run the Python script
Write-Host "mywhoosh has finished, running Python script..."
python "C:\Path\to\myWhoosh2Garmin.py"
Technologies used in the project: