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Releases: JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility

NXP-MCUBootUtility v3.1.0 release note

17 Sep 05:42
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  1. Support i.MXRT1024 SIP
    支持i.MXRT1024 SIP
  2. Support Kinetis K32L
    支持Kinetis K32L系列

NXP-MCUBootUtility v3.0.0 release note

17 Sep 05:40
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  1. Support Kinetis with ROM
  2. [Kinetis] Support both UART and USB-HID download modes
    [Kinetis] 支持UART和USB-HID两种下载方式(COM端口/USB设备自动识别)
  3. [Kinetis] Support for loading bootable image into FTFx NOR Flash
    [Kinetis] 支持下载Bootable image进内部FTFx Flash
  4. [Kinetis] Support development boot case (Unsigned)
    [Kinetis] 支持用于开发阶段的非安全加密启动(未签名)
  5. Support LPC5500 Series
  6. [LPC] Support both UART and USB-HID download modes
    [LPC] 支持UART和USB-HID两种下载方式(COM端口/USB设备自动识别)
  7. [LPC] Support for loading bootable image into C040HD NOR Flash
    [LPC] 支持下载Bootable image进内部C040HD Flash
  8. [LPC] Support development boot case (Unsigned)
    [LPC] 支持用于开发阶段的非安全加密启动(未签名)


  1. [RTxxx] Cannot restore user image info (path, base, format) of last time setting
    [RTxxx] 不能恢复上一次用户源应用程序设置(文件路径、基地址、格式)

NXP-MCUBootUtility v2.4.0 release note

17 Sep 05:39
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  1. Support i.MXRT117x B0
    支持i.MXRT117x B0
  2. [RTyyyy] Can recognize custom compiled flashloader to use
    [RTyyyy] 可以自动识别使用由用户生成的Flashloader


  1. [RTxxx] Complete OTP memory operation
    [RTxxx] 完善OTP烧写范围支持


  1. [RTyyyy] Fix issue when using FlexibleUserKeys for OTFAD encryption
    [RTyyyy] 解决OTFAD加密模式下使用Flexible User Keys报错的问题

NXP-MCUBootUtility v2.3.1 release note

17 Sep 05:37
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  1. Can recognize source bootable image if FDCB doesn't start from offset 0
    可以支持FDCB位置不在偏移0地址的Bootable Image作为源文件
  2. [RTyyyy] Do some blank check if erase unit is always 64KB in flashloader
    [RTyyyy] 在使用Flashloader里擦除操作时,某些情况下需要先检查目标区域是否为空


  1. Read or Erase does sometimes not use correct parameters
    当连接得到的flash Page/Sector/Block Size信息有误时,无法做进一步下载
  2. Setting spi speed option for 1bit SPI NOR device doesn't take effect
    设置恢复启动设备(1bit SPI NOR)的速度选项不生效
  3. [RTyyyy] Cannot edit fuse cfg0 for RT1011 in friendly way
    [RTyyyy] 在RT1011下,无法确认fuse cfg0区域的可视化设置

NXP-MCUBootUtility v2.3.0 release note

17 Sep 05:36
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  1. [RTxxx] Support i.MXRT5xx B0/1
    [RTxxx] 支持i.MXRT5xx B0/1
  2. [RTxxx] Add more selections of FlexSPI NOR model
    [RTxxx] 在FlexSPI NOR模型参数里增加更多选项
  3. Support complete FDCB as FlexSPI NOR device model
    支持512字节完整的FDCB配置作为FlexSPI NOR模型


  1. Can show ROM/Flashloader version info in device status window
  2. Provide option to keep FDCB from source image file
  3. [RTyyyy] Provide fuse lock control option for secure boot cases
    [RTyyyy] 加密启动模式下,提供烧进fuse的用户密钥锁定设置


  1. Sometimes fuse/otp programming returns error status
  2. Sometimes it cannot show correct flash memory info
    有时候配置flash时无法显示其Page/Sector/Block Size信息
  3. [RTyyyy] Erase region for FDCB is incorrect in generated sb-file
    [RTyyyy] 生成的.sb文件里擦除FDCB区域的长度指定有误
  4. [RTyyyy] fuse lock programming limitation doesn't exist in all RT devices
    [RTyyyy] Fuse Lock烧写限制不是存在于所有i.MXRT型号

NXP-MCUBootUtility v2.2.0 release note

17 Sep 05:33
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  1. [RTxxx]Support i.MXRT6xx B0, switch to FlexSPI NOR boot device
    [RTxxx] 将i.MXRT6xx B0启动设备从QuadSPI NOR切换到FlexSPI NOR
  2. [RTxxx] Support for loading bootable image into Flexcomm SPI NOR recovery boot device
    [RTxxx] 支持下载Bootable image进主动启动设备 - Flexcomm SPI接口NOR Flash
  3. [RTxxx] Support otp memory operation
    [RTxxx] 支持OTP回读与烧写

NXP-MCUBootUtility v2.1.0 release note

17 Sep 05:30
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  1. [RTyyyy] Support for loading bootable image into SEMC NOR boot device
    [RTyyyy] 支持下载Bootable image进主动启动设备 - SEMC NOR接口Flash
  2. [RTyyyy] Support operation under both CM7 and CM4 of RT117x A0
    [RTyyyy] 在RT1170无论是CM7还是CM4作为主核下均能正常工作
  3. [RTyyyy] Support two FlexSPI map addresses for RT117x A0
    [RTyyyy] 支持RT1170的两个FlexSPI XIP映射地址
  4. [RTyyyy] Support efuse memory operation for RT117x A0
    [RTyyyy] 支持RT1170的eFuse回读与烧写
  5. [RTyyyy] Can import user fuse table file to set efuse value
    [RTyyyy] 支持导入用户fuse配置文件去设置fuse
  6. [RTyyyy] Enable OTFAD encryption secure boot mode (User Key) for RT117x A0
    [RTyyyy] 为RT1170 A0开启OTFAD加密(User Key)支持
  7. [RTyyyy] Support RT1170/1010 bootable image from SDK as source input
    [RTyyyy] 支持RT1170/RT1010 SDK生成的Bootable image作为源文件输入


  1. [RTyyyy] Lock word should be placed at the end of operation when generating user efuse .sb file
    [RTyyyy] 生成用户efuse烧录sb文件时应将lock位操作放在最后面
  2. [RTyyyy] Image format auto detection can be used for axf file from MCUX or GCC
    [RTyyyy] 程序格式自动检测选项也可用于MCUX生成的axf格式源文件
  3. Specify file path instead of file to save readback data
  4. If readback data is enabled to be saved in file, then it will not displayed on the screen


  1. 'Cmd Pads' is not set correctly for some typical octal-flash models in FlexSPI NOR configuration
    在FlexSPI NOR配置界面里,对于一些octal-flash模型,其Cmd Pads参数没有被正确设置
  2. 'Max Frequency' option is not exactly aligned with selected MCU device in FlexSPI NOR configuration
    在FlexSPI NOR配置界面里,Max Frequency参数选项与当前MCU型号不完全匹配
  3. [RTyyyy] Cannot show total size of SD/eMMC correctly, so SD/eMMC cannot be programmed
    [RTyyyy] SD/eMMC总容量未能正确显示,导致无法编程SD/eMMC
  4. [RTyyyy] Cannot save eMMC device configuration
    [RTyyyy] 无法正常保存默认eMMC设备配置(主要是Partition Access参数)
  5. [RTyyyy] Some fields are not aligned with selected MCU device in Flexible User Key Setting
    [RTyyyy] 在用户自定义Key设置界面里,有些选项与当前选中的MCU型号不匹配
  6. [RTyyyy] Cannot generate bootable image when original image size is less than 4KB
    [RTyyyy] 当输入的源image文件大小小于4KB时,生成可启动程序会失败
  7. [RTyyyy] Sometimes tool cannot recognize .axf format from MCUX or Keil MDK
    [RTyyyy] 有时候无法识别MCUX或Keil MDK生成的axf格式源文件
  8. [RTyyyy] Signed flashloader cannot be generated if DCD is enabled
    [RTyyyy] 当DCD使能的时候,无法生成含签名的Flashloader
  9. [RTyyyy] Cannot mark DCD in readback image if it comes from source bootable image
    [RTyyyy] 如果DCD来自源Bootable image,则无法在读回的image中标记DCD


  1. Add sound effect (Contra)

NXP-MCUBootUtility v2.0.0 release note

17 Sep 05:29
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  1. Support i.MXRT5xx A0, i.MXRT6xx A0
    支持i.MXRT5xx A0, i.MXRT6xx A0
  2. Support i.MXRT1011, i.MXRT117x A0
    支持i.MXRT1011, i.MXRT117x A0
  3. [RTyyyy] Support OTFAD encryption secure boot case (SNVS Key, User Key)
    [RTyyyy] 支持基于OTFAD实现的安全加密启动(唯一SNVS key,用户自定义key)
  4. [RTxxx] Support both UART and USB-HID ISP modes
    [RTxxx] 支持UART和USB-HID两种串行编程方式(COM端口/USB设备自动识别)
  5. [RTxxx] Support for converting bare image into bootable image
    [RTxxx] 支持将裸源image文件自动转换成i.MXRT能启动的Bootable image
  6. [RTxxx] Original image can be a bootable image (with FDCB)
    [RTxxx] 用户输入的源程序文件可以包含i.MXRT启动头 (FDCB)
  7. [RTxxx] Support for loading bootable image into FlexSPI/QuadSPI NOR boot device
    [RTxxx] 支持下载Bootable image进主动启动设备 - FlexSPI/QuadSPI NOR接口Flash
  8. [RTxxx] Support development boot case (Unsigned, CRC)
    [RTxxx] 支持用于开发阶段的非安全加密启动(未签名,CRC校验)
  9. Add Execute action support for Flash Programmer
  10. [RTyyyy] Can show FlexRAM info in device status
    [RTyyyy] 支持在device status里显示当前FlexRAM配置情况


  1. [RTyyyy] Improve stability of USB connection of i.MXRT105x board
    [RTyyyy] 提高i.MXRT105x目标板USB连接稳定性
  2. Can write/read RAM via Flash Programmer
  3. [RTyyyy] Provide Flashloader resident option to adapt to different FlexRAM configurations
    [RTyyyy] 提供Flashloader执行空间选项以适应不同的FlexRAM配置


  1. [RTyyyy] Sometimes tool will report error "xx.bat file cannot be found"
    [RTyyyy] 有时候生成证书时会提示bat文件无法找到,导致证书无法生成
  2. [RTyyyy] Editing mixed eFuse fields is not working as expected
    [RTyyyy] 可视化方式去编辑混合eFuse区域并没有生效
  3. [RTyyyy] Cannot support 32MB or larger LPSPI NOR/EEPROM device
    [RTyyyy] 无法支持32MB及以上容量的LPSPI NOR/EEPROM设备
  4. Cannot erase/read the last two pages of boot device via Flash Programmer

NXP-MCUBootUtility v1.4.0 release note

17 Sep 05:28
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  1. Support for loading bootable image into uSDHC SD/eMMC boot device
    支持下载Bootable image进主动启动设备 - uSDHC接口SD/eMMC卡
  2. Provide friendly way to view and set mixed eFuse fields


  1. Set default FlexSPI NOR device to align with NXP EVK boards
    默认FlexSPI NOR device应与恩智浦官方EVK板卡相匹配
  2. Enable real-time gauge for Flash Programmer actions

NXP-MCUBootUtility v1.3.0 release note

17 Sep 05:26
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  1. Can generate .sb file by actions in efuse operation utility window
    支持生成仅含自定义efuse烧写操作(在efuse operation windows里指定)的.sb格式文件


  1. HAB signed mode should not appliable for FlexSPI/SEMC NOR device Non-XIP boot with RT1020/1015 ROM
    HAB签名模式在i.MXRT1020/1015下应不支持从FlexSPI NOR/SEMC NOR启动设备中Non-XIP启动
  2. HAB encrypted mode should not appliable for FlexSPI/SEMC NOR device boot with RT1020/1015 ROM
    HAB加密模式在i.MXRT1020/1015下应不支持从FlexSPI NOR/SEMC NOR启动设备中启动
  3. Multiple .sb files(all, flash, efuse) should be generated if there is efuse operation in all-in-one action
  4. Can generate .sb file without board connection when boot device type is NOR
  5. Automatic image readback can be disabled to save operation time
  6. The text of language option in menu bar should be static and easy understanding


  1. Cannot generate bootable image when original image (hex/bin) size is larger than 64KB
  2. Cannot download large image file (eg 6.8MB) in some case
  3. There is language switch issue with some dynamic labels
  4. Some led demos of RT1050 EVKB board are invalid
    /apps目录下RT1050 EVKB板子的一些LED demo是无效的