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NXP-MCUBootUtility v5.3.0 release note

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@JayHeng JayHeng released this 15 Sep 03:26
· 15 commits to master since this release


  1. [RTyyyy] Support XMCD which can help configure FlexSPI RAM/SEMC SDRAM
    [RTyyyy] 支持XMCD配置功能,可用于加载image进FlexSPI RAM/SEMC SDRAM执行
  2. [RTyyyy] Support secondary FlexSPI instance for NAND boot
    [RTyyyy] 支持第二个FlexSPI去下载启动NAND
  3. [RT] Add FlexSPI NAND device model support
    [RT] 新增FlexSPI NAND启动设备模型支持


  1. [RTyyyy] Change FlexSPI instance selection from menu to config win
    [RTyyyy] 将FlexSPI序号选择从菜单栏改至设备配置界面
  2. [RTyyyy] Can recognize Non-XIP image which is linked in FlexSPI RAM region
    [RTyyyy] 可以识别链接在FlexSPI RAM区域的程序


  1. [RTyyyy] Cannot recognize bootable image which offset of reset handler to vector is less than 0xB00
    [RTyyyy] 无法识别IVT中复位函数地址相对向量表首地址偏移小于0xB00的可启动程序文件