- 语义分析是编译程序的一个重要任务,由语义分析程序完成,通过检查名字的定义和引用是否合法来检查程序中各语法成分的含义是否正确,目的是保证程序各部分能够有机地结合在一起。
- 语义分析程序应该能够诊断出源程序中存在地与上下文有关的错误。解决此类问题的直接想法就是为程序设计语言构造一个上下文有关文法,这在理论上是可行的,但实际上并没有这么做。原因是为语言构造一个能够反映其上下文有关特性的文法并不是一件容易的事情,另外,上下文有关文法的分析程序不但很复杂,而且执行速度慢。我们所采用的方法是利用语法制导翻译技术实现对于源程序的语义分析,即根据源语言的语义设计专门的语义规则,扩充上下文无关文法的分析程序,在语法制导下完成语义分析。
- 语义分析程序通过将变量的定义与变量的引用联系起来,对源程序的含义进行检查,即检查每一个语法成分是否具有正确的语义,如检査毎一个表达式是否具有正确的类型、检査毎一个名字的引用是否正确等。
- 通常为编译程序设计一个称作符号表的数据结构来保存上下文有关的信息。当分析声明语句时,收集所声明标识符的有关信息(如类型、存储位置、作用域等)并记录在符号表中,只要在编译期间控制处于声明该标识符的程序块中.就可以从符号表中查到它的记录,根据符号表中记录的信息检査对它的引用是否符合语言的上下文有关的特性,所以符号表的建立和管理是语义分析的一个主要任务。
- 语义分析的另一个重要任务是类型检査,如对表达式/赋值语句中出现的操作数进行类型一致性检查、检查if - then - else 语句中出现在 if 和 then 之间的表达式是否为布尔表达式等。强类型语言(如 Ada 语言)要求表达式中的各个操作数、赋值语句左部变量和右部表达式的类型应该相同,所以,其编译程序必须对源程序进行类型检査,若发现类型不相同,则要求程序员进行显式转换。对于无此严格要求的语言(如 C 语言)编译程序也要进行类型检查,当发现类型不一致但可相互转换时,就要作相应的类型转换,如当表达式中同时存在整型和实型操作数时,一般要将整型转换为实型。
- 语义分析的位置
- 语义分析的数据流图
- 表项类型
- 标识符名字
- 常量值
- 返回值
- 类型
- 引用行
- 声明行
- 参数个数/数组维数
- 参数集
- 链域
- 表项类型
- 标识符名字
- 行号
- 类型
- 常量值
- 引用行
- 声明行
- 数组维数
- "value"表示传值参数
- "address"表示传引用参数
- "variable"表示普通变量
- "const"表示常量
- "array"表示数组
- "procedure"表示过程
- "function"表示函数。
- 符号表
class SymbolTable
string tableName;
string tableType;
string returnType;
vector<string> argString;
SymbolTable* parentNode;
map<string,Argument> argList;
map<string,Argument> elementList;
class SymbolTableController
SymbolTable* currentTable = NULL;
SymbolTable* temp = NULL;
vector<SymbolTable> tableList;
map<string,SymbolTable> nameTableMap;
LPDebug lpDebug;
- 符号表参数以及表项
class Argument
string type;
string name;
string value;
string retType;
string valueType;
vector<int> use;
vector<Argument> argList;
vector<pair<int,int>> periodList;
bool isAddress;
int row;
int dimension;
- 类型检查中的参数
class parameters{
string name;
string type;
bool isArray;
bool isAddress;
arrayInfo info;
int declaration;
class arrayInfo{
int arraySize;
string arrayType;
vector<pair<int,int>> period;
int periodDimension;
class consts{
string value;
string type;
- 类型检查分析台
class SemanticAnalyzer{
SyntaxTree myTree;
LPDebug lpDebug;
bool isSemanticRight = true;
vector<parameters> recordList;
SymbolTable symbolTable;
SymbolTableController symbolTableController;
- 语法树
class SyntaxTree
vector<SyntaxNode> nodeList;
int nodeNum;
int root;
void insertNode(const SyntaxNode &node);
virtual void showTree(const string &path);
virtual void showTree();
void dfsTravsersal(SyntaxNode &node,string &res,const int level);
- 语法树节点
class SyntaxNode
int id;
int father;
int line;
int col;
int isTerminal;
string value;
string type;
string numType;
string stringValue;
vector<int> son;
- 语法树的输入
- 类型检查
- 符号表操作
- 输出调试信息
- 语法树的输入:语法树在语法分析中建立,语义分析开始时,需要将语法树读入,并根据该语法树进行类型检查以及符号表操作。
- 类型检查:对语法树分析出的表达式,操作符等进行类型检查,主要完成的有类型转化,表达式类型检查,语句类型检查。如果检查到错误信息,将错误信息输出到调试信息中。
- 符号表操作:符号表操作包括符号表的建立,符号表定位,符号表的重定位,符号表中表项的插入,搜索,函数/过程符号表的参数匹配等,如果检查到错误信息,将错误信息输出到调试信息中。
- 输出调试信息:将以上两个模块中出现的错误信息进行分析,分类并输出到调试信息给用户。
- 输入语法树与类型处理的接口:
SemanticAnalyzer(SyntaxTree &tree);
- 类型检查和符号表操作的接口
SymbolTable* creatTable(string tabName,
string tableType,
vector<Argument> arglist,
string returnType,
int delaration);
SymbolTable* locate(string name);
void relocation();
Argument* find(string name,string tabName);
bool insert(Argument arg,string tabName);
bool checkArg(string,vector<string>);
- 输入语法树与类型处理的接口:
SemanticAnalyzer(SyntaxTree &tree);
SemanticAnalyzer::SemanticAnalyzer(SyntaxTree &tree){
this -> lpDebug << "Begin to semantic analysis...";
this->myTree = tree;
this->myTree.root = this->myTree.nodeList.back().id;
if(this->myTree.nodeList[this->myTree.root].type == "program_struct"){
else error(1,0,this->myTree.root);
- 类型检查和符号表操作的接口:
- 建立符号表
SymbolTable* creatTable(string tabName,
string tableType,
vector<Argument> arglist,
string returnType,
int delaration);
SymbolTable* SymbolTableController::creatTable(string tabName,
string tableType,
vector<Argument> argList,
string returnType,
int delaration){
auto iter = nameTableMap.find(tabName);
if(iter == nameTableMap.end()){
map<string,Argument> elementList;
string subtableType = tableType;
SymbolTable s(tabName,this->currentTable,tableType,argList,elementList,returnType);
if(tableType == "record") s.parentNode = NULL;
this->temp = &s;
if(argList.size() > 0){
string addrOrVal;
for(auto iter : argList){
addrOrVal = "address";
else addrOrVal = "value";
vector<pair<int,int>> periodLists;
vector<Argument> newArgList;
vector<int> newUse;
Argument newElement(iter.name,addrOrVal,iter.type,"",iter.row,periodLists,newUse,newArgList);
vector<pair<int,int>> periodLists;
vector<int> newUse;
Argument newElement(tabName,subtableType,returnType,"",delaration,periodLists,newUse,argList,argList.size());
if(tabName != "main") this->insert(newElement,"main");
this->currentTable = locate(tabName);
return temp;
else return NULL;
- 符号表的定位操作
SymbolTable* locate(string name);
SymbolTable* SymbolTableController::locate(string name){
return &nameTableMap[name];
- 符号表的重定位操作
void relocation();
void SymbolTableController::relocation(){
if (this->currentTable){
this->currentTable = this->currentTable->parentNode;
- 符号表的查找表项操作
Argument* find(string name,string tabName);
Argument* SymbolTableController::find(string name,string tabName){
auto p = &(this->nameTableMap[tabName]);
Argument* res = nullptr;
while (p->elementList.count(name)!= 0 || p->parentNode != nullptr){
if (p->elementList.count(name) > 0){
res =&( p->elementList[name]);
p = p->parentNode;
return res;
- 符号表插入表项操作
bool insert(Argument arg,string tabName);
bool SymbolTable::insert(Argument arg)
if (this->elementList.count(arg.name) > 0){
throw("defined variable");
return false;
elementList[arg.name] = arg;
return true;
- 函数/过程参数与符号表中对照
该接口的作用是对函数调用时实参与符号表中的形参进行类型匹配,比如function(1,2),则会用一个字符串integer integer与符号表对应的函数表项的参数集进行匹配
bool checkArg(string,vector<string>);
bool SymbolTableController::checkArg(string fpName,vector<string> type){
if(nameTableMap.find(fpName) != nameTableMap.end()){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].argList.size() == type.size()){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].argString == type) return true;
else return false;
else return false;
else {
throw("table does not exsit");
return false;
- 符号表
class SymbolTable
string tableName;
/* 表名 */
string tableType;
/* 表类型 */
string returnType;
/* 函数或过程的返回值 */
vector<string> argString;
/* 函数或过程的参数集构造的参数串 */
SymbolTable* parentNode;
/* 链域 */
map<string,Argument> argList;
/* 函数或过程的参数集 */
map<string,Argument> elementList;
/* 符号表表项 */
- 符号表控制台
class SymbolTableController
SymbolTable* currentTable = NULL;
/* 当前表指针 */
SymbolTable* temp = NULL;
/* 建表中利用的临时存放表 */
vector<SymbolTable> tableList;
/* 符号表容器 */
map<string,SymbolTable> nameTableMap;
/* 表名与表的对应哈希 */
LPDebug lpDebug;
- 符号表参数以及表项
属性名 | 取值 | 描述 | 表项 | 主表 | 子表 |
type | integer/char/boolean/real | 取值为基本类型意味着该Argument作为函数或过程的参数 | × | .. | .. |
type | variable | 该Argument为该模块中定义的普通变量 | √ | √ | √ |
type | array | 该Argument为该模块中定义的数组变量 | √ | √ | √ |
type | const | 该Argument为该模块中定义的常量 | √ | √ | √ |
type | function | 该Argument为该模块中定义的函数 | √ | √ | × |
type | procedure | 该Argument为该模块中定义的过程 | √ | √ | × |
type | value | 该Argument为该符号表对应主函数/函数/过程的传值参数 | √ | √ | √ |
type | address | 该Argument为该符号表对应主函数/函数/过程的传地址参数 | √ | √ | √ |
type | record | 该Argument为自定义结构 | √ | √ | √ |
name | any | 表项名或参数名 | .. | .. | .. |
value | any | 常量对应取值 | √ | √ | √ |
retType | integer/char/boolean/real | 函数对应的返回值 | √ | √ | × |
valueType | integer/char/boolean/real | 具有基本类型的变量的类型 | √ | √ | √ |
use | integer | 该表项对应变量/常量/过程/函数/结构的引用行数组 | √ | √ | √ |
argList | .. | 函数/过程的参数集 | √ | √ | × |
periodList | .. | 数组的上下界 | √ | √ | √ |
isAdress | true/false | 该参数是否为传地址引用 | × | .. | .. |
row | integer | 该表项的声明行 | √ | √ | √ |
dimension | integer | 数组维数或函数/过程参数个数 | √ | √ | √ |
class Argument
string type;
/* 作为参数,就是参数的type(integer,real..),作为表项,则为表项的类型(function,program,value,address...)*/
string name;
/* 作为参数和表项都会用到,表项或参数名 */
string value;
/* 作为表项会用到,存储const常量值 */
string retType;
/* 作为表项会用到,存储函数或者过程的返回值 */
string valueType;
/* 作为表项会用到,存储表项的实际类型 */
vector<int> use;
/* 作为表项会用到,存储引用行数组 */
vector<Argument> argList;
/* 作为表项会用到,存储过程或函数的参数集 */
vector<pair<int,int>> periodList;
/* 作为表项会用到,存储数组的上下界 */
bool isAddress;
/* 作为参数用到,记录参数的传值引用或传地址引用 */
int row;
/* 作为参数和表项都会用到,存储声明行 */
int dimension;
/* 作为表项会用到,存储数组维数或函数/过程参数个数 */
- 语义分析控制台
class SemanticAnalyzer{
SyntaxTree myTree;
/* 抽象语法树 */
LPDebug lpDebug;
/* 调试信息 */
bool isSemanticRight = true;
/* 记录语义分析是否遇到错误 */
vector<parameters> recordList;
/* 记录record的变量名,进行特判 */
SymbolTableController symbolTableController;
/* 符号表控制台,用于连接类型检查和符号表操作 */
- 类型检查中的普通变量
class parameters{
string name;
/* 变量名 */
string type;
/* 变量类型 */
bool isArray;
/* 变量是否为数组 */
bool isAddress;
/* 变量是否为传地址引用 */
arrayInfo info;
/* 变量若为数组,则对应数组信息 */
int declaration;
/* 变量声明行 */
- 类型检查中的数组
class arrayInfo{
int arraySize;
/* 数组容量 */
string arrayType;
/* 数组元素类型 */
vector<pair<int,int>> period;
/* 数组的上下维 */
int periodDimension;
/* 数组一共有几维 */
- 类型检查中的常量
class consts{
string value;
/* 常量值 */
string type;
/* 常量类型 */
- 语法树
class SyntaxTree
vector<SyntaxNode> nodeList; // 节点集
int nodeNum; // 总结点数
int root; // 根节点id
SyntaxTree(){nodeList.clear();nodeNum=0;}; // 构造函数
~SyntaxTree(){}; // 析构函数
void insertNode(const SyntaxNode &node); // 插入节点操作
virtual void showTree(const string &path); // 展示语法树
virtual void showTree(); // 输出语法树
void dfsTravsersal(SyntaxNode &node,string &res,const int level);
// 遍历语法树
- 语法树节点
class SyntaxNode
int id; // 当前节点id
int father; // 父节点id
int line; // 行号
int col; // 列号
int isTerminal; // 是否为终结符
string value; // 携带值
string stringValue; // only TSymbol,终结符名
string type; // 文法类型
vector<int> son; // 子节点集
string numType; // TSymbol
SyntaxNode(const int &id,const int &line,const int &col,const string &value,const string &type,const string &numType);// NSymbol
SyntaxNode(const int &id,const string &value,const string &type);
string to_string();
- 语法树实例
[NSymbol]<id: 171 value: program_struct type: program_struct>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 9 value: program_head type: program_head>
|--- [1,1]<id: 0 value: program type: program stringvalue: program>
|--- [1,9]<id: 1 value: example type: id stringvalue: example>
|--- [1,16]<id: 2 value: ( type: ( stringvalue: (>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 7 value: idlist type: idlist>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 4 value: idlist type: idlist>
|--- [1,17]<id: 3 value: input type: id stringvalue: input>
|--- [1,22]<id: 5 value: , type: , stringvalue: ,>
|--- [1,23]<id: 6 value: output type: id stringvalue: output>
|--- [1,29]<id: 8 value: ) type: ) stringvalue: )>
|--- [1,30]<id: 10 value: ; type: ; stringvalue: ;>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 169 value: program_body type: program_body>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 11 value: const_declarations type: const_declarations>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 24 value: var_declarations type: var_declarations>
|--- [2,5]<id: 12 value: var type: var stringvalue: var>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 22 value: var_declaration type: var_declaration>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 17 value: idlist type: idlist>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 14 value: idlist type: idlist>
|--- [2,9]<id: 13 value: x type: id stringvalue: x>
|--- [2,10]<id: 15 value: , type: , stringvalue: ,>
|--- [2,11]<id: 16 value: y type: id stringvalue: y>
|--- [2,12]<id: 18 value: : type: : stringvalue: :>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 21 value: type type: type>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 20 value: basic_type type: basic_type>
|--- [2,13]<id: 19 value: integer type: integer stringvalue: integer>
|--- [2,20]<id: 23 value: ; type: ; stringvalue: ;>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 120 value: subprogram_declarations type: subprogram_declarations>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 25 value: subprogram_declarations type: subprogram_declarations>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 118 value: subprogram type: subprogram>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 45 value: subprogram_head type: subprogram_head>
|--- [3,5]<id: 26 value: function type: function stringvalue: function>
|--- [3,14]<id: 27 value: gcd type: id stringvalue: gcd>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 41 value: formal_parameter type: formal_parameter>
|--- [3,17]<id: 28 value: ( type: ( stringvalue: (>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 39 value: parameter_list type: parameter_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 38 value: parameter type: parameter>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 37 value: value_parameter type: value_parameter>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 33 value: idlist type: idlist>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 30 value: idlist type: idlist>
|--- [3,18]<id: 29 value: a type: id stringvalue: a>
|--- [3,19]<id: 31 value: , type: , stringvalue: ,>
|--- [3,20]<id: 32 value: b type: id stringvalue: b>
|--- [3,21]<id: 34 value: : type: : stringvalue: :>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 36 value: basic_type type: basic_type>
|--- [3,22]<id: 35 value: integer type: integer stringvalue: integer>
|--- [3,29]<id: 40 value: ) type: ) stringvalue: )>
|--- [3,30]<id: 42 value: : type: : stringvalue: :>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 44 value: basic_type type: basic_type>
|--- [3,31]<id: 43 value: integer type: integer stringvalue: integer>
|--- [3,38]<id: 46 value: ; type: ; stringvalue: ;>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 117 value: subprogram_body type: subprogram_body>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 47 value: const_declarations type: const_declarations>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 48 value: var_declarations type: var_declarations>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 116 value: compound_statement type: compound_statement>
|--- [4,9]<id: 49 value: begin type: begin stringvalue: begin>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 114 value: statement_list type: statement_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 113 value: statement type: statement>
|--- [5,13]<id: 50 value: if type: if stringvalue: if>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 62 value: expression type: expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 56 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 55 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 54 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 53 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [5,16]<id: 51 value: b type: id stringvalue: b>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 52 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [5,17]<id: 57 value: = type: relop stringvalue: =>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 61 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 60 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 59 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [5,18]<id: 58 value: 0 type: num stringvalue: 0>
|--- [5,20]<id: 63 value: then type: then stringvalue: then>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 75 value: statement type: statement>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 66 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [5,25]<id: 64 value: gcd type: id stringvalue: gcd>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 65 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [5,28]<id: 67 value: := type: assignop stringvalue: :=>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 74 value: expression type: expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 73 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 72 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 71 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 70 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [5,30]<id: 68 value: a type: id stringvalue: a>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 69 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 112 value: else_part type: else_part>
|--- [6,13]<id: 76 value: else type: else stringvalue: else>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 111 value: statement type: statement>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 79 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [6,18]<id: 77 value: gcd type: id stringvalue: gcd>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 78 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [6,21]<id: 80 value: := type: assignop stringvalue: :=>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 110 value: expression type: expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 109 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 108 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 107 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [6,23]<id: 81 value: gcd type: id stringvalue: gcd>
|--- [6,26]<id: 82 value: ( type: ( stringvalue: (>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 105 value: expression_list type: expression_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 90 value: expression_list type: expression_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 89 value: expression type: expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 88 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 87 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 86 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 85 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [6,27]<id: 83 value: b type: id stringvalue: b>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 84 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [6,28]<id: 91 value: , type: , stringvalue: ,>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 104 value: expression type: expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 103 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 102 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 96 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 95 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 94 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [6,30]<id: 92 value: a type: id stringvalue: a>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 93 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [6,32]<id: 97 value: mod type: mulop stringvalue: mod>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 101 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 100 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [6,36]<id: 98 value: b type: id stringvalue: b>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 99 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [6,37]<id: 106 value: ) type: ) stringvalue: )>
|--- [7,9]<id: 115 value: end type: end stringvalue: end>
|--- [7,12]<id: 119 value: ; type: ; stringvalue: ;>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 168 value: compound_statement type: compound_statement>
|--- [8,5]<id: 121 value: begin type: begin stringvalue: begin>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 166 value: statement_list type: statement_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 135 value: statement_list type: statement_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 134 value: statement type: statement>
|--- [9,9]<id: 122 value: read type: read stringvalue: read>
|--- [9,13]<id: 123 value: ( type: ( stringvalue: (>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 132 value: variable_list type: variable_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 127 value: variable_list type: variable_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 126 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [9,14]<id: 124 value: x type: id stringvalue: x>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 125 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [9,15]<id: 128 value: , type: , stringvalue: ,>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 131 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [9,17]<id: 129 value: y type: id stringvalue: y>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 130 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [9,18]<id: 133 value: ) type: ) stringvalue: )>
|--- [9,19]<id: 136 value: ; type: ; stringvalue: ;>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 165 value: statement type: statement>
|--- [10,9]<id: 137 value: write type: write stringvalue: write>
|--- [10,14]<id: 138 value: ( type: ( stringvalue: (>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 163 value: expression_list type: expression_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 162 value: expression type: expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 161 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 160 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 159 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [10,15]<id: 139 value: gcd type: id stringvalue: gcd>
|--- [10,18]<id: 140 value: ( type: ( stringvalue: (>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 157 value: expression_list type: expression_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 148 value: expression_list type: expression_list>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 147 value: expression type: expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 146 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 145 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 144 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 143 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [10,19]<id: 141 value: x type: id stringvalue: x>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 142 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [10,20]<id: 149 value: , type: , stringvalue: ,>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 156 value: expression type: expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 155 value: simple_expression type: simple_expression>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 154 value: term type: term>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 153 value: factor type: factor>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 152 value: variable type: variable>
|--- [10,22]<id: 150 value: y type: id stringvalue: y>
|--- [NSymbol]<id: 151 value: id_varpart type: id_varpart>
|--- [10,23]<id: 158 value: ) type: ) stringvalue: )>
|--- [10,24]<id: 164 value: ) type: ) stringvalue: )>
|--- [11,5]<id: 167 value: end type: end stringvalue: end>
|--- [11,8]<id: 170 value: . type: . stringvalue: .>
- 语义分析的主要功能可以分为:
- 符号表建立与管理
- 符号表的建立
- 符号表的定位
- 符号表的重定位
- 符号表表项的插入
- 符号表表项的查找
- 符号表中函数或过程的参数匹配
- 类型检查
- 语法树节点类型检查
- 语法树子节点数目检查
- 检查常量/变量/函数/过程/自定义结构名是否重定义
- 检查数组声明是否正确
- 检查常量声明是否正确
- 检查变量声明是否正确
- 检查自定义结构声明是否正确
- 检查数组引用是否正确
- 检查常量引用是否正确
- 检查自定义结构引用是否正确
- 检查函数/过程调用是否正确
- assignop操作符左右变/常量类型检查
- relop操作符左右变/常量类型检查
- addop操作符左右变/常量类型检查
- mulop操作符左右变/常量类型检查
- 语句类型检查
- if语句条件类型检查
- for语句上下界类型检查
- while语句条件类型检查
- 作用域检查
- 普通变量作用域检查
- record类型作用域检查
- 符号表建立与管理
- 符号表的建立
参数 | 实际意义 |
tabName | 符号表名 |
tableType | 符号表类型,如过程/函数/自定义结构 |
argList | 作为函数或过程具有的参数集 |
returnType | 作为函数的返回值 |
delaration | 声明行 |
SymbolTable* SymbolTableController::creatTable(string tabName,
string tableType,
vector<Argument> argList,
string returnType,
int delaration){
auto iter = nameTableMap.find(tabName);
if(iter == nameTableMap.end()){
map<string,Argument> elementList;
string subtableType = tableType;
SymbolTable s(tabName,this->currentTable,tableType,argList,elementList,returnType);
if(tableType == "record") s.parentNode = NULL;
this->temp = &s;
if(argList.size() > 0){
string addrOrVal;
for(auto iter : argList){
addrOrVal = "address";
else addrOrVal = "value";
vector<pair<int,int>> periodLists;
vector<Argument> newArgList;
vector<int> newUse;
Argument newElement(iter.name,addrOrVal,iter.type,"",iter.row,periodLists,newUse,newArgList);
vector<pair<int,int>> periodLists;
vector<int> newUse;
Argument newElement(tabName,subtableType,returnType,"",delaration,periodLists,newUse,argList,argList.size());
if(tabName != "main") this->insert(newElement,"main");
this->currentTable = locate(tabName);
return temp;
else return NULL;
- 符号表的定位
参数 | 实际意义 |
name | 符号表名 |
SymbolTable* SymbolTableController::locate(string name){
string outstream = "Located to table ";
outstream += name;
return &nameTableMap[name];
- 符号表的重定位
void SymbolTableController::relocation(){
string outstream = "Relocated table from ";
outstream += this->currentTable->tableName + " to " + this->currentTable->parentNode->tableName;
if (this->currentTable){
this->currentTable = this->currentTable->parentNode;
- 符号表表项的插入
参数 | 实际意义 |
arg | 待插入表项 |
tabName | 表名 |
bool SymbolTableController::insert(Argument arg,string tabName){
SymbolTable *table = &(this->nameTableMap[tabName]);
cout<<arg.name<<" insert into ->"<<tabName<<endl;
if (!table){
throw("table does not exsit");
return false;
cout << arg.name << " insert into ->" << tabName << endl;
catch (std::exception& e){
return table->insert(arg);
bool SymbolTable::insert(Argument arg){
if (this->elementList.count(arg.name) > 0){
throw("defined variable");
return false;
elementList[arg.name] = arg;
return true;
- 符号表表项的查找
参数 | 实际意义 |
name | 待查表项名 |
tabName | 表名 |
Argument* SymbolTableController::find(string name,string tabName){
auto p = &(this->nameTableMap[tabName]);
Argument* res = nullptr;
while (p->elementList.count(name)!= 0 || p->parentNode != nullptr){
if (p->elementList.count(name) > 0){
res =&( p->elementList[name]);
p = p->parentNode;
return res;
- 符号表中函数或过程的参数匹配
参数 | 实际意义 |
fpName | 函数或者过程的名字 |
type | 函数调用时的各个参数的类型 |
bool SymbolTableController::checkArg(string fpName,vector<string> type){
if(nameTableMap.find(fpName) != nameTableMap.end()){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].argList.size() == type.size()){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].argString == type) return true;
else return false;
else return false;
else {
throw("table does not exsit");
return false;
- 语法树节点类型检查
算法思想:比如对于文法生成式: program_body -> const_declarations var_declarations subprogram_declarations compound_statement 我们将对抽象语法树中program_body的子节点的类型一一进行对比,第一个节点的文法类型应该为const_declarations,同理之后,若有不对应的则进行报错
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "const_declarations"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "var_declarations"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "subprogram_declarations"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[3]].type != "compound_statement"){
- 语法树子节点数目检查
算法思想:比如对于文法生成式: idlist -> idlist, id | id 我们将program_body节点的子节点个数进行检查,若不等于1或3则进行报错
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
- 检查常量/变量/函数/过程/自定义结构名是否重定义
Argument newElement(idNode.stringValue,
- 检查数组声明是否正确
参数 | 实际意义 |
nodeId | 当前节点的在语法树中的编号 |
// period -> period , digits .. digits | digits .. digits
vector<pair<int,int>> SemanticAnalyzer::period(int nodeId){
vector<pair<int,int>> periodMap;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
SyntaxNode digitNode1 = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
SyntaxNode digitNode2 = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]];
if( digitNode1.numType != "integer" || atof(digitNode1.value.c_str()) < 0
|| digitNode2.numType != "integer" || atof(digitNode2.value.c_str()) < 0
|| atof(digitNode2.value.c_str()) < atof(digitNode1.value.c_str()) ){
return periodMap;
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5 ){
SyntaxNode digitNode1 = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]];
SyntaxNode digitNode2 = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[4]];
vector<pair<int,int>> subperiodMap = this->period(curNode.son[0]);
for( auto &iter : subperiodMap ){
if( digitNode1.numType != "integer" || atoi(digitNode1.value.c_str()) < 0
|| digitNode2.numType != "integer" || atoi(digitNode2.value.c_str()) < 0
|| atoi(digitNode2.value.c_str()) < atoi(digitNode1.value.c_str()) ){
return periodMap;
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return periodMap;
- 检查常量声明是否正确
参数 | 实际意义 |
nodeId | 当前节点的在语法树中的编号 |
// const_declaration -> const_declaration ; id = const_value | id = const_value
void SemanticAnalyzer::const_declaration(int nodeId){
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "id"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "="
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "const_value"){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
consts constInfo = this->const_value(curNode.son[2]);
vector<pair<int,int>> periodList;
vector<Argument> argList;
vector<int> use;
Argument newElement(idNode.stringValue,"const",constInfo.type,constInfo.value,idNode.line,periodList,use,argList);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "const_declaration"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != ";"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "id"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[3]].type != "="
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[4]].type != "const_value"){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]];
consts constInfo = this->const_value(curNode.son[4]);
vector<pair<int,int>> periodList;
vector<Argument> argList;
vector<int> use;
Argument newElement(idNode.stringValue,"const",constInfo.type,constInfo.value,idNode.line,periodList,use,argList);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// const_value -> + num | - num | num | ′ letter ′
consts SemanticAnalyzer::const_value(int nodeId){
consts constInfo;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "num"){
SyntaxNode numNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
constInfo.type = numNode.numType;
constInfo.value = numNode.value;
else if(curNode.son.size() == 2){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "num"){
SyntaxNode numNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]];
constInfo.type = numNode.numType;
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "+"){
constInfo.value = numNode.value;
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "-"){
constInfo.value = "-" + numNode.value;
else error(3,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "\'"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "\'"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "letter" ){
SyntaxNode letterNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]];
constInfo.type = "char";
constInfo.value = letterNode.stringValue;
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return constInfo;
- 检查变量声明是否正确
参数 | 实际意义 |
nodeId | 当前节点的在语法树中的编号 |
// var_declaration -> var_declaration ; idlist : type | idlist : type
void SemanticAnalyzer::var_declaration(int nodeId){
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if( curNode.son.size() == 5 ){
vector<parameters> params = this->idList(curNode.son[2]);
this->recordList = params;
parameters paramType = this->type(curNode.son[4]);
string temp[2];
temp[0] = "array";
temp[1] = paramType.info.arrayType;
if(paramType.type == "record") return;
temp[0] = "variable";
temp[1] = paramType.type;
for(auto &iter:params){
vector<int> use;
vector<Argument> argList;
Argument newElement(iter.name,
//var_declaration -> idlist : type
else if( curNode.son.size() == 3 ){
vector<parameters> params = this->idList(curNode.son[0]);
this->recordList = params;
parameters paramType = this->type(curNode.son[2]);
string temp[2];
temp[0] = "array";
temp[1] = paramType.info.arrayType;
if(paramType.type == "record") return;
temp[0] = "variable";
temp[1] = paramType.type;
for(auto &iter:params){
vector<int> use;
vector<Argument> argList;
Argument newElement(iter.name,
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
- 检查自定义结构声明是否正确
参数 | 实际意义 |
nodeId | 当前节点的在语法树中的编号 |
// record_type -> record field_list end
void SemanticAnalyzer::record_type(int nodeId){
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 3) error(2,0,curNode.id);
for(auto &iter:this->recordList){
vector<Argument> argList;
- 检查数组引用是否正确
参数 | 实际意义 |
nodeId | 当前节点的在语法树中的编号 |
// id_varpart -> [ expression_list ] | #
void SemanticAnalyzer::id_varpart(int nodeId){
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
int cnt = 0;
vector<parameters> expVec = this->expression_list(curNode.son[1]);
for(auto &iter:expVec){
if(iter.type != "integer"){
SyntaxNode ID = this->myTree.nodeList[this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.father].son[0]];
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(ID.stringValue, this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
int dimension = 0;
for( auto period:searchElement->periodList) {
if(dimension == cnt){
if(iter.info.periodDimension == -1 && ( iter.info.arraySize < period.first || iter.info.arraySize > period.second )){
else if(curNode.son.size() != 0 ) error(2,0,curNode.id);
- 检查常量引用是否正确
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(searchElement->type == "function" ||
searchElement->type == "procedure" ||
searchElement->type == "const" ||
searchElement->type == "record"){
/* pass */
else {
/* pass */
- 检查自定义结构引用是否正确
算法思想: 1. 自定义结构可以利用"."符号访问结构体中的变量,此时仅在该结构符号表中寻找变量,若未找到,则直接报错。同时,也不允许自定义结构单独出现在assignop左值,结构体内部属性值可以修改,但不支持整体赋值。 2. 若出现不是自定义结构体的变量进行"."操作,进行报错。
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(searchElement->type == "function" ||
searchElement->type == "procedure" ||
searchElement->type == "const" ||
searchElement->type == "record" ){
/* pass */
else {
/* pass */
// variable -> id . variable
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(searchElement->type != "record") error(16,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,nodeId);
this->symbolTableController.currentTable = this->symbolTableController.locate(searchElement->name);
variableRet = this->variable(curNode.son[2]);
else error(7,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
- 检查函数/过程调用是否正确
参数 | 实际意义 |
fpName | 函数或者过程的名字 |
type | 函数调用时的各个参数的类型 |
bool SymbolTableController::checkArg(string fpName,vector<string> type){
if(nameTableMap.find(fpName) != nameTableMap.end()){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].argList.size() == type.size()){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].argString == type) return true;
else return false;
else return false;
else {
throw("table does not exsit");
return false;
- assignop操作符左右变/常量类型检查
算法思想:assignop在使用时需注意: 1. 左值必须是可以修改的值,const/record/function/procedure等不可以进行修改。 2. 左右值的类型必须相同,除非是隐式转换允许的,如左值类型为real而右值类型为integer。
//statement -> variable assignop expression
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameters varParam = this->variable(curNode.son[0]);
parameters expParam = this->expression(curNode.son[2]);
if(varParam.type != expParam.type) {
if(varParam.type != "real" || expParam.type != "integer"){
- relop操作符左右变/常量类型检查
参数 | 实际意义 |
nodeId | 当前节点的在语法树中的编号 |
算法思想:relop在使用时需注意: 1. 左右类型必须相同 2. 返回类型为boolean
// expression -> simple_expression relop simple_expression | simple_expression
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::expression(int nodeId){
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
parameters expression;
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
expression = this->simple_expression(curNode.son[0]);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameters sipExp1 = this->simple_expression(curNode.son[0]);
parameters sipExp2 = this->simple_expression(curNode.son[2]);
if(sipExp1.type == sipExp2.type){
if(sipExp1.type == "integer" || sipExp2.type == "real"){
expression.name = "Expression";
expression.type = "boolean";
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else error(8,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
return expression;
- addop操作符左右变/常量类型检查
参数 | 实际意义 |
nodeId | 当前节点的在语法树中的编号 |
算法思想:addop在使用时需注意: 1. 若addop左右两边类型相同时,or只允许左右都为boolean类型或integer类型,+/-只允许两边都为integer/real类型,且返回类型为boolean。 2. 若addop左右两边类型不同时,or进行报错,+/-仅允许左右两边为integer、real和real、integer两种情况,且返回类型为real。
// simple_expression -> simple_expression addop term | term
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::simple_expression(int nodeId){
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
parameters expression;
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
expression = this->term(curNode.son[0]);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameters subsimExp = this->simple_expression(curNode.son[0]);
parameters subTerm = this->term(curNode.son[2]);
if(subsimExp.type == subTerm.type){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "or"){
if(subsimExp.type == "integer" || subsimExp.type == "boolean"){
expression.name = "Expression";
expression.type = subsimExp.type;
expression.declaration = subsimExp.declaration;
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "+"
|| this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "-"){
if(subsimExp.type != "boolean" && subsimExp.type != "char"){
expression.name = "Expression";
expression.type = subsimExp.type;
expression.declaration = subsimExp.declaration;
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(9,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "or") error(9,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if( (subsimExp.type == "integer" && subTerm.type == "real")
|| (subTerm.type == "real" && subsimExp.type == "integer") ){
expression.name = "Expression";
expression.type = "real";
expression.declaration = subsimExp.declaration;
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return expression;
- mulop操作符左右变/常量类型检查
参数 | 实际意义 |
nodeId | 当前节点的在语法树中的编号 |
算法思想:mulop在使用时需注意: 1. 若mulop左右两边类型相同时,左右为boolean类型时仅允许进行and操作,返回类型为boolean;左右为integer类型时,允许进行and,*,div,mod,/操作,返回类型为integer或real;左右为real类型时允许*,/操作,返回类型为real。其余类型进行报错 2. 若addop左右两边类型不同时,只允许左integer右real或左real右integer进行*、/操作,返回类型为real
// term -> term mulop factor | factor
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::term(int nodeId){
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
parameters termParam;
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
termParam = this->factor(curNode.son[0]);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameters subTerm = this->term(curNode.son[0]);
parameters subFac = this->factor(curNode.son[2]);
if(subTerm.type == subFac.type){
if(subTerm.type == "boolean"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue != "and") error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "boolean";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else if(subTerm.type == "integer"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "and"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "*"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "div"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "mod"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "integer";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "/"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "real";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else error(10,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else if(subTerm.type == "real"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "*"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "/"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "real";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else error(10,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
if(subTerm.type =="integer" && subFac.type =="real"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "*"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "/"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "real";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else error(10,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else if(subTerm.type =="real" && subFac.type =="integer"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "*"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "mod"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "/"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "real";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else error(10,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return termParam;
- if语句条件类型检查
//statement -> if expression then statement else_part
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5 ){
parameters expParam = this->expression(curNode.son[1]);
if(expParam.type != "boolean") error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
- for语句上下界类型检查
//statement -> for id assignop expression to expression do statement
else if(curNode.son.size() == 8 ){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]];
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
parameters expParam1 = this->expression(curNode.son[3]);
parameters expParam2 = this->expression(curNode.son[5]);
if(expParam1.type == "integer" && expParam2.type == "integer" && searchElement->valueType == "integer"){
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else error(7,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
- while语句条件类型检查
// statement -> while expression do statement
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "while"){
parameters expression = this->expression(curNode.son[1]);
if(expression.type != "boolean") error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
- win11
- vscode
- vs 2017
- 紧接语法分析产生语法树后进行测试
- 对上述所有功能进行分点测试
- 对大型Pascal代码进行综合测试
- 数组声明测试
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:array[10..5] of integer; //下界比上界大 b:array[5..10] of integer; //正确 c:array[5..5] of integer; //正确 begin end.
- 预期结果
a数组声明报错 b,c数组声明正确
- 实际结果
[2022/5/5 22:49:54] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/5 22:49:54] Located to table main [2022/5/5 22:49:54] Error occured on line 2 <NodeID:21> < Array subscript error ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a array integer 2 b array integer 3 5 10 c array integer 4 5 5 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:array[1..6] of integer; b:integer; begin a:=1;//左值不带下标引用数组 b:=a;//右值不带下标引用数组 end.
- 预期结果
第五行对数组名赋值错误 第六行数组引用错误
- 实际结果
[2022/5/5 22:54:15] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/5 22:54:15] Located to table main [2022/5/5 22:54:15] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:42> < Array subscript error ! > [2022/5/5 22:54:15] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:49> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 22:54:15] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:58> < Array subscript error ! > [2022/5/5 22:54:15] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:63> < Assignop type mismatch ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a array integer 2 1 6 b variable integer 3 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:integer; b:array[0..5] of integer; function fun:integer; begin a:=fun[1]; //错把函数名当数组 fun[1]:=a; //错把函数名当数组 end; procedure pro; begin a:=pro[1]; //错把过程名当数组 pro[1]:=a; //错把过程名当数组 end; procedure pro2(var d:integer;e:char); begin a:=d[1]; //错把引用参数当数组 a:=e[1]; //错把传值参数当数组 a:=pro2[1]; //错把过程名当数组 d[1]:=a; //错把引用参数当数组 e[1]:=a; //错把传值参数当数组 pro2[1]:=a; //错把过程名当数组 end; begin a:=fun[1]; //错把函数名当数组 a:=pro[1]; //错把过程名当数组 a:=b[1]; //正确的数组引用 fun[1]:=a; //错把函数名当数组 pro[1]:=a; //错把过程名当数组 b[1]:=a; end.
- 预期结果
第6,7,27行fun不是array报错 第11,12,28行pro不是array报错 第16,19行d不是array报错 第17,21行e不是array报错 第18,21行pro2不是array报错
- 实际结果
[2022/5/5 23:14:31] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Located to table main [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Located to table fun [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:64> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:69> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 7 <NodeID:82> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 7 <NodeID:91> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Relocated table from fun to main [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Located to table pro [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:124> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:124> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:129> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:142> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:142> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:151> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Relocated table from pro to main [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Located to table pro2 [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 16 <NodeID:205> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:227> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:232> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:249> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:249> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:254> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:267> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:289> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:298> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:311> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:311> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:320> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Relocated table from pro2 to main [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 24 <NodeID:346> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 24 <NodeID:346> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 24 <NodeID:351> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 25 <NodeID:368> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 25 <NodeID:368> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 25 <NodeID:373> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 27 <NodeID:408> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 27 <NodeID:408> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 27 <NodeID:417> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 28 <NodeID:430> < This id is not a array ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 28 <NodeID:430> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/5 23:14:31] Error occured on line 28 <NodeID:439> < Assignop type mismatch ! > fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b array integer 3 0 5 fun function integer 4 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 9 pro2 procedure 14 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period pro2: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period d address integer 14 e value char 14
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a: array[0..5,6..10,11..15] of integer; b: integer; begin a[0]:=b; //数组下标维数错误引用 b:=a[0, 6]; //数组下标维数错误引用 a[0, 6, 11]:=b; b:=a[0, 6, 11, 16]; //数组下标维数错误引用 end.
- 预期结果
第5行,数组引用下标错误 第6行,数组引用下标错误 第8行,数组引用下标错误
- 实际结果
[2022/5/5 23:26:22] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/5 23:26:22] Located to table main [2022/5/5 23:26:22] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:59> < Array subscript error ! > [2022/5/5 23:26:22] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:92> < Array subscript error ! > [2022/5/5 23:26:22] Error occured on line 8 <NodeID:171> < Array subscript error ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a array integer 2 0 5 6 10 11 15 b variable integer 3 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a: array[0..5,6..10,11..15] of integer; b: integer; begin a[0, 15, 10]:=b; //数组下标越界 a[0, 6, 11]:=b; end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
2022/5/5 23:27:59] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/5 23:27:59] Located to table main [2022/5/5 23:27:59] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:73> < Array subscript error ! > [2022/5/5 23:27:59] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:73> < Array subscript error ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a array integer 2 0 5 6 10 11 15 b variable integer 3 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:integer; procedure pro; begin pro:=a; //在子过程的定义中错误地引用了该子过程名 a:=pro; //在子过程的定义中错误地引用了该子过程名 end; begin pro; end.
- 预期结果
第5行,过程不能作为左值 第6行,过程没有返回值
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 10:41:42] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 10:41:42] Located to table main [2022/5/6 10:41:42] Located to table pro [2022/5/6 10:41:42] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:33> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/6 10:41:42] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:42> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 10:41:42] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:51> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/6 10:41:42] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:56> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 10:41:42] Relocated table from pro to main main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 3 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:integer; function fib(i:integer):integer; begin if i=0 then fib:=1 else begin if i=1 then fib:=1 else fib:=fib(i-1)+fib; //缺少实参 end; end; begin write(fib(5)); end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 11:40:53] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 11:40:53] Located to table main [2022/5/6 11:40:53] Located to table fib [2022/5/6 11:40:53] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:122> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 11:40:53] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:124> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 11:40:53] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:126> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 11:40:53] Relocated table from fib to main fib: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period i value integer 3 main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 fib function integer 3 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b:integer; e:char; procedure pro(var c:integer;d:char); begin write(c); write(d); end; begin pro; //缺少实参 pro(a); //缺少实参 pro(a,e); //正确 pro(a,b); //第二个实参类型不匹配 end.
- 预期结果
第10行,调用缺少实参错误 第11行,调用缺少实参错误 第13行,参数类型不匹配错误
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 12:26:35] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 12:26:35] Located to table main [2022/5/6 12:26:35] Located to table pro [2022/5/6 12:26:35] Relocated table from pro to main [2022/5/6 12:26:35] Error occured on line 10 <NodeID:101> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 12:26:35] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:116> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 12:26:35] Error occured on line 13 <NodeID:164> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 e variable char 3 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 4 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period c address integer 4 d value char 4
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b,c:integer; d:array[1..5] of integer; function fun:integer; begin end; procedure pro(a,b,c:integer); begin if a<=b then if b<=c then write(1) else write(0) else write(0); end; begin pro(a,b,c); //正确 pro(fun,b,c); //正确 pro(k,b,c); //错误,k未定义 pro(d,b,c); //错误,d是数组 pro(1,b,c); //正确 pro(d[1],b,c); //正确 end.
- 预期结果
第21行,k未定义错误 第22行,参数不匹配错误
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 12:35:26] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Located to table main [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Located to table fun [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Relocated table from fun to main [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Located to table pro [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Relocated table from pro to main [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:237> < Variable not declared in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:262> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:270> < Array subscript error ! > [2022/5/6 12:35:26] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:295> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable integer 2 d array integer 3 1 5 fun function integer 4 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 8 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a value integer 8 b value integer 8 c value integer 8
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:integer; function fib(i:integer):integer; begin if i=0 then fib:=1 else begin if i=1 then fib:=1 else fib:=fib(i-1)+fib(i-2); end; end; begin fib:=a; //在子函数外出现对函数名的左值引用 end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 12:39:41] Error occured on line 16 <NodeID:164> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/6 12:39:41] Error occured on line 16 <NodeID:173> < Assignop type mismatch ! > fib: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period i value integer 3 main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 fib function integer 3 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b:integer; c:char; f:array[1..5] of integer; function fun:integer; begin fun:=1; end; procedure pro(var d:real; e:boolean); begin d; //错把引用参数当成函数调用 e; //错把传值参数当成函数调用 pro(d,e); //正确 end; begin pro1; //错误,过程未定义 pro(a, a>b); //错误,参数类型不匹配 a; //错误,将integer变量错当成过程调用 c; //错误,将char变量错当成过程调用 fun; //错误,将函数错当成过程调用 f; //错误,将数组错当成过程调用 end.
- 预期结果
第11行,d不是过程 第12行,e不是过程 第16行,pro1过程未定义 第17行,过程参数匹配错误 第18行,a不是过程 第19行,c不是过程 第20行,fun不是过程 第21行,f不是过程
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 14:32:13] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Located to table main [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Located to table fun [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Relocated table from fun to main [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Located to table pro [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:111> < The id is not a procedure ! > [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:116> < The id is not a procedure ! > [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Relocated table from pro to main [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Error occured on line 16 <NodeID:154> < Variable not declared in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:185> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:190> < The id is not a procedure ! > [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:195> < The id is not a procedure ! > [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:200> < The id is not a procedure ! > [2022/5/6 14:32:13] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:205> < The id is not a procedure ! > fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable char 3 f array integer 4 1 5 fun function integer 5 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 9 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period d address real 9 e value boolean 9
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b,c:integer; e,f,g:real; d:array[1..5] of integer; procedure pro(a,b,c:real); begin if a <= b then if b <= c then write(1) else write(0) else write(0); end; begin pro(a,b,c); //函数/过程调用不支持隐式转换 pro(e,f,g) //正确 end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 14:35:30] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 14:35:30] Located to table main [2022/5/6 14:35:30] Located to table pro [2022/5/6 14:35:30] Relocated table from pro to main [2022/5/6 14:35:30] Error occured on line 16 <NodeID:191> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable integer 2 d array integer 4 1 5 e variable real 3 f variable real 3 g variable real 3 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 5 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a value real 5 b value real 5 c value real 5
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); //正确的函数调用 var a:integer; d:char; e:boolean; function fun(b:integer;c:boolean):char; begin if c then begin write(b); fun:='y' end else begin fun:='n'; end; end; begin read(a); e:=a>1; d:=fun(a,e); write(d); end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 14:49:15] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 14:49:15] Located to table main [2022/5/6 14:49:15] Located to table fun [2022/5/6 14:49:15] Relocated table from fun to main fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period b value integer 5 c value boolean 5 main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 d variable char 3 e variable boolean 4 fun function char 5 input value id 1 output value id 1 [2022/5/6 14:49:15] Finish semantic analysis. [2022/5/6 14:49:15] Semantic right.
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b:integer; c:boolean; d:real; e:char; begin while e do //条件表达式类型错误 begin write(a); a:=a+1 end; end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 21:19:56] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 21:19:56] Located to table main [2022/5/6 21:19:56] Error occured on line 7 <NodeID:96> < Terminator type error ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable boolean 3 d variable real 4 e variable char 5 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b:integer; c:boolean; d:real; e:char; begin if a+b then //条件表达式类型错误 begin a:=a+1; write(a) end end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 21:21:38] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 21:21:38] Located to table main [2022/5/6 21:21:38] Error occured on line 7 <NodeID:104> < Terminator type error ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable boolean 3 d variable real 4 e variable char 5 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b:integer; c:char; begin for a:= 6 to 1+3 do write(b); for a:= c to a+b do // 下界表达式不是integer类型 write(a); for b:= b to a>b do // 上界表达式不是integer类型 write(a+b) end.
- 预期结果
第7行,下界不为integer报错 第9行,上界不为integer报错
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 21:25:4] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 21:25:4] Located to table main [2022/5/6 21:25:4] Error occured on line 7 <NodeID:108> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 21:25:4] Error occured on line 9 <NodeID:156> < Terminator type error ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable char 3 input value id 1 output value id 1 [2022/5/6 21:25:4] Finish semantic analysis.
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b:integer; c:char; begin for a:= 6 to 1+3 do write(b); for c:= 1 to a+b do // 循环变量不是integer类型 write(a); end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 21:26:57] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 21:26:57] Located to table main [2022/5/6 21:26:57] Error occured on line 7 <NodeID:106> < Terminator type error ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable char 3 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b:integer; c:char; function fun:integer; begin for fun:=1 to 3 do //错把函数名当循环变量,虽然类型是integer write('y') end; begin for a:= 6 to 1+3 do write(b); end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 21:31:12] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 21:31:12] Located to table main [2022/5/6 21:31:12] Located to table fun [2022/5/6 21:31:12] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:72> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 21:31:12] Relocated table from fun to main fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable char 3 fun function integer 4 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b:integer; c:char; e:real; f:array[1..5] of integer; function fun:integer; begin fun:=1; end; procedure pro(var d:integer;h:char); var i:real; j:boolean; begin read(d,h,i,j); //正确 read(a,c,e,f[1]); //正确 read(f); //错误,数组名不能作为read的参数 read(pro); //错误,过程名不能作为read的参数 read(fun); //错误,函数名不能作为read的参数 end; begin read(a,b,c,e,f[1]); //正确 end.
- 预期结果
第16行,数组名不能作为read参数 第17行,过程不能作为read参数 第18行,函数不能作为read参数
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 21:43:33] Error occured on line 16 <NodeID:197> < Array subscript error ! > [2022/5/6 21:43:33] Error occured on line 16 <NodeID:200> < Variable not declared in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 21:43:33] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:207> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/6 21:43:33] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:210> < Variable not declared in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 21:43:33] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:220> < read arguments can't be function ! > [2022/5/6 21:43:33] Relocated table from pro to main fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable char 3 e variable real 4 f array integer 5 1 5 fun function integer 6 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 10 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period d address integer 10 h value char 10 i variable real 11 j variable boolean 12
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:integer; b:real; c:boolean; d:char; begin a:=a*2; //正确 a:=b; //左值类型为integer,右值类型为real,错误 b:=a; //左值类型为real, 右值类型为integer,正确 a:=a+b; //左值类型为integer,右值类型为real,错误 b:=a+b; //左值类型为real,右值类型为integer,正确 a:=c; //左值类型为integer,右值类型为boolean,错误 c:=a; //左值类型为boolean,右值类型为integer,错误 a:=d; //左值类型为integer,右值类型为char,错误 d:=a; //左值类型为char,右值类型为integer,错误 b:=c; //左值类型为real,右值类型为boolean,错误 c:=b; //左值类型为boolean,右值类型为real,错误 b:=d; //左值类型为real,右值类型为char,错误 d:=b; //左值类型为char,右值类型为real,错误 c:=d; //左值类型为boolean,右值类型为char,错误 d:=c; //左值类型为char,右值类型为boolean,错误 end.
- 预期结果
第8行,类型匹配错误 第10行,类型匹配错误 第11行,类型匹配错误 第12行,类型匹配错误 第13行,类型匹配错误 第14行,类型匹配错误 第15行,类型匹配错误 第16行,类型匹配错误 第17行,类型匹配错误 第18行,类型匹配错误 第19行,类型匹配错误 第20行,类型匹配错误 第21行,类型匹配错误
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 8 <NodeID:77> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 10 <NodeID:112> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:147> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 13 <NodeID:161> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 14 <NodeID:175> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 15 <NodeID:189> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 16 <NodeID:203> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:217> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:231> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:245> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:259> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:1:1] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:273> < Assignop type mismatch ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable real 3 c variable boolean 4 d variable char 5 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); const a = 1.5; b = 3; e = 2; f = 5; var c:integer; begin a := 3; //常量不能作为左值 e := 6-3; //常量不能作为左值 c := b; //正确 end.
- 预期结果
第5行,常量不能作为左值 第6行,常量不能作为左值
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 22:54:45] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 22:54:45] Located to table main [2022/5/6 22:54:45] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:58> < This id can be modify ! > [2022/5/6 22:54:45] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:75> < This id can be modify ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a const real 2 b const integer 2 c variable integer 3 e const integer 2 f const integer 2 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); const m = 100; var a,b,c:integer; d,e,f:real; g,h,i:char; j,k,l:boolean; function fun:real; begin fun:=1; end; begin j := a>=b; //正确 j := d>e; //正确 j := g<=h; //正确 j := j<k; //错误 j := a<>d; //错误,关系运算符不支持隐式类型转化 j := a=m; //正确 j := d=fun; //正确 j := a=g; //错误,a和g类型不匹配 k := a>=j; //错误,a和j类型不匹配 k := d>g; //错误,d和g类型不匹配 k := d<=j; //错误,d和j类型不匹配 k := g<j; //错误,g和j类型不匹配 end.
- 预期结果
第17行,boolean进行rolop,报错 第18行,a,d关系运算不支持转化 第21行,a和g类型不匹配 第22行,a和j类型不匹配 第23行,d和g类型不匹配 第24行,d和j类型不匹配 第25行,g和j类型不匹配
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 22:39:51] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Located to table main [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Located to table fun [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Relocated table from fun to main [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:190> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:191> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:211> < Relop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:212> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:274> < Relop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:275> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:295> < Relop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:296> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 23 <NodeID:316> < Relop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 23 <NodeID:317> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 24 <NodeID:337> < Relop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 24 <NodeID:338> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 25 <NodeID:358> < Relop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 22:39:51] Error occured on line 25 <NodeID:359> < Assignop type mismatch ! > fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 3 b variable integer 3 c variable integer 3 d variable real 4 e variable real 4 f variable real 4 fun function real 8 g variable char 5 h variable char 5 i variable char 5 input value id 1 j variable boolean 6 k variable boolean 6 l variable boolean 6 m const integer 2 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b,c:integer; d,e,f:real; g,h,i:char; j,k,l:boolean; function fun1:integer; begin fun1:=1; end; function fun2:boolean; begin fun2:=2>1; end; begin j := not a; //错误,a是integer而不是boolean j := not d; //错误,d是real而不是boolean j := not g; //错误,g是char而不是boolean j := not j; //正确 j := not fun1; //错误,fun1是integer而不是boolean j := not fun2; //正确 j := j and k; //正确 j := a and l; //错误,a是integer而不是boolean j := g and h; //错误,g是char而不是boolean,h是char而不是boolean j := j or k; //正确 j := a or l; //错误,a是integer而不是boolean j := g or h; //错误 g是char而不是boolean,h是char而不是boolean j := ((a+b)>c) or k; //正确 end.
- 预期结果
第18行,a是integer而不是boolean,报错 第19行,d是real而不是boolean,报错 第20行,g是char而不是boolean,报错 第21行,fun1是integer而不是boolean,报错 第24行,a是integer而不是boolean,报错 第25行,g是char而不是boolean,h是char而不是boolean,报错 第27行,a是integer而不是boolean,报错 第28行,g是char而不是boolean,h是char而不是boolean,报错
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 23:10:16] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Located to table main [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Located to table fun1 [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Relocated table from fun1 to main [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Located to table fun2 [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Relocated table from fun2 to main [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:152> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:164> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:168> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:180> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:184> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:200> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:216> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 23 <NodeID:232> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 25 <NodeID:269> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 25 <NodeID:272> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 26 <NodeID:289> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 26 <NodeID:292> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 28 <NodeID:332> < Addop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 28 <NodeID:334> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 29 <NodeID:353> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:10:16] Error occured on line 29 <NodeID:355> < Assignop type mismatch ! > fun1: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period fun2: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable integer 2 d variable real 3 e variable real 3 f variable real 3 fun1 function integer 7 fun2 function boolean 12 g variable char 4 h variable char 4 i variable char 4 input value id 1 j variable boolean 5 k variable boolean 5 l variable boolean 5 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b,c:integer; d,e,f:real; g,h,i:char; j,k,l:boolean; begin a:=b+c; //正确 d:=d+e; //正确 a:=b+f; //错误,左值为integer,右值为real d:=e+c; //正确 a:=b/c; //正确 d:=d/e; //正确 a:=b/f; //错误,左值为integer,右值为real d:=e/c; //正确 a:=g-h; //错误,g和h均为char d:=j-k; //错误,j和k均为boolean a:=b-g; //错误,g为char d:=c-j; //错误,j为boolean a:=d-g; //错误,a为int,d为real,g为char d:=d-l; //错误,l为boolean a:=g-k; //错误,a为integer,g为char,k为boolean a:=g*h; //错误,g和h均为char d:=j*k; //错误,j和k均为boolean a:=b*g; //错误,g为char d:=c*j; //错误,j为boolean a:=d*g; //错误,a为int,d为real,g为char d:=d*l; //错误,l为boolean a:=g*k; //错误,a为integer,g为char,k为boolean a:=-b; //正确 d:=-b; //正确 a:=-d; //错误,a为integer,d为real d:=-d; //正确 a:=-g; //错误,a为integer,g为char d:=-g; //错误,d为real,g为char a:=-j; //错误,a为integer,j为boolean d:=-j; //错误,d为real,j为boolean end.
- 预期结果
第9行,左右不符合转换,报错 第15行,左右不符合转换,报错 第18行,左右不符合-规则,报错 第19行,左右不符合-规则,报错 第20行,左右不符合-规则,报错 第21行,左右不符合-规则,报错 第22行,左右不符合-规则,报错 第23行,左右不符合-规则,报错 第24行,左右不符合-规则,报错 第26行,左右不符合*规则,报错 第27行,左右不符合*规则,报错 第28行,左右不符合*规则,报错 第29行,左右不符合*规则,报错 第30行,左右不符合*规则,报错 第31行,左右不符合*规则,报错 第32行,左右不符合*规则,报错 第36行,不符合minus规则,报错 第38行,不符合minus规则,报错 第39行,不符合minus规则,报错 第40行,不符合minus规则,报错 第41行,不符合minus规则,报错
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 23:38:31] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Located to table main [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 9 <NodeID:132> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 15 <NodeID:213> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:252> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:254> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:273> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:275> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:294> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:296> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:315> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:317> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:336> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:338> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 23 <NodeID:357> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 23 <NodeID:359> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 24 <NodeID:378> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 24 <NodeID:380> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 26 <NodeID:397> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 26 <NodeID:400> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 27 <NodeID:417> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 27 <NodeID:420> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 28 <NodeID:437> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 28 <NodeID:440> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 29 <NodeID:457> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 29 <NodeID:460> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 30 <NodeID:477> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 30 <NodeID:480> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 31 <NodeID:497> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 31 <NodeID:500> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 32 <NodeID:517> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 32 <NodeID:520> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 36 <NodeID:568> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 38 <NodeID:596> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 38 <NodeID:600> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 39 <NodeID:612> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 39 <NodeID:616> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 40 <NodeID:628> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 40 <NodeID:632> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 41 <NodeID:644> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:38:31] Error occured on line 41 <NodeID:648> < Assignop type mismatch ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable integer 2 d variable real 3 e variable real 3 f variable real 3 g variable char 4 h variable char 4 i variable char 4 input value id 1 j variable boolean 5 k variable boolean 5 l variable boolean 5 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a,b,c:integer; d,e,f:real; g,h,i:char; j,k,l:boolean; begin a:= a div b; //正确 a:= a div d; //错误,d为real a:= a div g; //错误,g为char a:= a div j; //错误,j为boolean a:= d div g; //错误,d为real,g为char a:= d div j; //错误,d为real,j为boolean a:= g div j; //错误,g为char,j为boolean a:= a mod b; //正确 a:= a mod d; //错误,d为real a:= a mod g; //错误,g为char a:= a mod j; //错误,j为boolean a:= d mod g; //错误,d为real,g为char a:= d mod j; //错误,d为real,j为boolean a:= g mod j; //错误,g为char,j为boolean end.
- 预期结果
第8行,d为real,报错 第9行,g为char,报错 第10行,j为boolean,报错 第11行,d为real,g为char,报错 第12行,d为real,j为boolean,报错 第13行,g为char,j为boolean,报错 第17行,d为real,报错 第18行,g为char,报错 第19行,j为boolean,报错 第20行,d为real,g为char,报错 第21行,d为real,j为boolean,报错 第22行,g为char,j为boolean,报错
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 23:44:10] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Located to table main [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 8 <NodeID:106> < Mulop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 8 <NodeID:109> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 9 <NodeID:126> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 9 <NodeID:129> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 10 <NodeID:146> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 10 <NodeID:149> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:166> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:169> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:186> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:189> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 13 <NodeID:206> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 13 <NodeID:209> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:246> < Mulop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 17 <NodeID:249> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:266> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:269> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:286> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:289> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:306> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:309> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:326> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 21 <NodeID:329> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:346> < Terminator type error ! > [2022/5/6 23:44:10] Error occured on line 22 <NodeID:349> < Assignop type mismatch ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b variable integer 2 c variable integer 2 d variable real 3 e variable real 3 f variable real 3 g variable char 4 h variable char 4 i variable char 4 input value id 1 j variable boolean 5 k variable boolean 5 l variable boolean 5 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); begin a:= 1; // 变量未定义 end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/6 23:48:18] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/6 23:48:18] Located to table main [2022/5/6 23:48:18] Error occured on line 3 <NodeID:17> < Variable not declared in symbol table ! > [2022/5/6 23:48:18] Error occured on line 3 <NodeID:24> < Assignop type mismatch ! > main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:integer; b:array[1..5] of integer; function fun:integer; begin end; procedure pro; begin end; function fun:char; //已被定义为函数 begin end; procedure pro; //已被定义为过程 begin end; procedure a; //已被定义为变量 begin end; procedure b; //已被定义为数组 begin end; begin end.
- 预期结果
第11行,fun已定义为函数,报错 第15行,pro已定义为过程,报错 第20行,a已定位为变量,报错 第24行,b已定位为数组,报错
- 实际结果
[2022/5/7 0:6:33] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Located to table main [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Located to table fun [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Relocated table from fun to main [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Located to table pro [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Relocated table from pro to main [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:80> < Symbol table redefinition ! > [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Error occured on line 15 <NodeID:96> < Symbol table redefinition ! > [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:112> < Symbol table redefinition ! > [2022/5/7 0:6:33] Error occured on line 24 <NodeID:128> < Symbol table redefinition ! > fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable integer 2 b array integer 3 1 5 fun function integer 4 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 7 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); var a:real; //正确 b:boolean; //正确 c:array[1..5] of integer; //正确 a:char; //a已定义为变量 c:real; //c已定义为数组 function fun(var a:integer;b:char):integer; var fun:integer; //fun已定义为当前所在的函数名 a:real; //a已定义为当前所在函数的引用参数 b:boolean; //b已定义为当前所在函数的传值参数 begin end; procedure pro(var a:integer;b:char); var fun:integer; //正确 pro:char; //pro已定义为当前所在的过程名 a:real; //a已定义为当前所在过程的引用参数 b:boolean; //b已定义为当前所在过程的传值参数 begin end; begin end.
- 预期结果
第5行,变量重定义错误 第6行,变量重定义错误 第9,10,11行,变量重定义错误 第18,19,20行,变量重定义错误
- 实际结果
[2022/5/7 0:20:43] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Located to table main [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Error occured on line 5 <NodeID:51> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Error occured on line 6 <NodeID:59> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Located to table fun [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Error occured on line 9 <NodeID:100> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Error occured on line 10 <NodeID:108> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:116> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Relocated table from fun to main [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Located to table pro [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Error occured on line 18 <NodeID:170> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Error occured on line 19 <NodeID:178> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Error occured on line 20 <NodeID:186> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:20:43] Relocated table from pro to main fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a address integer 8 b value char 8 fun function integer 8 main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a variable real 2 b variable boolean 3 c array integer 4 1 5 fun function integer 8 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 16 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a address integer 16 b value char 16 fun variable integer 17 pro procedure 16
- 分析
- 测试用例
program test(input,output); const c=3;c='y'; function fun(var a:integer;b:char):integer; const fun=-5;a=-10; begin end; procedure pro(var a:integer;b:char); const fun=3;pro=-6; begin end; begin end.
- 预期结果
第2行,常量重定义错误 第4行,常量重定义错误 第9行,常量重定义错误
- 实际结果
[2022/5/7 0:27:8] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Located to table main [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Error occured on line 2 <NodeID:24> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Located to table fun [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Error occured on line 4 <NodeID:64> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Error occured on line 4 <NodeID:71> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Relocated table from fun to main [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Located to table pro [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Error occured on line 9 <NodeID:122> < The item is redefined ! > [2022/5/7 0:27:8] Relocated table from pro to main fun: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a address integer 3 b value char 3 fun function integer 3 main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period c const integer 2 fun function integer 3 input value id 1 output value id 1 pro procedure 8 pro: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a address integer 8 b value char 8 fun const integer 9 pro procedure 8
- 分析
- 结构体相关检查
- 测试用例
program example(input, output); var books1,books2 : record title: array [1..50] of char; author: array [1..50] of char; subject: array [1..100] of char; bookid: integer; end; b : integer; begin books1.bookid := 1; books1.content := 2; //对结构体内不存在的变量访问错误 bookid := 5; //对结构体内的变量直接访问错误 end.
- 预期结果
第11行,对结构体内不存在的变量访问错误,报错 第12行,对结构体内的变量直接访问错误,报错
- 实际结果
[2022/5/7 13:35:2] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Located to table main [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Located to table books1 [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Located to table books2 [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Relocated table from books2 to main [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Located to table main [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Located to table books1 [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Relocated table from books1 to main [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Located to table main [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Located to table books1 [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:112> < Variable not declared in symbol table ! > [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Relocated table from books1 to main [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Located to table main [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Error occured on line 11 <NodeID:120> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:125> < Variable not declared in symbol table ! > [2022/5/7 13:35:2] Error occured on line 12 <NodeID:132> < Assignop type mismatch ! > books1: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period author array char 4 1 50 bookid variable integer 6 books1 record 2 subject array char 5 1 100 title array char 3 1 50 books2: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period author array char 4 1 50 bookid variable integer 6 books2 record 2 subject array char 5 1 100 title array char 3 1 50 main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period b variable integer 8 books1 record 2 books2 record 2 input value id 1 output value id 1
- 分析
- 综合测试(I)
- 测试用例
program example(input, output); var Books,books : record title: array [1..50] of char; author: array [1..50] of char; subject: array [1..100] of char; bookid: integer; end; b : integer; i : integer; x : real; procedure bubble; var a:array [1..4] of integer; b:array [1..3,2..5] of integer; i,j,temp:integer; begin for i:=1 to 4 do read (a[i]); for i:=1 to 4 do for j:=1 to 4-i do if a[j]>a[j+1] then begin temp:=a[j]; a[j]:=a[j+1]; a[j+1]:=temp; end; for i:=1 to 4 do write (a[i]); end; function f(var m,n: integer ; x : char ): integer; var j : integer; begin j := f(n,m mod n,x); //错误,第二个参数不为地址 end; begin books.bookid := 1; b := 5; bubble; while i < 5 do x := x * i; end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/7 14:4:48] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table main [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table Books [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table books [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Relocated table from books to main [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table main [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table bubble [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Relocated table from bubble to main [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table f [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Error occured on line 35 <NodeID:517> < Parameter does not match in symbol table ! > [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Error occured on line 35 <NodeID:521> < Assignop type mismatch ! > [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Relocated table from f to main [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table books [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Relocated table from books to main [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table main [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table books [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Relocated table from books to main [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Located to table main Books: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period Books record 2 author array char 4 1 50 bookid variable integer 6 subject array char 5 1 100 title array char 3 1 50 books: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period author array char 4 1 50 bookid variable integer 6 books record 2 subject array char 5 1 100 title array char 3 1 50 bubble: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a array integer 14 1 4 b array integer 15 1 3 2 5 bubble procedure 12 i variable integer 16 j variable integer 16 temp variable integer 16 f: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period f function integer 32 j variable integer 33 m address integer 32 n address integer 32 x value char 32 main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period Books record 2 b variable integer 8 books record 2 bubble procedure 12 f function integer 32 i variable integer 9 input value id 1 output value id 1 x variable real 10 [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Finish semantic analysis. [2022/5/7 14:4:48] Semantic error.
- 分析
- 综合测试(II)
- 测试用例
program example(input,output); var x,y:integer; function gcd(a,b:integer):integer; begin if b=0 then gcd:=a else gcd:=gcd(b, a mod b) end; begin read(x, y); write(gcd(x, y)) end.
- 预期结果
- 实际结果
[2022/5/7 15:35:27] Begin to semantic analysis... [2022/5/7 15:35:27] Located to table main [2022/5/7 15:35:27] Located to table gcd [2022/5/7 15:35:27] Relocated table from gcd to main gcd: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period a value integer 3 b value integer 3 gcd function integer 3 main: Name Etype Vtype Declaration Period gcd function integer 3 input value id 1 output value id 1 x variable integer 2 y variable integer 2 [2022/5/7 15:35:27] Finish semantic analysis. [2022/5/7 15:35:27] Semantic right.
- 分析
- 问题描述
- 解决方案
- 问题描述
- 解决方案
- 问题描述
- 解决方案
- 问题描述
- 解决方案
- 对于一个函数,在没有总体返回值的情况下需要在其各个分支中都具备返回值。这个功能在我们所考虑的模块分割下极难实现,希望在以后的改进过程中能够重视这个问题。
- 常数传播的优化问题,我们没有做到很好,比如复杂的除0操作并不能在本程序中检测到,如 "6/(3*3-9)"这种隐式除0操作,希望在以后的改进过程中能够重视这个问题。
- SyntaxTree.hpp
#include "Symbol.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class SyntaxNode
int id; // 当前节点id
int father; // 父节点id
int line; // 行号
int col; // 列号
int isTerminal; // 是否为终结符
string value; // 携带值
string stringValue; // only TSymbol,终结符名
string type; // 文法类型
vector<int> son; // 子节点集
string numType; // TSymbol
SyntaxNode(const int &id,const int &line,const int &col,const string &value,const string &type,const string &numType);// NSymbol
SyntaxNode(const int &id,const string &value,const string &type);
string to_string();
typedef vector<SyntaxNode> SyntaxNodeStack;
class SyntaxTree
vector<SyntaxNode> nodeList; // 节点集
int nodeNum; // 总结点数
int root; // 根节点id
SyntaxTree(){nodeList.clear();nodeNum=0;}; // 构造函数
~SyntaxTree(){}; // 析构函数
void insertNode(const SyntaxNode &node); // 插入节点操作
virtual void showTree(const string &path); // 展示语法树
virtual void showTree(); // 输出语法树
void dfsTravsersal(SyntaxNode &node,string &res,const int level);
// 遍历语法树
- SymbolTable.hpp
#pragma once
#include "LPDebug.hpp"
using namespace std;
class Argument
string type; //作为参数,就是参数的type(integer,real..),作为表项,则为表项的类型(function,program,value,address...)
string name; //作为参数和表项都会用到
string value; // 作为表项会用到
string retType; // 作为表项会用到
string valueType; // 作为表项会用到
vector<int> use; // 作为表项会用到
vector<Argument> argList; // 作为表项会用到
vector<pair<int,int>> periodList; // 作为表项会用到
bool isAddress; // 作为参数用到
int row; // 作为参数和表项都会用到
int dimension; // 作为表项会用到,数组维数或函数/过程参数个数
Argument() // 无参构造函数
this->name = "";
Argument(string _type, string _name, int _row, bool _isAddress = false)
this->retType = "";
this->row = _row;
this->name = _name;
this->type = _type;
this->isAddress = _isAddress;
Argument(string _name,string _type,
string _valueType,string _value,
int _declaration,vector<pair<int,int>> _periodList,
vector<int> _use,vector<Argument> _argList,
int _dimension = 0){
this->name = _name;
this->type = _type;
this->valueType = _valueType;
this->value = _value;
this->row = _declaration;
this->periodList = _periodList;
this->use = _use;
this->argList = _argList;
this->dimension = _dimension;
class SymbolTable
string tableName; // 表名
string tableType; // 表类型
string returnType; // 作为函数的返回值
vector<string> argString; // 用于参数匹配
vector<bool> addressVec; // 用于参数匹配
SymbolTable* parentNode; // 父节点
map<string,Argument> argList; // 参数集
map<string,Argument> elementList; // 表项集
SymbolTable(){} // 构造函数
SymbolTable(string _name,
SymbolTable* _par,
string _tableType,
vector<Argument> _argList,
map<string,Argument> _elementList,
string _returnType){
vector<string> _argTypes;
for (auto i = _argList.begin(); i != _argList.end(); i++)
this->argList[i->name] = *i;
this->parentNode = _par;
this->tableName = _name;
this->argString = _argTypes;
this->tableType = _tableType;
this->returnType = _returnType;
this->elementList = _elementList;
bool insert(Argument arg);
class SymbolTableController
SymbolTable* currentTable = NULL; // 当前表指针
SymbolTable* temp = NULL; // 作为构造表的临时表
vector<SymbolTable> tableList; // 总表集
map<string,SymbolTable> nameTableMap; // 表名和表的hash对应
LPDebug lpDebug; // 调试信息
/* 符号表定位 */
SymbolTable* locate(string name);
/* 符号表建表 */
SymbolTable* creatTable(string tabName,string tableType,vector<Argument> arglist,string returnType,int delaration);
/* 符号表中查找表项 */
Argument* find(string name,string tabName);
/* 符号表中插入表项 */
bool insert(Argument arg,string tabName);
/* 检查参数匹配 */
bool checkArg(string,vector<string>,vector<string>);
/* 符号表重定位 */
void relocation();
/* 符号表初始化 */
void init(vector<Argument> arglist);
/* 符号表展示 */
void showTable();
- Semantic.hpp
#ifndef _SEMANTIC_HPP_
#define _SEMANTIC_HPP_
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "SyntaxTree.hpp"
#include "SymbolTable.hpp"
// 数组信息
class arrayInfo{
int arraySize; // 数组大小
string arrayType; // 数组元素类型
vector<pair<int,int>> period; // 数组上下维集
int periodDimension; // 数组维数
// 参数信息
class parameters{
parameters(){ // 构造函数
this->isArray = false;
this->isAddress = false;
string name; // 参数名
string type; // 参数类型
bool isArray; // 是否为数组
bool isAddress; // 是否为传引用
arrayInfo info; // 作为数组的信息或其他信息
int declaration; // 声明行
// 常量信息
class consts{
string value; // 常量值
string type; // 常量类型
// 语义分析控制台
class SemanticAnalyzer{
SyntaxTree myTree; // 语法树
LPDebug lpDebug; // 调试信息
bool isSemanticRight = true; // 语义分析结果
vector<parameters> recordList; // 自定义结构集
SymbolTableController symbolTableController; // 符号表与类型检查的接口控制台
SemanticAnalyzer(SyntaxTree &tree); // 构造函数
void program_struct();
void program_head(int );
void program_body(int );
vector<parameters> idList(int );
void const_declarations(int);
void const_declaration(int);
consts const_value(int);
void var_declarations(int);
void var_declaration(int);
parameters type(int);
void record_type(int );
void field_list(int );
void fixed_fields(int );
string basic_type(int);
vector<pair<int,int>> period(int);
void subprogram_declarations(int);
void subprogram(int);
void subprogram_head(int);
vector<parameters> formal_parameter(int);
vector<parameters> parameter_list(int);
vector<parameters> parameter(int);
vector<parameters> var_parameter(int);
vector<parameters> value_parameter(int);
void subprogram_body(int);
void compound_statement(int);
void statement_list(int);
void statement(int);
vector<parameters> variable_list(int);
parameters variable(int);
void id_varpart(int);
void procedure_call(int);
void else_part(int);
vector<parameters> expression_list(int);
parameters expression(int);
parameters simple_expression(int);
parameters term(int);
parameters factor(int);
void error(int,int,int);
this->lpDebug<<"Finish semantic analysis.";
if(!this->isSemanticRight) this->lpDebug<<"Semantic error.";
else this->lpDebug<<"Semantic right.";
- SyntaxTree.cpp
#include "SyntaxTree.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// TSymbol
/* 终结符节点构造函数 */
SyntaxNode::SyntaxNode(const int &id,const int &line,const int &col,const string &value,const string &type,const string &numType)
// NSymbol
/* 非终结符节点构造函数 */
SyntaxNode::SyntaxNode(const int &id,const string &value,const string &type)
/* 将节点转为字符串方便打印 */
string SyntaxNode::to_string()
return "["+std::to_string(this->line)+","+std::to_string(this->col)+"]"
+"<id: "+std::to_string(this->id)+" value: "+this->value+" type: "+this->type+" stringvalue: "+this->stringValue+">";
return std::string("[NSymbol]")+std::string("<id: ")+std::to_string(this->id)+" value: "+this->value+" type: "+this->type+">";
/* 向树中插入节点 */
void SyntaxTree::insertNode(const SyntaxNode &node)
/* 深度优先遍历树 */
void SyntaxTree::dfsTravsersal(SyntaxNode &node,string &res,const int level)
return ;
for(int i=0;i<node.son.size();i++)
for(int k=0;k<=level;k++)
res.append("|--- ");
SyntaxNode child=this->nodeList[node.son[i]];
return ;
/* 对指定路径展示树结构 */
void SyntaxTree::showTree(const string &path)
ofstream fout(path);
string res;
for(int i=0;i<this->nodeList.back().son.size();i++)
res.append("\n\t|--- ");
fout << res;
/* 非指定路径展示树结构 */
void SyntaxTree::showTree()
string res;
for(int i=0;i<this->nodeList.back().son.size();i++)
res.append("\n\t|--- ");
cout << res;
- SymbolTable.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
/* 对符号表的初始化 */
void SymbolTableController::init(vector<Argument> argList)
auto p = this->creatTable("main","program",argList,"",0);
this->currentTable = p;
/* 建表 */
SymbolTable* SymbolTableController::creatTable(string tabName,
string tableType,
vector<Argument> argList,
string returnType,
int delaration){
/* 查找表是否重定义 */
auto iter = nameTableMap.find(tabName);
if(tabName != "main") {
auto iiter = this->currentTable->elementList.find(tabName);
if(iiter != this->currentTable->elementList.end()){
return NULL;
if(iter == nameTableMap.end()){
map<string,Argument> elementList;
string subtableType = tableType;
SymbolTable s(tabName,this->currentTable,tableType,argList,elementList,returnType);
if(tableType == "record") s.parentNode = NULL;
this->temp = &s;
/* 表参数作为表项插入 */
if(argList.size() > 0){
string addrOrVal;
for(auto iter : argList){
addrOrVal = "address";
else addrOrVal = "value";
vector<pair<int,int>> periodLists;
vector<Argument> newArgList;
vector<int> newUse;
Argument newElement(iter.name,addrOrVal,iter.type,"",iter.row,periodLists,newUse,newArgList);
vector<pair<int,int>> periodLists;
vector<int> newUse;
Argument newElement(tabName,subtableType,returnType,"",delaration,periodLists,newUse,argList,argList.size());
if(tabName != "main") {
this->currentTable = locate(tabName);
return temp;
else return NULL;
/* 在某一符号表中寻找表项 */
Argument* SymbolTableController::find(string name,string tabName){
cout<<"<find var "<<name<<" in table "<<tabName<<">"<<endl;
auto p = &(this->nameTableMap[tabName]);
Argument* res = nullptr;
/* 按照链域查询 */
while (p->elementList.count(name)!= 0 || p->parentNode != nullptr)
if (p->elementList.count(name) > 0)
res =&( p->elementList[name]);
p = p->parentNode;
return res;
/* 在某一符号表中插入表项 */
bool SymbolTableController::insert(Argument arg,string tabName)
SymbolTable *table = &(this->nameTableMap[tabName]);
cout<<arg.name<<" insert into ->"<<tabName<<endl;
if (!table){
//throw("table does not exsit");
return false;
// try{
// cout << arg.name << " insert into ->" << tabName << endl;
// }
// catch (std::exception& e){
// throw(e);
// }
return table->insert(arg);
/* 判断是否可以进行插入 */
bool SymbolTable::insert(Argument arg)
if (this->elementList.count(arg.name) > 0)
//throw("defined variable");
return false;
elementList[arg.name] = arg;
return true;
/* 符号表重定位 */
void SymbolTableController::relocation(){
/* 对于record符号表进行特判 */
string parentTable;
if( !this->currentTable->parentNode ){
parentTable = "main";
else parentTable = this->currentTable->parentNode->tableName;
string outstream = "Relocated table from ";
outstream += this->currentTable->tableName + " to " + parentTable;
if(this->currentTable->tableType == "record" ) this->currentTable = locate("main");
else if (this->currentTable){
this->currentTable = this->currentTable->parentNode;
/* 符号表定位 */
SymbolTable* SymbolTableController::locate(string name){
string outstream = "Located to table ";
outstream += name;
return &nameTableMap[name];
/* 函数/过程参数匹配 */
bool SymbolTableController::checkArg(string fpName,vector<string> nameList,vector<string> type){
/* 不仅匹配类型,同时匹配传值/传地址 */
bool flag = true;
if(nameTableMap.find(fpName) != nameTableMap.end()){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].argList.size() == type.size()){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].argString == type) {
for(int i=0;i<int(nameList.size());i++){
if(nameTableMap[fpName].addressVec[i] && nameList[i] == "Expression"){
return false;
return true;
else return false;
else return false;
else {
//throw("table does not exsit");
return false;
/* 展示符号表 */
void SymbolTableController::showTable()
fstream file;
vector<string> text;
for(auto iter:this->nameTableMap){
for(auto iter:text){
for(auto it:iter.second.elementList){
if(it.second.periodList.size() > 0){
for(auto period:it.second.periodList){
file<<setw(15)<<left<<period.first<<" "<<period.second<<" ";
- Semantic.cpp
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "Semantic.hpp"
using namespace std;
// 1: 非终结符文法类型错误
// 2: 文法生成错误(节点的字子结点数错误)
// 3:出现+/-以外的操作符
// 4:终结符类型错误
// 5:数组下标错误
// 6:assignop(:=)符号两边类型不等
// 7:使用符号表中未声明的变量
// 8:relop( =、<>、<、<=、>、>=)使用不当(两边操作数类型问题)
// 9:addop(+、- 和 or)使用不当(两边操作数类型问题)
// 10:mulop(*、/、div、mod 和 and)使用错误(两边操作数类型问题)
// 11:调用函数或过程时参数类型与符号表冲突
// 12: 该变量重定义
// 13:该变量不是过程
// 14: 该id不是可修改的变量
// 15: 符号表重定义
// 16: 该id不为record
// 17: 该id不为数组
// 18: 该id不是函数
// 19:read的参数不合规范
/* 语义分析报错 */
void SemanticAnalyzer::error(int type,int line,int id){
this->isSemanticRight = false;
string errorInfo;
if(line) {
cout<<"Error occured on line "<<line<<endl;
errorInfo = "Error occured on line ";
errorInfo += to_string(line);
cout<<"<NodeID: "<<id<<"> ";
errorInfo += " <NodeID:";
errorInfo += to_string(id);
errorInfo += "> ";
switch (type)
case 1:
errorInfo += "< Non terminal grammar type error ! >";
case 2:
errorInfo += "< Grammar generation error ! >";
case 3:
errorInfo += "< Operator error ! >";
case 4:
errorInfo += "< Terminator type error ! >";
case 5:
errorInfo += "< Array subscript error ! >";
case 6:
errorInfo += "< Assignop type mismatch ! >";
case 7:
errorInfo += "< Variable not declared in symbol table ! >";
case 8:
errorInfo += "< Relop type mismatch ! >";
case 9:
errorInfo += "< Addop type mismatch ! >";
case 10:
errorInfo += "< Mulop type mismatch ! >";
case 11:
errorInfo += "< Parameter does not match in symbol table ! >";
case 12:
errorInfo += "< The item is redefined ! >";
case 13:
errorInfo += "< The id is not a procedure ! >";
case 14:
errorInfo += "< This id can be modify ! >";
case 15:
errorInfo += "< Symbol table redefinition ! >";
case 16:
errorInfo += "< This id is not a record ! >";
case 17:
errorInfo += "< This id is not a array ! >";
case 18:
errorInfo += "< The id is not a function ! >";
case 19:
errorInfo += "< read arguments can't be function ! >";
this->lpDebug << errorInfo;
/* 构造函数 */
SemanticAnalyzer::SemanticAnalyzer(SyntaxTree &tree){
this -> lpDebug << "Begin to semantic analysis...";
//cout<<"begin to analysis"<<endl;
this->myTree = tree;
this->myTree.root = this->myTree.nodeList.back().id;
if(this->myTree.nodeList[this->myTree.root].type == "program_struct"){
else error(1,0,this->myTree.root);
// programstruct -> program_head ; program_body .
void SemanticAnalyzer::program_struct(){
cout<<" hello program_struct"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[this->myTree.root];
if(curNode.son.size() != 4){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != ";"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[3]].type != "."){
// program_head -> program id ( idlist ) | program id
void SemanticAnalyzer::program_head(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello program_head"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 2){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "program"
|| this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "id"){
else {
vector<Argument> paramList;
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "program"
|| this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "id"
|| this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "("){
vector<parameters> params = this->idList(curNode.son[3]);
vector<Argument> paramList;
for(auto &iter:params){
Argument temp(iter.type,iter.name,iter.declaration);
// 此处返回一个vector<参数>,参数class在符号表中定义
// 建立符号表
// program_body-> const_declarations var_declarations subprogram_declarations
// compound_statement
void SemanticAnalyzer::program_body(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello program_body"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "const_declarations"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "var_declarations"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "subprogram_declarations"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[3]].type != "compound_statement"){
// idlist -> idlist, id | id
vector<parameters> SemanticAnalyzer::idList(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello idlist"<<endl;
vector<parameters> params;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "id"){
parameters temp;
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
temp.name = idNode.stringValue;
temp.type = idNode.type;
temp.declaration = idNode.line;
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "idlist"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != ","
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "id"){
vector<parameters> paramsTemp = this->idList(curNode.son[0]);
for(auto &iter:paramsTemp) params.push_back(iter);
parameters temp;
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]];
temp.name = idNode.stringValue;
temp.type = idNode.type;
temp.declaration = idNode.line;
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return params;
// const_declarations -> const const_declaration ; | None
void SemanticAnalyzer::const_declarations(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello const_declarations"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 3 && curNode.son.size() != 0){
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3 ){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "const"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "const_declaration"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != ";"){
// const_declaration -> const_declaration ; id = const_value | id = const_value
void SemanticAnalyzer::const_declaration(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello const_declaration"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "id"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "="
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "const_value"){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
consts constInfo = this->const_value(curNode.son[2]);
vector<pair<int,int>> periodList;
vector<Argument> argList;
vector<int> use;
Argument newElement(idNode.stringValue,"const",constInfo.type,constInfo.value,idNode.line,periodList,use,argList);
// SymbolTableElement newElement = SymbolTableElement(idNode.stringValue,"const",constInfo.type,constInfo.value,periodList,idNode.line,use,argList);
// 符号表操作curNode.son[0]
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "const_declaration"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != ";"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "id"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[3]].type != "="
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[4]].type != "const_value"){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]];
consts constInfo = this->const_value(curNode.son[4]);
vector<pair<int,int>> periodList;
vector<Argument> argList;
vector<int> use;
Argument newElement(idNode.stringValue,"const",constInfo.type,constInfo.value,idNode.line,periodList,use,argList);
//SymbolTableElement newElement = SymbolTableElement(idNode.stringValue,"const",constInfo.type,constInfo.value,periodList,idNode.line,use,argList);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// const_value -> + num | - num | num | ′ letter ′
consts SemanticAnalyzer::const_value(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello const_value"<<endl;
consts constInfo;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "num"){
SyntaxNode numNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
constInfo.type = numNode.numType;
constInfo.value = numNode.value;
else if(curNode.son.size() == 2){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "num"){
SyntaxNode numNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]];
constInfo.type = numNode.numType;
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "+"){
constInfo.value = numNode.value;
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "-"){
constInfo.value = "-" + numNode.value;
else error(3,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "\'"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "\'"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "letter" ){
SyntaxNode letterNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]];
constInfo.type = "char";
constInfo.value = letterNode.stringValue;
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return constInfo;
// var_declarations->var var_declaration ; | #
void SemanticAnalyzer::var_declarations(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello var_declarations"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 3 && curNode.son.size() != 0){
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "var"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "var_declaration"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != ";"){
// var_declaration -> var_declaration ; idlist : type | idlist : type
void SemanticAnalyzer::var_declaration(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello var_declaration"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if( curNode.son.size() == 5 ){
vector<parameters> params = this->idList(curNode.son[2]);
this->recordList = params;
parameters paramType = this->type(curNode.son[4]);
string temp[2];
temp[0] = "array";
temp[1] = paramType.info.arrayType;
if(paramType.type == "record") return;
temp[0] = "variable";
temp[1] = paramType.type;
for(auto &iter:params){
vector<int> use;
vector<Argument> argList;
Argument newElement(iter.name,temp[0],temp[1],to_string(iter.info.arraySize),iter.declaration,paramType.info.period,use,argList,paramType.info.periodDimension);
//var_declaration -> idlist : type
else if( curNode.son.size() == 3 ){
vector<parameters> params = this->idList(curNode.son[0]);
this->recordList = params;
parameters paramType = this->type(curNode.son[2]);
string temp[2];
temp[0] = "array";
temp[1] = paramType.info.arrayType;
if(paramType.type == "record") return;
temp[0] = "variable";
temp[1] = paramType.type;
for(auto &iter:params){
vector<int> use;
vector<Argument> argList;
Argument newElement(iter.name,temp[0],temp[1],
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// type -> basic_type | array [ period ] of basic_type | record_type | array [ period ] of record_type
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::type(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello type"<<endl;
parameters paramReturn;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "basic_type" ){
paramReturn.type = this->basic_type(curNode.son[0]);
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "record_type"){
paramReturn.type = "record";
//cout<<"this is record!"<<endl;
else error(1,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 6){
paramReturn.isArray = true;
paramReturn.type = "array";
if(( this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[5]].type != "basic_type"
&& this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[5]].type != "record_type")
|| this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "period"){
vector<pair<int,int>> periodVec = this->period(curNode.son[2]);
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[5]].type == "basic_type"){
paramReturn.info.arrayType = this->basic_type(curNode.son[5]);
paramReturn.info.arrayType = "record";
int sizeArray = 0;
for(auto &iter:periodVec){
sizeArray += (iter.second-iter.first);
paramReturn.info.arraySize = sizeArray;
paramReturn.info.periodDimension = periodVec.size();
paramReturn.info.period = periodVec;
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return paramReturn;
// basic_type -> integer | real | boolean | char
string SemanticAnalyzer::basic_type(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello basic_type"<<endl;
SyntaxNode sonNode = this->myTree.nodeList[this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId].son[0]];
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 1) {
if(sonNode.type == "integer"
|| sonNode.type == "real"
|| sonNode.type == "boolean"
|| sonNode.type == "char" ){
return sonNode.type;
else error(1,sonNode.line,curNode.id);
return "";
// record_type -> record field_list end
void SemanticAnalyzer::record_type(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello record_type"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 3) error(2,0,curNode.id);
for(auto &iter:this->recordList){
vector<Argument> argList;
// field_list -> fixed_fields ;
void SemanticAnalyzer::field_list(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello field_list"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 2){
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// fixed_fields -> idlist : type | fixed_fields ; idlist : type
void SemanticAnalyzer::fixed_fields(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello fixed_fields"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
vector<parameters> parameterList;
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameterList = this -> idList(curNode.son[0]);
parameters type = this -> type(curNode.son[2]);
string temp[2];
temp[0] = "array";
temp[1] = type.info.arrayType;
else {
temp[0] = "variable";
temp[1] = type.type;
for(auto table:this->recordList){
for(auto &iter:parameterList){
vector<Argument> argList;
vector<int> use;
Argument temp(iter.name,temp[0],temp[1],to_string(iter.info.arraySize),iter.declaration,type.info.period,use,argList,iter.info.period.size());
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5){
parameterList = this->idList(curNode.son[2]);
parameters type = this->type(curNode.son[4]);
string temp[2];
temp[0] = "array";
temp[1] = type.info.arrayType;
else {
temp[0] = "variable";
temp[1] = type.type;
for(auto table:this->recordList){
for(auto &iter:parameterList){
vector<Argument> argList;
vector<int> use;
Argument temp(iter.name,temp[0],temp[1],to_string(iter.info.arraySize),iter.declaration,type.info.period,use,argList,iter.info.period.size());
// period -> period , digits .. digits | digits .. digits
vector<pair<int,int>> SemanticAnalyzer::period(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello period"<<endl;
vector<pair<int,int>> periodMap;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
SyntaxNode digitNode1 = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
SyntaxNode digitNode2 = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]];
if( digitNode1.numType != "integer" || atof(digitNode1.value.c_str()) < 0
|| digitNode2.numType != "integer" || atof(digitNode2.value.c_str()) < 0
|| atof(digitNode2.value.c_str()) < atof(digitNode1.value.c_str()) ){
return periodMap;
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5 ){
SyntaxNode digitNode1 = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]];
SyntaxNode digitNode2 = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[4]];
vector<pair<int,int>> subperiodMap = this->period(curNode.son[0]);
for( auto &iter : subperiodMap ){
if( digitNode1.numType != "integer" || atoi(digitNode1.value.c_str()) < 0
|| digitNode2.numType != "integer" || atoi(digitNode2.value.c_str()) < 0
|| atoi(digitNode2.value.c_str()) < atoi(digitNode1.value.c_str()) ){
return periodMap;
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return periodMap;
// subprogram_declarations -> subprogram_declarations subprogram ;| #
void SemanticAnalyzer::subprogram_declarations(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello subprogram_declarations"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 3 && curNode.son.size() != 0) error(2,0,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
// subprogram -> subprogram_head ; subprogram_body
void SemanticAnalyzer::subprogram(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello subprogram"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// subprogram_head -> procedure id formal_parameter | function id formal_parameter : basic_type
void SemanticAnalyzer::subprogram_head(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello subprogram_head"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]];
string tableName = idNode.stringValue;
vector<parameters> params = this->formal_parameter(curNode.son[2]);
vector<Argument> paramList;
for(auto &iter:params){
Argument temp(iter.type,iter.name,iter.declaration,iter.isAddress);
// 创建符号表
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5){
vector<parameters> params = this->formal_parameter(curNode.son[2]);
string basicType = this->basic_type(curNode.son[4]);
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]];
string tableName = idNode.stringValue;
//vector<parameters> params = this->formal_parameter(curNode.son[2]);
vector<Argument> paramList;
for(auto &iter:params){
Argument temp(iter.type,iter.name,iter.declaration,iter.isAddress);
//cout<<temp.name<<" "<<temp.isAddress<<endl;
// 创建符号表
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// subprogram_body -> const_declarations var_declarations compound_statement
void SemanticAnalyzer::subprogram_body(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello subprogram_body"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(nodeId == 96) cout<<curNode.son.size()<<endl;
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// formal_parameter -> ( parameter_list ) | #
vector<parameters> SemanticAnalyzer::formal_parameter(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello formal_parameter"<<endl;
vector<parameters> params;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 3 && curNode.son.size() != 0 ){
else if( curNode.son.size() == 3 ){
params = this->parameter_list(curNode.son[1]);
return params;
// parameter_list -> parameter_list ; parameter | parameter
vector<parameters> SemanticAnalyzer::parameter_list(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello parameter_list"<<endl;
vector<parameters> params;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "parameter"){
params = this->parameter(curNode.son[0]);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type == "parameter"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "parameter_list"){
vector<parameters> subParams;
subParams = this->parameter_list(curNode.son[0]);
for(auto &iter:subParams){
//cout<<iter.name<<" "<<iter.isAddress<<endl;
for(auto &iter:this->parameter(curNode.son[2])){
//cout<<iter.name<<" "<<iter.isAddress<<endl;
else error(1,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
return params;
// parameter -> var_parameter | value_parameter
vector<parameters> SemanticAnalyzer::parameter(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello parameter"<<endl;
vector<parameters> params;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 1) error(2,0,curNode.id);
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "var_parameter"){
params = this->var_parameter(curNode.son[0]);
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "value_parameter"){
params = this->value_parameter(curNode.son[0]);
else error(1,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
return params;
// var_parameter -> var value_parameter
vector<parameters> SemanticAnalyzer::var_parameter(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello var_parameter"<<endl;
vector<parameters> params;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if( curNode.son.size() != 2 ) error(2,0,curNode.id);
params = this->value_parameter(curNode.son[1]);
for( auto &iter : params ) {
iter.isAddress = true;
//cout<<iter.name<<" "<<iter.isAddress<<endl;
return params;
// value_parameter -> idlist : basic_type
vector<parameters> SemanticAnalyzer::value_parameter(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello value_parameter"<<endl;
vector<parameters> params;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 3) error(2,0,curNode.id);
vector<parameters> idlist = this->idList(curNode.son[0]);
string idType = this->basic_type(curNode.son[2]);
for(auto &iter:idlist){
iter.type = idType;
return params;
// compound_statement -> begin statement_list end
void SemanticAnalyzer::compound_statement(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello compound_statement"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 3) error(2,0,curNode.id);
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "begin"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != "statement_list"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "end"){
SyntaxNode fatherNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.father];
if(fatherNode.type == "subprogram_body"){
if(this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName != "main"){
cout<<"the current table is "<<this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName<<" -> ";
// statement_list -> statement_list ; statement | statement
void SemanticAnalyzer::statement_list(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello statement_list"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "statement") error(1,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type != "statement_list"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type != ";"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[2]].type != "statement") error(1,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// statement ->
// variable assignop expression |
// procedure_call|
// compound_statement|
// if expression then statement else_part |
// for id assignop expression to expression do statement |
// read ( variable_list ) |
// write ( expression_list ) |
// while expression do statement | #
void SemanticAnalyzer::statement(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello statement"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "procedure_call"){
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "compound_statement"){
else error(1,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
//statement -> variable assignop expression
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameters varParam = this->variable(curNode.son[0]);
parameters expParam = this->expression(curNode.son[2]);
if(varParam.info.arrayType == "const" || varParam.type == "function") error(14,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
if(varParam.type != expParam.type) {
if(varParam.type != "real" || expParam.type != "integer"){
// statement -> read ( variable_list )
// statement -> write ( expression_list )
// statement -> while expression do statement
else if(curNode.son.size() == 4 ){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "read"){
vector<parameters> varList = this->variable_list(curNode.son[2]);
for(auto &iter:varList){
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(iter.name,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(!searchElement) error(7,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(searchElement->type == "function") error(19,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "write"){
vector<parameters> expList = this->expression_list(curNode.son[2]);
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "while"){
parameters expression = this->expression(curNode.son[1]);
if(expression.type != "boolean") error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else error(1,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
//statement -> if expression then statement else_part
else if(curNode.son.size() == 5 ){
parameters expParam = this->expression(curNode.son[1]);
if(expParam.type != "boolean") error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
//statement -> for id assignop expression to expression do statement
else if(curNode.son.size() == 8 ){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]];
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
parameters expParam1 = this->expression(curNode.son[3]);
parameters expParam2 = this->expression(curNode.son[5]);
if(expParam1.type == "integer" && expParam2.type == "integer" && searchElement->valueType == "integer" && searchElement->type != "function"){
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else error(7,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 0 ) return;
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// variable_list -> variable_list , variable | variable
vector<parameters> SemanticAnalyzer::variable_list(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello variable_list"<<endl;
vector<parameters> paramVec;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
parameters param = this->variable(curNode.son[0]);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
vector<parameters> subParam = this->variable_list(curNode.son[0]);
parameters param = this->variable(curNode.son[2]);
for(auto &iter:subParam){
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return paramVec;
// variable -> id id_varpart | id . variable
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::variable(int nodeId){
//bool isRecord = false;
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello variable"<<endl;
parameters variableRet;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
//cout<<idNode.id<<" "<<idNode.stringValue<<endl;
if(curNode.son.size() == 2){
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(searchElement->type != "array" && this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].son.size() == 3){
if(searchElement->type == "procedure" || searchElement->type == "record" ){
else if( searchElement->type == "function" ){
if(this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName == searchElement->name || searchElement->argList.size() == 0){
variableRet.info.arrayType = "function";
variableRet.info.arraySize = searchElement->argList.size();
variableRet.isArray = false;
variableRet.type = searchElement->valueType;
variableRet.name = searchElement->name;
variableRet.declaration = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line;
else error(14,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(searchElement->type == "array"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].son.size() == 3){
variableRet.isArray = true;
variableRet.type = searchElement->valueType;
variableRet.name = searchElement->name;
variableRet.declaration = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line;
else error(5,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(searchElement->type == "const"){
variableRet.info.arrayType = "const";
variableRet.isArray = false;
variableRet.type = searchElement->valueType;//id的type
variableRet.name = searchElement->name;//对应id的name
variableRet.declaration = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line;
variableRet.isArray = false;
variableRet.type = searchElement->valueType;//id的type
variableRet.name = searchElement->name;//对应id的name
variableRet.declaration = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line;
else if(idNode.value == "true" || idNode.value == "false"){
variableRet.isArray = false;
variableRet.type = "boolean";
variableRet.name = idNode.value;
variableRet.declaration = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line;
else error(7,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
// variable -> id . variable
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(searchElement->type != "record") error(16,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,nodeId);
this->symbolTableController.currentTable = this->symbolTableController.locate(searchElement->name);
variableRet = this->variable(curNode.son[2]);
else error(7,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return variableRet;
// id_varpart -> [ expression_list ] | #
void SemanticAnalyzer::id_varpart(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello id_varpart"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
int cnt = 0;
vector<parameters> expVec = this->expression_list(curNode.son[1]);
SyntaxNode ID = this->myTree.nodeList[this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.father].son[0]];
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(ID.stringValue, this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(expVec.size() != searchElement->periodList.size()){
for(auto &iter:expVec){
if(iter.type != "integer"){
int dimension = 0;
for( auto period:searchElement->periodList) {
if(dimension == cnt){
if(iter.info.periodDimension == -1 && ( iter.info.arraySize < period.first || iter.info.arraySize > period.second )){
else if(curNode.son.size() != 0 ) error(2,0,curNode.id);
// procedure_call -> id | id ( expression_list )
void SemanticAnalyzer::procedure_call(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello procedure_call"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if( searchElement->type == "procedure"){
else error(7,idNode.line,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 4){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(searchElement->type == "procedure"){
if(searchElement->argList.size() == 0) error(13,0,curNode.id);
vector<parameters> expressionList = this->expression_list(curNode.son[2]);
vector<string> typeStringList;
vector<string> nameStringList;
for(auto expression:expressionList){
//string returnType = this->symbolTableController.tableLists[idNode.stringValue].returnType;
string returnType = this->symbolTableController.nameTableMap[idNode.stringValue].returnType;
else error(11,idNode.line,curNode.id);
else error(13,idNode.line,curNode.id);
else error(7,idNode.line,curNode.id);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
// else_part -> else statement | #
void SemanticAnalyzer::else_part(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello else_part"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
if(curNode.son.size() != 2 &&curNode.son.size() != 0) error(2,0,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 2) this->statement(curNode.son[1]);
// expression_list -> expression_list , expression | expression
vector<parameters> SemanticAnalyzer::expression_list(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello expression_list"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
vector<parameters> expressionList;
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
parameters expression = this->expression(curNode.son[0]);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
vector<parameters> subexpList = this->expression_list(curNode.son[0]);
parameters expression = this->expression(curNode.son[2]);
for(auto &iter:subexpList){
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return expressionList;
// expression -> simple_expression relop simple_expression | simple_expression
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::expression(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello expression"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
parameters expression;
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
expression = this->simple_expression(curNode.son[0]);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameters sipExp1 = this->simple_expression(curNode.son[0]);
parameters sipExp2 = this->simple_expression(curNode.son[2]);
if(sipExp1.type == sipExp2.type){
if(sipExp1.type == "char" || sipExp1.type == "integer" || sipExp2.type == "real"){
expression.name = "Expression";
expression.type = "boolean";
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(8,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
return expression;
// simple_expression -> simple_expression addop term | term
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::simple_expression(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello simple_expression"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
parameters expression;
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
expression = this->term(curNode.son[0]);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameters subsimExp = this->simple_expression(curNode.son[0]);
parameters subTerm = this->term(curNode.son[2]);
if(subsimExp.type == subTerm.type){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "or"){
if(subsimExp.type == "integer" || subsimExp.type == "boolean"){
expression.name = "Expression";
expression.type = subsimExp.type;
expression.declaration = subsimExp.declaration;
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "+"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "-"){
if(subsimExp.type != "boolean" && subsimExp.type != "char"){
expression.name = "Expression";
expression.type = subsimExp.type;
expression.declaration = subsimExp.declaration;
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(9,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "or") error(9,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else if( (subsimExp.type == "integer" && subTerm.type == "real")
|| (subTerm.type == "integer" && subsimExp.type == "real") ){
expression.name = "Expression";
expression.type = "real";
expression.declaration = subsimExp.declaration;
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return expression;
// term -> term mulop factor | factor
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::term(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello term"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
parameters termParam;
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
termParam = this->factor(curNode.son[0]);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
parameters subTerm = this->term(curNode.son[0]);
parameters subFac = this->factor(curNode.son[2]);
if(subTerm.type == subFac.type){
if(subTerm.type == "boolean"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue != "and") error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "boolean";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else if(subTerm.type == "integer"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "and"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "*"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "div"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "mod"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "/"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "integer";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else error(10,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else if(subTerm.type == "real"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "*"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "/"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "real";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else error(10,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
if(subTerm.type =="integer" && subFac.type =="real"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "*"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "/"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "real";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else error(10,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else if(subTerm.type =="real" && subFac.type =="integer"){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "*"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "mod"
||this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].stringValue == "/"){
termParam.name = "Expression";
termParam.type = "real";
termParam.declaration = subTerm.declaration;
else error(10,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].line,curNode.id);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return termParam;
// factor -> num | variable | id ( expression_list )|
//( expression ) | not factor | uminus factor | 'letter'
parameters SemanticAnalyzer::factor(int nodeId){
// cout<<nodeId<<" hello factor"<<endl;
SyntaxNode curNode = this->myTree.nodeList[nodeId];
parameters facParam;
if(curNode.son.size() == 1){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "num"){
facParam.name = "Expression";
facParam.type = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].numType;
facParam.declaration = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line;
facParam.info.arraySize = atoi(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].value.c_str());
facParam.info.periodDimension = -1;
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "variable"){
SyntaxNode sonNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
SyntaxNode sonsonNode = this->myTree.nodeList[sonNode.son[0]];
parameters varParam = this->variable(curNode.son[0]);
facParam.isArray = true;
facParam.name = varParam.name;
facParam.type = varParam.type;
facParam.declaration = varParam.declaration;
else if(varParam.info.arrayType == "function" && varParam.info.arraySize != 0){
else {
facParam.name = varParam.name;
facParam.type = varParam.type;
facParam.declaration = varParam.declaration;
else error(1,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 2){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "not"){
parameters subFac = this->factor(curNode.son[1]);
if(subFac.type == "boolean" || subFac.type == "integer"){
facParam.type == subFac.type;
facParam.name = "Expression";
facParam.declaration = subFac.declaration;
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].type == "-"){
parameters subFac = this->factor(curNode.son[1]);
if(subFac.type == "real" || subFac.type == "integer"){
facParam.type = subFac.type;
facParam.name = "Expression";
facParam.declaration = subFac.declaration;
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else error(4,this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]].line,curNode.id);
else if(curNode.son.size() == 3){
if(this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[1]].type == "letter"){
SyntaxNode sonNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
facParam.type = "char";
facParam.name = "Expression";
facParam.declaration = sonNode.line;
parameters expParam = this->expression(curNode.son[1]);
facParam.type = expParam.type;
facParam.name = "Expression";
facParam.declaration = expParam.declaration;
//factor -> id ( expression_list )
else if(curNode.son.size() == 4){
SyntaxNode idNode = this->myTree.nodeList[curNode.son[0]];
Argument *searchElement = this->symbolTableController.find(idNode.stringValue,this->symbolTableController.currentTable->tableName);
if(searchElement){ //若找到
if( searchElement->type == "function" ){
vector<parameters> expList = this->expression_list(curNode.son[2]);
vector<string> typeStringList;
vector<string> nameStringList;
for(auto expression:expList){
facParam.type = this->symbolTableController.nameTableMap[idNode.stringValue].returnType;//id函数的返回值
facParam.name = "Expression";
facParam.declaration = idNode.line;
else error(11,idNode.line,curNode.id);
else error(18,idNode.line,curNode.id);
else error(7,idNode.line,curNode.id);
else error(2,0,curNode.id);
return facParam;