This is source code for, based on Refinery CMS. (
$ git clone [email protected]:sg552/
$ cd
$ bundle install
$ cp and edit these files: config folder’s : log4r.yml, database.yml, thin.yml
$ bundle exec rake db:create RAILS_ENV=production
$ (in your mysql) source db/initial_data.sql
$ bundle exec thin start -p 3888 -e production -d (or -C config/thin.yml)
edit config/initializers/blog.rb, core.rb to modify the site titles
then visit localhost:3888/refinery to login,
default user: admin
default password: 123456
Have fun!
Refinery is highly abstracted, which contains 5+ gems and very hard to understand.
I want to make it easy to be maintained or understood.
Just fork and push and send me your pull request.