Releases: JavaPOSWorkingGroup/javapos
JavaPOS 1.12 Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.12 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
In this release
- categories Belt, Gate, ItemDispenser, Lights RFIDScanner has been added
- backward correction for typo in CashChanger 1.11 has been done
- constants has been added to Biometrics, ElectronicJournal, POSPrinter, Scanner
- significant enhancement for MSR regarding authentication and encryption has been done
JavaPOS 1.11 Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.11 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
- (link on is wrong but this file may be downloaded)
In this release
- categories BillAcceptor, BillDispenser has been added
- major backward corrections for Biometrics 1.10 has been done
- new constants E_DEPRECATED, and to FiscalPrinter, Keylock, Scanner has been added
- backward correction for MSR regarding writeTracks parameter type has been done
This releases corresponds to and subsumes the following sub releases (with 0 build number at the end):
The build version must be incremented to '2' due to several manual commit handling failures.
Additionally, from now on the published source jar files of this project are non-empty.
JavaPOS 1.10 Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.9 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
For details how the content is built as part from the original archives, see javapos/
In this release the device categories
- Biometrics
- ElectronicJournal
has been added.
Some constants has been added to MSR, POSPrinter, and Scale.
JavaPOS 1.9 Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.9 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
For details how the content is built as part from the original archives, see javapos/
In this release
- firmware handling related functionality had been added to all categories;
- major backward corrections to SmartCardRW version 1.8 has been done.
JavaPOS 1.8.2 Maintenance Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.8 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
For details how the content is built as part from the original archives, see javapos/
This maintenance release added missing constants for LineDisplay and it added the JposStatisticsConst class.
JavaPOS 1.8 Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.7 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
For details how the content is built as part from the original archives, see javapos/
In this release the device categories
- SmartCardRW
has been added.
JavaPOS 1.7.2 Maintenance Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.7 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
For details how the content is built as part from the original archives, see javapos/
This maintenance release corrected some typos and added lacking constants for CheckScanner, FiscalPrinter, LineDisplay, and POSPrinter.
JavaPOS 1.7 Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.7 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
However, there is no jpos/res/ resource file contained.
For details how the content is built as part from the original archives, see javapos/
In this release the device categories
- CheckScanner
- MotionSensor
has been added.
JavaPOS 1.6 Release
This release corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.6 containing all what is needed to run an JavaPOS application as originally provided by
- and
However, there is no jpos/res/ resource file contained.
For details how the content is built as part from the original archives, see javapos/
Try to Publish to Maven Central
Try to get library published Maven Central.
Source corresponds to JavaPOS version 1.6.
Do not use this release.