In this section we will configure Semantic Kernel and create a couple of plugins to use the DbRetriever we built earlier.
- In Program.cs replace the // TODO: statements on lines 19 and 20 with the following lines of code:
This adds Semantic Kernel to the dependency injection system and adds an Azure OpenAI configured chat completion service. The DbRetriever we created also gets added to the DI container.
- Open the appsettings.Local.json file and paste this additional connection string in the file (make sure to add a comma after the database connection string):
, "OpenAI": "Source=AzureOpenAI;Key=[api key];ChatDeploymentName=gpt-4o;Endpoint=https://[resouce name]"
NOTE: If you want to use OpenAI instead of Azure OpenAI, you will need to use a connection string like this:
,"OpenAI": "Source=OpenAI;ChatModelId=gpt-4o-2024-08-06;ApiKey=[open ai api key]"
At this point, your Azure OpenAI resource should be created.
Go back to the Azure Portal and find your Azure OpenAI resource in the Azure OpenAI Studio tab
Click the Home menu item to see the configuration information. You will need the highlighted items from that page:
Use the Copy API Key button beside the API Key 1 input box to copy it to your clipboard.
Back in VS Code, in the appsettings.Local.json file replace the following:
- [api key] - with the contents of your clipboard
- [resource name] - with the name of the resource shown in the OpenAI studio
Next we will create a couple of plugins that will help Semantic Kernel perform the retrieval for us.
In the PdfChatApp project folder, create a new folder named Plugins and add a file named DbRetrieverPlugin.cs to it.
Paste the following in the DbRetrieverPlugin you just created:
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
using PdfChatApp.Retrievers;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Text.Json;
namespace PdfChatApp.Plugins;
public class DbRetrieverPlugin(DbRetriever retriever)
[KernelFunction, Description("Searches the internal documentation.")]
public async Task<string> RetrieveAsync([Description("User's message"), Required] string question, Kernel kernel)
var searchResults = await retriever.RetrieveLocalAsync(question, 5);
// Only here for demonstration purposes
var resultsAsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(searchResults, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true });
Console.WriteLine("Search string: " + question);
var rag = kernel.Plugins["Prompts"];
var llmResult = await kernel.InvokeAsync(rag["BasicRAG"],
new() {
{ "question", question },
{ "context", JsonSerializer.Serialize(searchResults) }
return llmResult.ToString();
This is a Native Function that Semantic Kernel will use. The RetrieveAsyn()
method uses the DbRetriever
we created earlier to perform a similarity search in Azure SQL. We are currently limiting it to return the top 5 results.
I also have left in the debugging code so you can see the search results when the application is running. Feel free to remove it.
Next we use a Semantic Function named BasicRAG and pass the user's question and search results to call the LLM. Next we need to create that plugin.
In the PdfChatApp project folder, create a new folder named Prompts. In that folder, create a new folder named BasicRAG.
In the BasicRAG folder you just created, create two files:
- config.json
- skprompt.txt
- Open the config.json file and paste the following:
"schema": 1,
"description": "Basic retrieval agumented generation prompt",
"execution_settings": {
"default": {
"max_tokens": 1000,
"temperature": 0.2,
"top_p": 0.2
"input_variables": [
"name": "question",
"description": "User's question",
"required": true
"name": "context",
"description": "Data provided to the LLM to answer the user's question",
"required": true
This file contains the configuration information that will be used in a call to the LLM as well as the definition and description of the input parameters to expect in the template.
- Open the skprompt.txt file and paste the following:
<message role="system">
You are a friendly assitant that helps users find answers to their questions.
Be brief in your answers.
Answer ONLY with the facts listed in the list of given to you.
If there isn't enough information below, say you don't know.
Do not generate answers that don't use the included sources.
<message role="user">
# Sources:
# Question
This file contains a prompt template that will be rendered when it is used and passed the arguments in DbRetrieverPlugin we created above. This is the prompt that is being augmented from the retrieval for the RAG pattern.
NOTE: When you are testing the application, you may want to modify this prompt in order to see how the result quality is effected.
In this section we will implement the ChatBot and connect it to the Program.cs
file so the logic will be called when the application runs.
- In the ChatBot.cs file, replace the all the contents with the following code:
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatCompletion;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.OpenAI;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
using System.Text;
using PdfChatApp.Plugins;
namespace PdfChatApp;
public class ChatBot(Kernel kernel, IChatCompletionService chatCompletionService)
public async Task StartAsync()
OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings openAIPromptExecutionSettings = new()
ToolCallBehavior = ToolCallBehavior.AutoInvokeKernelFunctions,
Temperature = 0.2f,
MaxTokens = 1000
var responseTokens = new StringBuilder();
ChatHistory chatHistory = new ChatHistory("You are a chatbot that can answer questions about the internal documentation."); // Could add "Be brief with your responses."
while (true)
Console.Write("\nUser: ");
var question = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question))
await foreach (var token in chatCompletionService.GetStreamingChatMessageContentsAsync(chatHistory, openAIPromptExecutionSettings, kernel))
This code takes in a Kernel
and IChatCompletionService
for interacting with OpenAI and the plugins we've created.
The kernel.ImportPluginFromPromptDirectory("Prompts");
line imports the semantic function we created to call the LLM with the augmented prompt.
The kernel.ImportPluginFromType<DbRetrieverPlugin>();
imports the DbRetrieverPlugin so it is available for the LLLM to call.
The following code block sets the ToolCallBehavior = ToolCallBehavior.AutoInvokeKernelFunctions
so the LLM can make function calls for us. It also turns the temperature down to be less creative and provides a 1,000 tokens for the maximum size:
OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings openAIPromptExecutionSettings = new()
ToolCallBehavior = ToolCallBehavior.AutoInvokeKernelFunctions,
Temperature = 0.2f,
MaxTokens = 1000
Next we use ChatHistory
to keep track of the conversation - this is a sort of short term memory for the chatbot. In the creation of the ChatHistory
we set the initial System prompt to help provide a persona "You are a chatbot that can answer questions about the internal documentation."
NOTE: You may want to add "Be brief with your responses." to the end of the system prompt to keep it short.
The while loop takes the user's input, passes it to the chatCompletionService.GetStreamingChatMessageContentsAsync()
and writes out the responses as they stream back.
Now we need to connect the ChatBot to the Program.cs file
- In
, replace lines 49 and 50 with the following code:
var chatCompletionService = services.GetRequiredService<IChatCompletionService>();
var kernel = services.GetRequiredService<Kernel>();
var chatBot = new ChatBot(kernel, chatCompletionService);
await chatBot.StartAsync();
This code retrieves the dependencies the ChatBot needs from the DI container, creates the ChatBot and starts it.
- Now add the additional using statements to the top of the Program.cs file:
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.ChatCompletion;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
using PdfChatApp;
using PdfChatApp.Retrievers;
Open the PdfChatApp.csproj, comment out the
<StartArguments>-f assets\semantic-kernel.pdf</StartArguments>
line we uncommented earlier so it will run in chatbot mode. -
Add the following in the bottom ItemGroup:
<None Update="Prompts\BasicRAG\config.json">
<None Update="Prompts\BasicRAG\skprompt.txt">
Like with the sample PDF files and the appsettings.json files, we need to have them copied over when the project builds.
- Build the application to verify there weren't any syntax errors:
dotnet build
If it successfully builds, you are now ready to test it fully.