- Title: What Is ChatGPT Doing...
- Subtitle: ...and Why Does It Work?
- Authors: Stephen Wolfram
- Publication Date: 2023
- Publisher: Wolfram Media Inc.
- ISBN-13: 978-1579550813
- Pages: 102
- Amazon Rating: 4.2 stars
- Goodreads Rating: 3.88 stars
Links: Amazon | Goodreads | Publisher
Nobody expected this—not even its creators: ChatGPT has burst onto the scene as an AI capable of writing at a convincingly human level. But how does it really work? What's going on inside its "AI mind"? In this short book, prominent scientist and computation pioneer Stephen Wolfram provides a readable and engaging explanation that draws on his decades-long unique experience at the frontiers of science and technology. Find out how the success of ChatGPT brings together the latest neural net technology with foundational questions about language and human thought posed by Aristotle more than two thousand years ago.
- It's Just Adding One Word at a Time
- Where Do the Probabilities Come From?
- What Is a Model?
- Models for Human-Like Tasks
- Neural Nets
- Machine Learning, and the Training of Neural Nets
- The Practice and Lore of Neural Net Training
- "Surely a Network That’s Big Enough Can Do Anything!""
- The Concept of Embeddings
- Inside ChatGPT
- The Training of ChatGPT
- Beyond Basic Training
- What Really Lets ChatGPT Work?
- Meaning Space and Semantic Laws of Motion
- Semantic Grammar and the Power of Computational Language
- So ... What Is ChatGPT Doing, and Why Does It Work?