Other versions of "quake official releases lists":
- Quake Version History, Quake Wiki, quake.fandom.com
- History of Quake, Quake Wiki, quake.fandom.com
- Versions of Quake, Quake Wiki, quakewiki.org
- The History and Development of Quake, Quake Wiki, quakewiki.org
- QuakeTalk 95, build 400, gamers.org
- Methos Quake News, Quake History In A Nutshell (archived), methosq.com
- quakeworld.nl File Archive, 3rd.quakeworld.nl
- quake releases, forum.darkside.com.br
- Quake beta/prototype list, betaarchive.com
- Quake files, classicdosgames.com
- Quake Kult Game Downloads, kultcds.com