python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements_test.txt
If you have already a trackers/redmine/ skip this step
cp ./trackers/redmine/ ./trackes/redmine/
Run the tests with
make test
There are four alternatives:
- podman-container: Create the main container using podman
- podman-container-test: Create the container for testing using podman
- docker-container: Create the main container with docker
- docker-container-test: Create the container for testing using docker
make docker-container
The containers created are:
- pms: For the main container
- pms_test: For the testing container
With podman or docker
podman run --rm pms <command>
With podman or docker
podman run --rm pms_test make test
With podman or docker
podman run -ti --rm -v <your_code_path>:/pms pms_test bash
The code is organized in the following way (in alphabetical order):
- db: Database related code. Includes the models, the query class and the filter builder
- docs: Documentation
- formatters: Formatters for the metrics results
- metrics: Metrics related code. Includes the metrics classes and the metrics results. Additionally the column tranformations class
- tests: Tests for the code
- trackers: Trackers related code. Includes redmine and bugzilla
- utils: Utilities for the code