This repository contains the code for predicting polygon side length and area using a CNN architecture and an MLP.
- is the CNN
- is the pytorch dataloader that uses repeated iterators with skipping (See code)
- is the training and testing code for both models. This file has functions to generate random test data, but I have included zip files of large and small polygon datasets, of 500 images each.
- is the MLP
- is a helper file to read the info of the written test files
- generates the training and testing images, which are polygons of random radius, random number of sides from, and of a certain resolution
The testing images are of resolutions 300/600
Here is a sample polygon of image resolution 300 x 300
The best results so far are:
600 x 600:
The model accuracy for predicting the number of sides is 0.99
The root mean-squared error for area predictions is 10101.08
The model accuracy for predicting the number of sides is 0.69
The root mean-squared error for area predictions is 24605.5
300 x 300
The model accuracy for predicting the number of sides is 0.99
The root mean-squared error for area predictions is 4118.26
The model accuracy for predicting the number of sides is 0.9
The root mean-squared error for area predictions is 4460.8