#Open Settings
Ctrl + ,
#New Window Instance
Ctrl + Shift + N
#Close Window
Ctrl + W
#New File
Ctrl + N
#Swap Current Line to the Line Above
Alt + UP
#Swap Current Line to the Line Below
Alt + DOWN
#Cut Current Line or Highlighted lines
Ctrl + X
#Fold Block
Ctrl + Shift + [
#Unfold Block
Ctrl + Shift + ]
#Go to File
Ctrl + P
#Go to Line
Ctrl + G
#Go to previous error or warning
shift + F8
#Switch tab in Current Navigation Group
Ctrl + Tab
#Switch Navigation Group
Ctrl + 1
#Switch with Next Navigation Group
Ctrl + K Right
#Switch with Previous Navigation Group
Ctrl + K Left
#Toggle Sidebar
Ctrl + B
#Open File to the Side
Ctrl + Enter
#Rename highlighted File
#Open Containing Folder
Ctrl + Alt + R
#Highlight and Insert Cursor to the next match term
Ctrl + D
#Highlight and Insert Cursor to all the match term
Ctrl + Shift + L
#Search and Replace
Ctrl + H
#Insert cursor to the Line Above
Shift + Alt + UP
#Insert cursor to the Line Below
Shift + Alt + DOWN
#Add Cursor to Multiple Lines Anywhere
Alt + Mouse Left Click
#Hightlight Current Line
Ctrl + I
#Expand Highlight Line above Current Line
Shift + UP
#Expand Hightlight Line below Current Line
Shift + DOWN
#Expand Highlight to nearest right term
Ctrl + Shift + RIGHT
#Expand Highlight to neartest left term
Ctrl + Shift + LEFT
#Expand Highlight to nearest block
Ctrl + Alt + Right
#Select ALL
Ctrl + A
#Trigger Suggestion to term Near Current Cursor
Ctrl + SPACE
#Trigger Parameter Hint
#Trim trailing whitespace
Ctrl + KCTRL + X
#Show Extensions
Ctrl + SHIFT + X
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + Shift + R
#Debug: Stop
shift + F5
#To quickly search over all files in the currently opened folder
Ctrl + Shift + F
#Add multiple cursors
Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down
#Go to Definition
#Open new terminal
Ctrl + `
#Auto Fix...
Shift + Alt + .
#Go to File...
#Show Command Palette
Ctrl + SHIFT + P
#Toggle line comment
#Select Current Line
Ctrl + L
#Select all occurences of Find match
Alt + Enter
#Show Output panel
Ctrl + SHIFT + U
#Format document
#Toggle word wrap
Alt + Z
#Select all occurrences of current selection
Shift + Ctrl + L
#Show all Symbols
#Jump to matching bracket
Ctrl + SHIFT + \
#Indent Line
Ctrl + ]
#Outdent Line
Ctrl + [
#Navigate editor group history
Ctrl + SHIFT + Tab
#Replace in files
Ctrl+ SHIFT + H