diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 20b80f170..511bd627d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,48 +7,3 @@ This repository serves the content of , which is the d
- :point_right: To **contribute text** follow [our guide rendered by GitBook](https://docs.jabref.org/contributing/how-to-improve-the-help-page).
In case you plan larger contributions, please contact us to gain access to the WYSIWG editor on GitBook itself.
- :point_right: Feel free to **contribute ideas** using the [issue tracker](https://github.com/JabRef/user-documentation/issues).
-## Advanced Contribution Hints
-### How to regenerate `SUMMARY.md` from scratch
-Use .
-### How to find broken links
-1. Install [markdown-link-check](https://github.com/tcort/markdown-link-check): `npm install -g markdown-link check`
-2. `find . -name \*.md -exec markdown-link-check -qq {} \; > bad-links.txt`
-### How to find Markdown errors
-You can use the [markdown-lint docker image](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/markdown-linting-action):
-docker run --rm \
- -v "$(pwd):/tmp/check" \
- -e INPUT_CONFIG=/tmp/check/.markdownlint.yml \
- avtodev/markdown-lint:v1 \
- /tmp/check/en
-Alternatively, you can run the GitHub Lint workflow:
-act --rm --platform ubuntu-latest=fwilhe2/act-runner:latest -W .github/workflows/lint.yaml
-### How to rename files
-The gitbook integration changes some of the file names and appends "(1) (2) (1)" or something like this.
-If one fixes that in the GitHub repository, then the next sync rewrites the names again.
-The only solution we've found so far is manually replacing the images using the GitBook UI:
-Left to the image you have a hamburger with a "replace" option.
-In case GitBook was fixed, with some command line magic, this could be solved:
-1. Create a script renaming all images: `fd -e png -x bash -c "echo '{}' | sed 's/\([^(]*\)\(.*\).png/mv \"\\1\\2.png\" \"\\1.png\"/' | sed 's/ \.png/.png/'" | sort > fix-filenames.sh`.
-2. Execute in `en/.gitbook`. Otherwise, `fd` does not find any file.
-3. Repeat for `gif` instead of `png`.
-4. Create a script doing the renaming in all `.md` files: `fd -e md -x bash -c "echo sed -i '\"s/assets\/\([^%]*\)\(.*\).png/assets\/\\1.png/\"' {}" > fix-mds.sh`.
-5. Execute in the root repository.
-6. Repeat for `gif` instead of `png`.
diff --git a/en/contributing/how-to-improve-the-help-page.md b/en/contributing/how-to-improve-the-help-page.md
index 1971e55c9..8f51cbbef 100644
--- a/en/contributing/how-to-improve-the-help-page.md
+++ b/en/contributing/how-to-improve-the-help-page.md
@@ -48,10 +48,55 @@ Just press the "Create Pull Request" button, and confirm the creation of the req
That's it! The JabRef team will review your changes and publish them on [docs.jabref.org](https://docs.jabref.org).
-## Advanced editing
+## Advanced Contribution Hints
+### Advanced editing
To edit more than one file at a time, add screenshots, and for other more advanced changes, we recommend that you checkout this repository locally and create a Pull Request of your changes using the standard git and GitHub workflow.
### Tables
The best way to enter tables is to use this [Table Generator](http://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown\_tables) for Markdown. It has the nice feature to generate markdown tables from different sources, e.g. you can directly copy the table from a spreadsheet or upload a csv file. Just copy and paste the generated markdown into the documentation.
+### How to regenerate `SUMMARY.md` from scratch
+Use .
+### How to find broken links
+1. Install [markdown-link-check](https://github.com/tcort/markdown-link-check): `npm install -g markdown-link check`
+2. `find . -name \*.md -exec markdown-link-check -qq {} \; > bad-links.txt`
+### How to find Markdown errors
+You can use the [markdown-lint docker image](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/markdown-linting-action):
+docker run --rm \
+ -v "$(pwd):/tmp/check" \
+ -e INPUT_CONFIG=/tmp/check/.markdownlint.yml \
+ avtodev/markdown-lint:v1 \
+ /tmp/check/en
+Alternatively, you can run the GitHub Lint workflow:
+act --rm --platform ubuntu-latest=fwilhe2/act-runner:latest -W .github/workflows/lint.yaml
+### How to rename files
+The gitbook integration changes some of the file names and appends "(1) (2) (1)" or something like this.
+If one fixes that in the GitHub repository, then the next sync rewrites the names again.
+The only solution we've found so far is manually replacing the images using the GitBook UI:
+Left to the image you have a hamburger with a "replace" option.
+In case GitBook was fixed, with some command line magic, this could be solved:
+1. Create a script renaming all images: `fd -e png -x bash -c "echo '{}' | sed 's/\([^(]*\)\(.*\).png/mv \"\\1\\2.png\" \"\\1.png\"/' | sed 's/ \.png/.png/'" | sort > fix-filenames.sh`.
+2. Execute in `en/.gitbook`. Otherwise, `fd` does not find any file.
+3. Repeat for `gif` instead of `png`.
+4. Create a script doing the renaming in all `.md` files: `fd -e md -x bash -c "echo sed -i '\"s/assets\/\([^%]*\)\(.*\).png/assets\/\\1.png/\"' {}" > fix-mds.sh`.
+5. Execute in the root repository.
+6. Repeat for `gif` instead of `png`.