:help c
:help cc
:help C
:help v_c
:help motion.txt
Delete text and change to insert mode to insert new text.
The deleted text goes into the nameless register ""
unless another register is specified. In the examples we will use
register "a
I will give comment after each command so that you get an idea of motions. But read the help for more info as these
are just some examples of many many combinations of the c
command and the motions Vim supports.
cw " change til end of word
c) " change til end of sentence
ciw " change word under cursor
ciW " change WORD under cursor
"acw " change til end of word and and store deleted text in register a
cip " change paragraph around cursor position
cit " change tag under cursor
ci( " change text within parentheses
ca} " change text within curly braces including the curly braces
ci' " change text within the single quotes
ca" " change text within the double quotes including the double quotes
cG " change text til end of file
cgg " change text til start of file
cL " change text til bottom of screen
cg_ " change text til last non-whitespace character in line
<C-v>Gc for demo<ESC>