- Added support for dynamic labels and messages (json urls)
- Added support for shields.io dynamic api
- Added support to customize the dynamic badge style (capitalization, UpperCase, LowerCase, etc.)
- Added a badge status (public and private - with password and more information)
- Added more colors
- Fixed a bug where the badge font color was not changing
- Fixed a bug where the badge auto font color was not working
- Fixed a bug (twice) where the badge icon and the label would touch each other (now the badge width dynamically changes based on the icon)
- Added Case insensitive parameters
Managed to create a new release
- Font Awesome Brands Support added!
- Added Label color support (because why not?)
- Automatic Font Download (No need to copy more than one file Huray!)
- Added error messages (For a better user experience)
- New update notification system (More accurate and less annoying)
- New cache system (Less memory usage)
- HTTP header file name generation added
- New Web UI (Now supports the new features, like the icon picker or the label color picker)
I forgot about the change log 💀💀, but here is my progress:
- Added and testing Fontawesome icons on badge
- Safer and better statistics.php and update reminder
- Maintenance Mode and other error reports added
- Small bug fixea
- Created GUI Visit
- New GUI version created here
- New parameters
- Maintenancemode added (cause I had a big performance drop because of a bug 😪, But I fixed it)
- Added many new parameters and settings
- Added Automatic Update Reminder
- Format (png, jpg, gif) support
- Custom Font color
- AutoFontColor function added
- Improved Github Page
- Added created statistics.php
- Bugs fixed
Started with the Project
First structure
Added Basic elements
Added Parameter support
Added Statistics support
Added Basic elements
Added Parameter support
Added Statistics support