Design pattern implemented types are:
Structural (relations between classes),
Creational (creating objects),
Behavioural (allowing changes at runtime).
I have added explanations and circle prevention in the hierarchy of Composite DP.
Class Adapter, Object Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Proxy,
Flyweight (Python project at its own repository).
Factory, Abstruct Factory, Prototype, Singelton, Builder,
Builder_immutebale_object + IOC (=inversion_of_control - user control).
Observer, State.
(not implemented but important, a reminder:
Command (encapsulation, and save commands to later use),
Strategy (change algorithm behavior at runtime),
Interpreter(used with language/math understanding)).
To my use, if ever needed:
Added three files, the first one with some examples of STL (Standard Template Library) usage,
the second contains the implementations of CCTOR (copy constructor) and the like,